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  • Commentary

    Business & Economics

    Why can’t I redistribute my own wealth?

    So Barack Obama got elected president of the United States, allegedly the freest country in the world and in human history, partly on the promise that he will redistribute a goodly portion of our wealth, yours and mine and everyone else’s. But why on earth does that make him a ...
    Business & Economics

    The SEC Makes Wall Street More Fraudulent

    The mainstream reaction to the Bernard Madoff scandal was inevitable. Whenever a government regulatory agency proves itself to be incredibly incompetent or corrupt, the respectable media swoop in to declare that the “free market” has failed and the agency in question obviously needs more money and power. Whether it’s the ...

    Foundations take active role on health policy

    Los Angeles Times, January 5, 2009 Nonprofits have dropped their usual detachment to crusade for healthcare reform in California, opening Sacramento offices staffed by former aides to lawmakers. They have to be careful about IRS rules. Reporting from Sacramento — Frustrated that years of financing studies and demonstration projects have ...
    Business & Economics

    Western Standard’s “Liberty 100” Top 75 for 2008

    To recognize the work of Canadians who have advanced economic and personal liberty in 2008, the Western Standard has produced “Liberty 100,” a list of the top 100 friends of liberty in Canada. You can find the Top 10 from the “Liberty 100” here. Ezra Levant was our #1 pick ...

    How to Stamp Out Christmas

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — On cue, California jumped into the yearly fray over why Christmas symbols and carols get banned from schools and other public places, when that well-known religious radical, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, ignited a controversy by pointedly calling the state’s official “holiday” tree its “Christmas” tree instead. Schwarzenegger is ...

    Prevention no cure-all to cut health-care costs

    Guest Opinion As health-care costs spiral upward, pundits and patients alike have scrambled for someone – or something – to blame. Chronic diseases, greedy drug companies and profiteering hospitals and insurance companies seem to top the list of suspects. But there’s a new disease that deserves to be included on ...

    Don’t Fall Prey to Five Common Healthcare Myths

    President-elect Barack Obama has promised to make healthcare reform a top priority. But in order to follow through, Obama and lawmakers on Capitol Hill must reject some longstanding misconceptions about health care in this country. Here are five such myths. Each is widely repeated, deeply held – and dead wrong. ...

    Teachers Have Options Outside of Forced Unionism

    Charter School Business, January 1, 2009 | Print Version The Association of American Educators, along with the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, kicked off a back-to-school season campaign this fall to inform teachers and the public about the many organizations that give them insurance and benefits—all without the ...
    Business & Economics

    The perils of chasing smoke stacks – and bank assets

    The financial bailout is built on the premise that politicians will correctly pick which firms to aid. This approach, unfortunately, has a long track record of failure. Consider the practice of state and local officials picking winners and losers with incentive packages designed to lure businesses to their communities. A ...

    Hawaii Seeking More Money for Health Plan

    Health Care News (Heartland Institute), January 1, 2009 A 9 percent jump in enrollment is forcing Hawaii’s state government to consider ways to increase funding for its taxpayer-funded health coverage program. Officials from Hawaii’s Department of Human Services say the enrollment spike in Med-Quest, the state’s Medicaid managed care program, ...
    Business & Economics

    Why can’t I redistribute my own wealth?

    So Barack Obama got elected president of the United States, allegedly the freest country in the world and in human history, partly on the promise that he will redistribute a goodly portion of our wealth, yours and mine and everyone else’s. But why on earth does that make him a ...
    Business & Economics

    The SEC Makes Wall Street More Fraudulent

    The mainstream reaction to the Bernard Madoff scandal was inevitable. Whenever a government regulatory agency proves itself to be incredibly incompetent or corrupt, the respectable media swoop in to declare that the “free market” has failed and the agency in question obviously needs more money and power. Whether it’s the ...

    Foundations take active role on health policy

    Los Angeles Times, January 5, 2009 Nonprofits have dropped their usual detachment to crusade for healthcare reform in California, opening Sacramento offices staffed by former aides to lawmakers. They have to be careful about IRS rules. Reporting from Sacramento — Frustrated that years of financing studies and demonstration projects have ...
    Business & Economics

    Western Standard’s “Liberty 100” Top 75 for 2008

    To recognize the work of Canadians who have advanced economic and personal liberty in 2008, the Western Standard has produced “Liberty 100,” a list of the top 100 friends of liberty in Canada. You can find the Top 10 from the “Liberty 100” here. Ezra Levant was our #1 pick ...

    How to Stamp Out Christmas

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — On cue, California jumped into the yearly fray over why Christmas symbols and carols get banned from schools and other public places, when that well-known religious radical, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, ignited a controversy by pointedly calling the state’s official “holiday” tree its “Christmas” tree instead. Schwarzenegger is ...

    Prevention no cure-all to cut health-care costs

    Guest Opinion As health-care costs spiral upward, pundits and patients alike have scrambled for someone – or something – to blame. Chronic diseases, greedy drug companies and profiteering hospitals and insurance companies seem to top the list of suspects. But there’s a new disease that deserves to be included on ...

    Don’t Fall Prey to Five Common Healthcare Myths

    President-elect Barack Obama has promised to make healthcare reform a top priority. But in order to follow through, Obama and lawmakers on Capitol Hill must reject some longstanding misconceptions about health care in this country. Here are five such myths. Each is widely repeated, deeply held – and dead wrong. ...

    Teachers Have Options Outside of Forced Unionism

    Charter School Business, January 1, 2009 | Print Version The Association of American Educators, along with the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, kicked off a back-to-school season campaign this fall to inform teachers and the public about the many organizations that give them insurance and benefits—all without the ...
    Business & Economics

    The perils of chasing smoke stacks – and bank assets

    The financial bailout is built on the premise that politicians will correctly pick which firms to aid. This approach, unfortunately, has a long track record of failure. Consider the practice of state and local officials picking winners and losers with incentive packages designed to lure businesses to their communities. A ...

    Hawaii Seeking More Money for Health Plan

    Health Care News (Heartland Institute), January 1, 2009 A 9 percent jump in enrollment is forcing Hawaii’s state government to consider ways to increase funding for its taxpayer-funded health coverage program. Officials from Hawaii’s Department of Human Services say the enrollment spike in Med-Quest, the state’s Medicaid managed care program, ...
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