

The Ultimate Price Of Government Price Controls

Democrats have nudged the U.S. healthcare system closer to Canadian-style socialism with their recently signed, and dubiously named, Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA will impose a collection of price caps on prescription drugs. Canada has long forcibly controlled drug prices—and thereby deprived patients of access to cutting-edge care. The story ...

Californians About to Be Served Restaurant Closures With a Side of Higher Prices

A bill that would forever change the restaurant industry is being sharpened in anticipation of a vote in Sacramento. Should it become law, it would likely increase food prices through a de facto tax on meals. In an era of steep inflation, low- and middle-income families might find themselves a ...

D.C. wants to make cancer patients wait for treatment

The powers that be in Washington are renewing their campaign to gain greater control over Americans’ ability to access life-saving drugs. Lawmakers and regulators alike have decided to wage war on one of the few components of our health care system that works well — the Food and Drug Administration’s ...

What we need from our post-Fauci public health officials

Dr. Anthony Fauci announced this week that he will step down from his posts as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden at the end of the year. Just days earlier, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control ...

In the physician shortage, there’s a solution patients agree with — but the laws don’t

The quickest way to get less of something is to regulate it. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the health sector, which suffers from a chronic shortage of physicians, particularly in primary care. And it’s about to get worse. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the United States ...

The Electric Car Snow Job

By Andrew Fillat & Henry Miller The United States is being taken for a very expensive ride by an unholy alliance between climate ideologues and business opportunists, who have exerted undue influence over public opinion and government institutions in the name of climate change. The misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, signed ...

Housing First programs aren’t working

By Wayne Winegarden & Kerry Jackson Project Homekey, California’s answer to its homelessness troubles, came with great promises. But like many government plans before it, it’s fallen short, and isn’t likely to recover. California’s homeless population exploded from about 114,000 in 2014 to more than 161,000 in 2020, the most ...

Inflation Reduction Act Nightmare Targets Life-Saving Meds

President Joe Biden returned from vacation in South Carolina this week to sign the Inflation Reduction Act into law. The country would have been better off had he stayed at the beach. The IRA includes a combination of massive tax increases, innovation-destroying price controls, and debt-funded spending commitments. That might be music to the ears ...

VA issues illustrate pitfalls of government health care

In the fall of 2020, a patient in Augusta, Georgia, went to the local Veterans Affairs medical center for a minimally invasive urologic surgery, according to a new report from the VA’s Office of Inspector General. Less than two weeks later, the OIG reports, he was dead. The Inspector General ...

Medicare for All Wouldn’t Have Saved Us From COVID

Could Medicare for All have averted more than 330,000 deaths over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic? That’s the claim of a new study published by 10 researchers from four different universities in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To arrive at their figures, the authors compared the mortality ...

The Ultimate Price Of Government Price Controls

Democrats have nudged the U.S. healthcare system closer to Canadian-style socialism with their recently signed, and dubiously named, Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA will impose a collection of price caps on prescription drugs. Canada has long forcibly controlled drug prices—and thereby deprived patients of access to cutting-edge care. The story ...

Californians About to Be Served Restaurant Closures With a Side of Higher Prices

A bill that would forever change the restaurant industry is being sharpened in anticipation of a vote in Sacramento. Should it become law, it would likely increase food prices through a de facto tax on meals. In an era of steep inflation, low- and middle-income families might find themselves a ...

D.C. wants to make cancer patients wait for treatment

The powers that be in Washington are renewing their campaign to gain greater control over Americans’ ability to access life-saving drugs. Lawmakers and regulators alike have decided to wage war on one of the few components of our health care system that works well — the Food and Drug Administration’s ...

What we need from our post-Fauci public health officials

Dr. Anthony Fauci announced this week that he will step down from his posts as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden at the end of the year. Just days earlier, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control ...

In the physician shortage, there’s a solution patients agree with — but the laws don’t

The quickest way to get less of something is to regulate it. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the health sector, which suffers from a chronic shortage of physicians, particularly in primary care. And it’s about to get worse. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the United States ...

The Electric Car Snow Job

By Andrew Fillat & Henry Miller The United States is being taken for a very expensive ride by an unholy alliance between climate ideologues and business opportunists, who have exerted undue influence over public opinion and government institutions in the name of climate change. The misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, signed ...

Housing First programs aren’t working

By Wayne Winegarden & Kerry Jackson Project Homekey, California’s answer to its homelessness troubles, came with great promises. But like many government plans before it, it’s fallen short, and isn’t likely to recover. California’s homeless population exploded from about 114,000 in 2014 to more than 161,000 in 2020, the most ...

Inflation Reduction Act Nightmare Targets Life-Saving Meds

President Joe Biden returned from vacation in South Carolina this week to sign the Inflation Reduction Act into law. The country would have been better off had he stayed at the beach. The IRA includes a combination of massive tax increases, innovation-destroying price controls, and debt-funded spending commitments. That might be music to the ears ...

VA issues illustrate pitfalls of government health care

In the fall of 2020, a patient in Augusta, Georgia, went to the local Veterans Affairs medical center for a minimally invasive urologic surgery, according to a new report from the VA’s Office of Inspector General. Less than two weeks later, the OIG reports, he was dead. The Inspector General ...

Medicare for All Wouldn’t Have Saved Us From COVID

Could Medicare for All have averted more than 330,000 deaths over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic? That’s the claim of a new study published by 10 researchers from four different universities in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To arrive at their figures, the authors compared the mortality ...
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