Charge health insurance equally
January President Barack Obama and his new health czar, former U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle, have promised big changes for our health care system. In a number of states, though, many of their government-heavy ideas have already been tried — and failed. Paramount among the proposed changes are “guaranteed issue” and ...
John R. Graham
January 30, 2009
Health-care budget realities
Before President-elect Barack Obama attempts to overhaul America’s health-care system and put us on the road toward “universal” coverage, he should have a chat with his new budget director, Peter Orszag. As former head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the agency responsible for estimating the cost of federal legislation, ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 30, 2009
The Weekly Education Round-Up: Lessons on Liberal Education Policies
American Issues Project, January 29, 2009 Editor’s note: AIP’s weekly feature is back. If you have suggestions for education news that should be included in this weekly update, please post a comment to the post below or send us a message via Twitter (@AmericanIssues). From court rulings to overspending, the ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 29, 2009
Business & Economics
Governor’s Entrepreneurship Conference offers recommendations
To find out which state policies California’s small-business owners would like to change, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently convened a two-day conference in Los Angeles. Greater government dependency and intervention will reduce innovation, economic growth and job creation. Or, as Albert Einstein said, “Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.” ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
January 29, 2009
Business & Economics
Don’t let trial lawyers overdose on drug suits
President Barack Obama shattered some old paradigms for how to finance a campaign. But he and his Democratic colleagues stuck to the script when it comes to leaning on trial lawyers for campaign cash. During this last election season, federal Democratic candidates collected more than $136 million from lawyers, the ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 29, 2009
Honor Friedman by allowing students to be ‘free to choose’
Orange County Register – California Focus, January 29, 2009 William E. Simon Foundation, February 11, 2009 The late economist believed in schools competing for students. On this date two years ago, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed Milton Friedman Day in California to honor the late Nobel Prize-winning economist and the governor’s ...
Vicki E. Murray
January 29, 2009
Business & Economics
Some Stimulating Reading
Some Stimulating Reading With the bloated, ramshackle, pork-laden, grotesque corruption of a “stimulus bill” now headed to the U.S. Senate, here’s a handy list of arguments and sources as we debate America’s new lurch towards European-style social democracy: The Pacific Research Institute’s Robert Murphy explains the economic-policy mistake that underlies ...
John Hood
January 29, 2009
Lessons from Virginia to California
Sacramento Union, January 28, 2009 Last week, the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, along with the Black Alliance for Education Options, released a new survey on parents’ views about educational choice. The survey was given to residents throughout Petersburg, Norfolk and Richmond, Va., but the results speak volumes to ...
Evelyn B. Stacey
January 28, 2009
Business & Economics
CNBC News – Central Bank’s Next Move
What to expect from the Fed, with Michelle Girard, RBS Greenwich Capital and Lee Hoskins former Cleveland Federal Reserve president, senior fellow at Pacific Research Institute.
Pacific Research Institute
January 28, 2009
The CTA’s radio ads: Don’t believe a word of ’em
I was going to do a post dissecting the CTA’s absurd radio ads claiming that schools had faced billions of dollars in cuts in recent years — not true — and saying state schools had the worst funding in the nation — not true. But Vicki Murrary of the Pacific ...
Chris Reed
January 27, 2009
Charge health insurance equally
January President Barack Obama and his new health czar, former U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle, have promised big changes for our health care system. In a number of states, though, many of their government-heavy ideas have already been tried — and failed. Paramount among the proposed changes are “guaranteed issue” and ...
Health-care budget realities
Before President-elect Barack Obama attempts to overhaul America’s health-care system and put us on the road toward “universal” coverage, he should have a chat with his new budget director, Peter Orszag. As former head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the agency responsible for estimating the cost of federal legislation, ...
The Weekly Education Round-Up: Lessons on Liberal Education Policies
American Issues Project, January 29, 2009 Editor’s note: AIP’s weekly feature is back. If you have suggestions for education news that should be included in this weekly update, please post a comment to the post below or send us a message via Twitter (@AmericanIssues). From court rulings to overspending, the ...
Governor’s Entrepreneurship Conference offers recommendations
To find out which state policies California’s small-business owners would like to change, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently convened a two-day conference in Los Angeles. Greater government dependency and intervention will reduce innovation, economic growth and job creation. Or, as Albert Einstein said, “Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.” ...
Don’t let trial lawyers overdose on drug suits
President Barack Obama shattered some old paradigms for how to finance a campaign. But he and his Democratic colleagues stuck to the script when it comes to leaning on trial lawyers for campaign cash. During this last election season, federal Democratic candidates collected more than $136 million from lawyers, the ...
Honor Friedman by allowing students to be ‘free to choose’
Orange County Register – California Focus, January 29, 2009 William E. Simon Foundation, February 11, 2009 The late economist believed in schools competing for students. On this date two years ago, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed Milton Friedman Day in California to honor the late Nobel Prize-winning economist and the governor’s ...
Some Stimulating Reading
Some Stimulating Reading With the bloated, ramshackle, pork-laden, grotesque corruption of a “stimulus bill” now headed to the U.S. Senate, here’s a handy list of arguments and sources as we debate America’s new lurch towards European-style social democracy: The Pacific Research Institute’s Robert Murphy explains the economic-policy mistake that underlies ...
Lessons from Virginia to California
Sacramento Union, January 28, 2009 Last week, the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, along with the Black Alliance for Education Options, released a new survey on parents’ views about educational choice. The survey was given to residents throughout Petersburg, Norfolk and Richmond, Va., but the results speak volumes to ...
CNBC News – Central Bank’s Next Move
What to expect from the Fed, with Michelle Girard, RBS Greenwich Capital and Lee Hoskins former Cleveland Federal Reserve president, senior fellow at Pacific Research Institute.
The CTA’s radio ads: Don’t believe a word of ’em
I was going to do a post dissecting the CTA’s absurd radio ads claiming that schools had faced billions of dollars in cuts in recent years — not true — and saying state schools had the worst funding in the nation — not true. But Vicki Murrary of the Pacific ...