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  • Commentary

    Business & Economics

    “Do You Austrians Have a Better Idea?”

    A lot of people get annoyed with Austrian economists because they tend to be so dogmatic (we prefer the term consistent) and because they cloak their strictly economic claims with self-righteousness (we prefer the term morality). After a good Austrian bashing of the latest call to steal taxpayer money and ...

    Health care myths obstruct reform

    As a retired physician and a conservative, I sometimes feel like a voice in the wilderness in this era of liberalism. Our nation is an enigma. When times are good, we do all we can to get government out of our lives; but when times are bad, we jump back ...
    Business & Economics

    Houston’s Wi-Fi, ‘Bubble’ Plan Both Fail

    The city of Houston’s plan for municipal wi-fi began with the best of intentions: A grand plan to blanket the city with a wireless “cloud” providing cheap Internet access for the masses. When that project failed in 2007, as it has in many other places, the city turned to a ...

    International Medical Tourism Is on the Rise

    Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 More Americans than ever are traveling abroad for medical treatment, according to a study released by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, a Washington, DC-based organization that researches health care and public health-related issues. Approximately 750,000 Americans traveled abroad ...
    Business & Economics

    Google CEO Calls for Government Tech Money

    As the U.S. government was scurrying to find ways to bail out some of the nation’s largest companies, Google CEO Eric Schmidt criticized economic freedom and said the rescue plans should be used to support new telecommunications infrastructure and solve longstanding innovation issues. “Let’s not just have bailout programs,” Schmidt ...

    Grassley Seeks Probe of Unapproved Drugs

    A longtime member of Congress is asking the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to investigate nearly $200 million the government has spent on unauthorized drugs for Medicaid enrollees since 2004. The drug purchases were discovered during an investigation conducted by the Associated Press. Policy analysts say the lack ...
    Climate Change

    California Board Approves Anti-Global Warming Plan

    The California Air Resources Board has set a powerful regulatory force in motion by approving an outline for meeting the carbon dioxide reductions required by a state law aimed at combating global warming. The outline, known as a “scoping plan,” is required by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. ...

    Jindal Proposes Sweeping Medicaid Overhaul

    Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) has unveiled a proposal for overhauling the state’s Medicaid program, altering both its funding and delivery. “It is time for us to do something different, and dramatically different,” said the state’s Health and Hospitals ...

    Consumer-Directed Health Care Plan Falls Short in Arizona

    Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 EMaxHealth, February 1, 2009 After a lengthy post-election ballot-counting process, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office announced Proposition 101, a groundbreaking initiative proponents say would have enshrined consumer-directed health care into the state’s constitution by preventing government from forcing ...
    Business & Economics

    Some Governments Fail to Learn from Muni Wi-fi Failures

    Municipal wi-fi programs have failed across the country during the past two years, leaving San Francisco-based Meraki as one of few companies still willing to give it a go. As a result, tech experts are cautioning cities against getting wooed into providing “free” wi-fi again. “Muni wi-fi isn’t working because ...
    Business & Economics

    “Do You Austrians Have a Better Idea?”

    A lot of people get annoyed with Austrian economists because they tend to be so dogmatic (we prefer the term consistent) and because they cloak their strictly economic claims with self-righteousness (we prefer the term morality). After a good Austrian bashing of the latest call to steal taxpayer money and ...

    Health care myths obstruct reform

    As a retired physician and a conservative, I sometimes feel like a voice in the wilderness in this era of liberalism. Our nation is an enigma. When times are good, we do all we can to get government out of our lives; but when times are bad, we jump back ...
    Business & Economics

    Houston’s Wi-Fi, ‘Bubble’ Plan Both Fail

    The city of Houston’s plan for municipal wi-fi began with the best of intentions: A grand plan to blanket the city with a wireless “cloud” providing cheap Internet access for the masses. When that project failed in 2007, as it has in many other places, the city turned to a ...

    International Medical Tourism Is on the Rise

    Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 More Americans than ever are traveling abroad for medical treatment, according to a study released by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, a Washington, DC-based organization that researches health care and public health-related issues. Approximately 750,000 Americans traveled abroad ...
    Business & Economics

    Google CEO Calls for Government Tech Money

    As the U.S. government was scurrying to find ways to bail out some of the nation’s largest companies, Google CEO Eric Schmidt criticized economic freedom and said the rescue plans should be used to support new telecommunications infrastructure and solve longstanding innovation issues. “Let’s not just have bailout programs,” Schmidt ...

    Grassley Seeks Probe of Unapproved Drugs

    A longtime member of Congress is asking the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to investigate nearly $200 million the government has spent on unauthorized drugs for Medicaid enrollees since 2004. The drug purchases were discovered during an investigation conducted by the Associated Press. Policy analysts say the lack ...
    Climate Change

    California Board Approves Anti-Global Warming Plan

    The California Air Resources Board has set a powerful regulatory force in motion by approving an outline for meeting the carbon dioxide reductions required by a state law aimed at combating global warming. The outline, known as a “scoping plan,” is required by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. ...

    Jindal Proposes Sweeping Medicaid Overhaul

    Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) has unveiled a proposal for overhauling the state’s Medicaid program, altering both its funding and delivery. “It is time for us to do something different, and dramatically different,” said the state’s Health and Hospitals ...

    Consumer-Directed Health Care Plan Falls Short in Arizona

    Health Care News – Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), February 1, 2009 EMaxHealth, February 1, 2009 After a lengthy post-election ballot-counting process, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office announced Proposition 101, a groundbreaking initiative proponents say would have enshrined consumer-directed health care into the state’s constitution by preventing government from forcing ...
    Business & Economics

    Some Governments Fail to Learn from Muni Wi-fi Failures

    Municipal wi-fi programs have failed across the country during the past two years, leaving San Francisco-based Meraki as one of few companies still willing to give it a go. As a result, tech experts are cautioning cities against getting wooed into providing “free” wi-fi again. “Muni wi-fi isn’t working because ...
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