Critical Error: Tom Daschle’s Blurred Health Care Vision
Tom Daschle’s new book, Critical: What Can We Do About the Health-Care Crisis, confirms that advocates for a complete government takeover of American health care have learned an important lesson: Don’t try it in one big bite. Here Daschle and co-author Jeanne Lambrew have direct experience. Mr. Daschle was a ...
John R. Graham
January 13, 2009
Graham on Lars Larson Discussing Obama Health Reform
In a recent radio interview with Lars Larson on health care, I note that we came very close during the Bush administration (or, for those who prefer, the “Bush regime”) to returning health care dollars to American families to spend on health care of their choice, instead of health care ...
John R. Graham
January 12, 2009
Business & Economics
Does “Depression Economics” Change the Rules?
Wily competitors have known for ages that if you can’t win the game, you can simply change the rules. Now, during normal economic times, if somebody recommended that the government borrow a trillion dollars and spend it on anything that moves, most economists (as well as common sense) would say, ...
Robert P. Murphy
January 12, 2009
Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care
Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care President-elect Barack Obama has promised sweeping changes during his first few months in office. Perhaps the most far-reaching – and troubling – of his proposals is his plan for healthcare reform. Obama has tapped former Sen. Tom Daschle to serve as both the ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 11, 2009
Business & Economics
Will 2009 Be the Year of Multiple Digital Identities?
Just days after microblogging company Twitter was hacked, a group of entrepreneurs and policy activists gathered at Facebook’s Palo Alto headquarters to discuss “Privacy 2009: The Year Ahead.” The discussion, cohosted by Tech Policy Central, demonstrated that the privacy debate is starting to mature. Instead of inflexible government dictates for ...
Sonia Arrison
January 9, 2009
Reform Our Schools Mr. President Elect
Honorable President-elect Barack Obama: In nominating Arne Duncan to serve as Secretary of Education, you stressed the need for school reform. In accepting the nomination, Duncan said, “Whether it’s fighting poverty, strengthening our economy, or promoting opportunity, education is the common thread. It is the civil rights issue of our ...
Israel Teitelbaum
January 9, 2009
Health-Care Rationing is Inevitable? Letters in the Wall Street Journal
Because my annual performance review is coming up, I thought I’d praise an op-ed that Sally Pipes (my CEO) wrote in the Wall Street Journal on December 30. But while I come to praise Ms. Pipes, others come to bury her: specifically, four letters that the WSJ published in response ...
John R. Graham
January 8, 2009
Business & Economics
Serious Goals for California in the New Year
The past year certainly boasted some highlights, including the Olympics and a much-anticipated national election, but with 2008 behind us, the mood is not exactly upbeat in California. The economy has cooled off, and the “Golden State” finds itself staring down the barrel of a two-year deficit of $40 billion, ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 8, 2009
Lars Larson Show interview with John R. Graham
John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, discusses the Obama administration’s health care policy under former Senator Thomas A. Daschle during this interview on the Lars Larson Show.
Pacific Research Institute
January 8, 2009
Business & Economics
First, do no harm
Taking the temperature of the Colorado economy As we close out the year in one of the worst recessions in modern history, Congress and the Colorado Legislature will be looking to do something — whatever that is — because people want something done — whatever that might be. Before any ...
Tony Gagliardi
January 7, 2009
Critical Error: Tom Daschle’s Blurred Health Care Vision
Tom Daschle’s new book, Critical: What Can We Do About the Health-Care Crisis, confirms that advocates for a complete government takeover of American health care have learned an important lesson: Don’t try it in one big bite. Here Daschle and co-author Jeanne Lambrew have direct experience. Mr. Daschle was a ...
Graham on Lars Larson Discussing Obama Health Reform
In a recent radio interview with Lars Larson on health care, I note that we came very close during the Bush administration (or, for those who prefer, the “Bush regime”) to returning health care dollars to American families to spend on health care of their choice, instead of health care ...
Does “Depression Economics” Change the Rules?
Wily competitors have known for ages that if you can’t win the game, you can simply change the rules. Now, during normal economic times, if somebody recommended that the government borrow a trillion dollars and spend it on anything that moves, most economists (as well as common sense) would say, ...
Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care
Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care President-elect Barack Obama has promised sweeping changes during his first few months in office. Perhaps the most far-reaching – and troubling – of his proposals is his plan for healthcare reform. Obama has tapped former Sen. Tom Daschle to serve as both the ...
Will 2009 Be the Year of Multiple Digital Identities?
Just days after microblogging company Twitter was hacked, a group of entrepreneurs and policy activists gathered at Facebook’s Palo Alto headquarters to discuss “Privacy 2009: The Year Ahead.” The discussion, cohosted by Tech Policy Central, demonstrated that the privacy debate is starting to mature. Instead of inflexible government dictates for ...
Reform Our Schools Mr. President Elect
Honorable President-elect Barack Obama: In nominating Arne Duncan to serve as Secretary of Education, you stressed the need for school reform. In accepting the nomination, Duncan said, “Whether it’s fighting poverty, strengthening our economy, or promoting opportunity, education is the common thread. It is the civil rights issue of our ...
Health-Care Rationing is Inevitable? Letters in the Wall Street Journal
Because my annual performance review is coming up, I thought I’d praise an op-ed that Sally Pipes (my CEO) wrote in the Wall Street Journal on December 30. But while I come to praise Ms. Pipes, others come to bury her: specifically, four letters that the WSJ published in response ...
Serious Goals for California in the New Year
The past year certainly boasted some highlights, including the Olympics and a much-anticipated national election, but with 2008 behind us, the mood is not exactly upbeat in California. The economy has cooled off, and the “Golden State” finds itself staring down the barrel of a two-year deficit of $40 billion, ...
Lars Larson Show interview with John R. Graham
John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, discusses the Obama administration’s health care policy under former Senator Thomas A. Daschle during this interview on the Lars Larson Show.
First, do no harm
Taking the temperature of the Colorado economy As we close out the year in one of the worst recessions in modern history, Congress and the Colorado Legislature will be looking to do something — whatever that is — because people want something done — whatever that might be. Before any ...