Business & Economics
Pattern is playing out again
There is no doubt that the United States and much of the world are in perilous economic times. Sensing opportunity in crisis, many left-leaning politicians and experts, including President-elect Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, are calling for a potentially massive expansion of the state without explaining how such action ...
Jason Clemens
January 23, 2009
Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying for State Take-Over of Health Care?
Last January, governor Schwarzenegger’s expensive and unwieldy proposal for so-called “universal” health care finally gasped its last breath, after a long year of lobbying and coalition-building by the governor’s team. Good thing, too, as I wrote at the time. But those who advocated it are more active than ever. Daniel ...
John R. Graham
January 22, 2009
Business & Economics
Governor’s tort reform will yield jobs
I commend Gov. Sonny Perdue for his efforts to enact meaningful tort reform in Georgia (“Perdue says tort reform needed,” Jan. 14). During this time of economic crisis, no state can afford to endure the unnecessary costs of an inefficient tort system. Excess litigation cost America’s economy $589 billion in ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
January 22, 2009
Business & Economics
Union stand could boost GOP clout
NOW that President Obama is settling into office, there is an issue Democrats will be forced to face: Is card check certification Obama’s Hillary Care? The answer to this question will have profound consequences for the Democratic Party, the labor movement that invested huge sums of money in the 2008 ...
Jason Clemens
January 21, 2009
The Unseen Culprits in America’s Financial Crisis
To the long list of villains in America’s unfolding economic crisis … the politicians who encouraged risky lending, the bankers who bundled questionable mortgages into marketable securities, and the ratings agencies that gave inflated grades to sub-par debt … add the thousands of supposedly responsible citizens who served as volunteers ...
Lewis M. Andrews
January 21, 2009
Government Planning Makes Long-Term Planning Impossible
I envy the good people of Massachusetts at least one thing: (in my humble opinion) the Boston Globe has the best coverage of local health policy. (Pity me, I’m stuck with the Los Angeles Times, and its kin.) Prompted by the BoGlo’s coverage of out-of-control health-care spending in the wake ...
John R. Graham
January 21, 2009
California School Days
Education: California Gov. Schwarzenegger is at odds with his school superintendent over how long the academic year should be. But is educational success, key to global competition, a matter of time, money or choice? The argument over what to do about America’s struggling schools is still raging. Programs such as ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 21, 2009
Kids Need More School Choice
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposes shortening the school year by five days to save $1.1 billion and help shrink the state’s $42-billion deficit. State superintendent Jack O’Connell opposes the idea, declaring that a longer school year is needed to prepare students for “the competitive global economy.” International evidence, however, overwhelmingly ...
Vicki E. Murray
January 21, 2009
Lessons from States with “Universal” Health Care
Last January, governor Schwarzenegger’s expensive and unwieldy proposal for so-called “universal” health care finally gasped its last breath, after a long year of lobbying and coalition-building by the governor’s team. A year later, in 2009, legislators should attempt to learn from two states that have legislated “universal” care. Hawaii imposed ...
John R. Graham
January 21, 2009
Hospitals’ “Triple Whammy” Demands Reform
The Los Angeles Times reports that California hospitals are suffering a fiscal “triple whammy”: their investments are in the tank; they cannot borrow money in today’s frozen credit markets; and operating revenues have collapsed. Like I wrote in my analysis of Gov. Schwarzenegger’s failed health reform, hospitals’ finances are not ...
John R. Graham
January 20, 2009
Pattern is playing out again
There is no doubt that the United States and much of the world are in perilous economic times. Sensing opportunity in crisis, many left-leaning politicians and experts, including President-elect Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, are calling for a potentially massive expansion of the state without explaining how such action ...
Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying for State Take-Over of Health Care?
Last January, governor Schwarzenegger’s expensive and unwieldy proposal for so-called “universal” health care finally gasped its last breath, after a long year of lobbying and coalition-building by the governor’s team. Good thing, too, as I wrote at the time. But those who advocated it are more active than ever. Daniel ...
Governor’s tort reform will yield jobs
I commend Gov. Sonny Perdue for his efforts to enact meaningful tort reform in Georgia (“Perdue says tort reform needed,” Jan. 14). During this time of economic crisis, no state can afford to endure the unnecessary costs of an inefficient tort system. Excess litigation cost America’s economy $589 billion in ...
Union stand could boost GOP clout
NOW that President Obama is settling into office, there is an issue Democrats will be forced to face: Is card check certification Obama’s Hillary Care? The answer to this question will have profound consequences for the Democratic Party, the labor movement that invested huge sums of money in the 2008 ...
The Unseen Culprits in America’s Financial Crisis
To the long list of villains in America’s unfolding economic crisis … the politicians who encouraged risky lending, the bankers who bundled questionable mortgages into marketable securities, and the ratings agencies that gave inflated grades to sub-par debt … add the thousands of supposedly responsible citizens who served as volunteers ...
Government Planning Makes Long-Term Planning Impossible
I envy the good people of Massachusetts at least one thing: (in my humble opinion) the Boston Globe has the best coverage of local health policy. (Pity me, I’m stuck with the Los Angeles Times, and its kin.) Prompted by the BoGlo’s coverage of out-of-control health-care spending in the wake ...
California School Days
Education: California Gov. Schwarzenegger is at odds with his school superintendent over how long the academic year should be. But is educational success, key to global competition, a matter of time, money or choice? The argument over what to do about America’s struggling schools is still raging. Programs such as ...
Kids Need More School Choice
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposes shortening the school year by five days to save $1.1 billion and help shrink the state’s $42-billion deficit. State superintendent Jack O’Connell opposes the idea, declaring that a longer school year is needed to prepare students for “the competitive global economy.” International evidence, however, overwhelmingly ...
Lessons from States with “Universal” Health Care
Last January, governor Schwarzenegger’s expensive and unwieldy proposal for so-called “universal” health care finally gasped its last breath, after a long year of lobbying and coalition-building by the governor’s team. A year later, in 2009, legislators should attempt to learn from two states that have legislated “universal” care. Hawaii imposed ...
Hospitals’ “Triple Whammy” Demands Reform
The Los Angeles Times reports that California hospitals are suffering a fiscal “triple whammy”: their investments are in the tank; they cannot borrow money in today’s frozen credit markets; and operating revenues have collapsed. Like I wrote in my analysis of Gov. Schwarzenegger’s failed health reform, hospitals’ finances are not ...