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  • Commentary

    Business & Economics

    Piracy: Yet 1 more reason for drilling

    Somali pirates recently seized the Sirius Star, a supertanker headed for North America with 2 million barrels of oil. In the process, the pirates unwittingly strengthened the case for more domestic oil production in this country. Shipping oil across vast oceans is a dangerous business. Tankers run aground and spill ...
    Business & Economics

    Impact – November 2008

    PRI Ideas in Action – November 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF
    Business & Economics

    Letter: Litigation costs hurt Bay State doctors, hospitals

    To the editor: Kudos for your Nov. 20 editorial on the devastating impact of rising malpractice insurance premiums and defensive medicine costs on the North Shore Birth Center and other medical facilities in Massachusetts. (“Birth Center’s problems highlight need for tort reform”). Defensive medicine is not just a problem in ...
    Business & Economics

    Decision against Wyeth would clog courts

    Regarding “Wyeth should win/Otherwise, a bad case will make bad law” (Editorial, Nov. 17): Your editorial on the ramifications of a ruling against Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for the U.S. health care system was right on the money, particularly regarding the potential for a torrent of frivolous and wasteful lawsuits. A decision ...
    Business & Economics

    Will Electric Cars Jolt California’s Economy?

    With the support of Governor Schwarzenegger, the mayors of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose last week announced a $1-billion joint plan to make the Bay Area “the electric-vehicle capital of the world.” The announcement follows President-elect Obama’s pledge to reinvigorate the nation’s economy with millions of “green collar” jobs. ...
    Business & Economics

    Is The Big Three Crisis Obama’s PATCO?

    President-elect Obama faces serious economic challenges, including demands for a bailout of the Big Three automakers. America’s new president can find lessons in the way Ronald Reagan, the last president to assume office amidst such turmoil, handled a similar labor-dominated crisis. Ronald Reagan, the first union leader to be president ...
    Business & Economics

    San Francisco Tax Hike Cannot Help Public Health Bureaucracy

    Don’t get me wrong: of all the various byzantine agencies that comprise the massive (and growing) government intervention in American health care, counties’ public-health agencies are probably my favorite (or, perhaps to assuage the arch-libertarian readers, “the least harmful”). They do things like inspecting restaurants for cleanliness, watching out for ...

    Medicaid Contributes To Medical Bankruptcy

    The Wall Street Journal ran a disturbing story about the increasing number of people unable to pay medical bills. Some are even having to sell homes in a bad market to raise cash. Of course, the health care and political elites always interpret such harrowing tales as signals to increase ...

    PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32

    PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32 San Francisco – California needs a more rational and responsible approach to energy-policy in order to reduce regulatory uncertainty in the marketplace and attract new investment, according to a Pacific Research Institute report released today. Lights On: California Energy Policy ...

    Rx for healthcare: Do no harm

    Caroline, an American, met her soul-mate in graduate school. After she and her beloved earned their degrees, they married and decided to begin their life together in her husband’s native Germany. That was last year. Caroline has dealt, all her life, with a condition known as interstitial cystitis. An extremely ...
    Business & Economics

    Piracy: Yet 1 more reason for drilling

    Somali pirates recently seized the Sirius Star, a supertanker headed for North America with 2 million barrels of oil. In the process, the pirates unwittingly strengthened the case for more domestic oil production in this country. Shipping oil across vast oceans is a dangerous business. Tankers run aground and spill ...
    Business & Economics

    Impact – November 2008

    PRI Ideas in Action – November 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF
    Business & Economics

    Letter: Litigation costs hurt Bay State doctors, hospitals

    To the editor: Kudos for your Nov. 20 editorial on the devastating impact of rising malpractice insurance premiums and defensive medicine costs on the North Shore Birth Center and other medical facilities in Massachusetts. (“Birth Center’s problems highlight need for tort reform”). Defensive medicine is not just a problem in ...
    Business & Economics

    Decision against Wyeth would clog courts

    Regarding “Wyeth should win/Otherwise, a bad case will make bad law” (Editorial, Nov. 17): Your editorial on the ramifications of a ruling against Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for the U.S. health care system was right on the money, particularly regarding the potential for a torrent of frivolous and wasteful lawsuits. A decision ...
    Business & Economics

    Will Electric Cars Jolt California’s Economy?

    With the support of Governor Schwarzenegger, the mayors of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose last week announced a $1-billion joint plan to make the Bay Area “the electric-vehicle capital of the world.” The announcement follows President-elect Obama’s pledge to reinvigorate the nation’s economy with millions of “green collar” jobs. ...
    Business & Economics

    Is The Big Three Crisis Obama’s PATCO?

    President-elect Obama faces serious economic challenges, including demands for a bailout of the Big Three automakers. America’s new president can find lessons in the way Ronald Reagan, the last president to assume office amidst such turmoil, handled a similar labor-dominated crisis. Ronald Reagan, the first union leader to be president ...
    Business & Economics

    San Francisco Tax Hike Cannot Help Public Health Bureaucracy

    Don’t get me wrong: of all the various byzantine agencies that comprise the massive (and growing) government intervention in American health care, counties’ public-health agencies are probably my favorite (or, perhaps to assuage the arch-libertarian readers, “the least harmful”). They do things like inspecting restaurants for cleanliness, watching out for ...

    Medicaid Contributes To Medical Bankruptcy

    The Wall Street Journal ran a disturbing story about the increasing number of people unable to pay medical bills. Some are even having to sell homes in a bad market to raise cash. Of course, the health care and political elites always interpret such harrowing tales as signals to increase ...

    PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32

    PRI’s California Energy Survey Assesses Potential Impact of AB 32 San Francisco – California needs a more rational and responsible approach to energy-policy in order to reduce regulatory uncertainty in the marketplace and attract new investment, according to a Pacific Research Institute report released today. Lights On: California Energy Policy ...

    Rx for healthcare: Do no harm

    Caroline, an American, met her soul-mate in graduate school. After she and her beloved earned their degrees, they married and decided to begin their life together in her husband’s native Germany. That was last year. Caroline has dealt, all her life, with a condition known as interstitial cystitis. An extremely ...