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  • Commentary

    Business & Economics

    How ‘Green’ Are You?

    President Obama, who wants to emphasize science, has chosen Carol Browner for his “Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change,” a new post being dubbed the “Climate Czar.” Browner’s recent career will be of interest to Americans struggling with a weak economy and cold weather. Browner is not ...

    BOOKS: ‘The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide’

    Rebutting case for politicized medicine Health care “reform” is in the air, but to its leading advocates, that means a government takeover of the medical system. American health care is an inefficient hybrid of public and private, costing more than it should for the care provided. The problem is too ...
    Business & Economics

    Card check – U.S. moving in wrong direction

    The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a likely hot button for the Obama administration, would fundamentally alter the balance of power in the U.S. labor market and impose enormous costs on workers. Ironically, as America moves to fundamentally change the way unions are certified, other countries, like Canada, are moving ...
    Business & Economics

    Keep an eye on the Obama administration

    The Boston Globe (MA), February 17, 2009 PETER FUNT raises serious privacy concerns about Google’s use of surveillance technologies (“Google is watching,” Op-ed, Feb. 9), but unlike George Orwell’s Big Brother, the Internet giant does not function as an arm of the government. This could soon change, however, if the ...

    Our View: State’s cure is original cause of ills

    Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA), February 17, 2009 California’s regulations on health care raise the costs for its citizens Often government tries to fix what’s wrong by imposing more of what caused the problem in the first place. Nowhere is this more apparent than health care. A new analysis by the advocacy ...
    Business & Economics

    True cost of stimulus? Higher taxes

    President Barack Obama is scheduled to place his signature Tuesday on the $787 billion economic stimulus bill. Unfortunately, the cost of debt and future taxes required to finance the stimulus largesse have largely been ignored to date. Putting aside the issues of whether you support a stimulus, whether any stimulus ...
    Business & Economics

    Don’t hold drugmakers liable for competitors’ generics

    The California Supreme Court’s recent decision not to review Conte vs. Wyeth leaves name-brand drug manufacturers liable for harm caused by another manufacturer’s generic version of its drug. This unprecedented and unfair extension of product liability spells bad news for innovators and consumers alike. Plaintiff Elizabeth Conte took a generic ...

    Taxes bite into Health Savings Accounts

    In an article full of left-handed compliments, the San Francisco Business Times noted that Kaiser Permanente, the mother of all HMOs, has 12 percent of its members in “deductible plans” at the end of 2008 (“New health for HSAs,” Jan. 16-22 issue). The traditional Kaiser Permanente deductible is zero. Of ...

    How Federal Health “Reform” Will Devastate California’s Budget

    Last June California politicians claimed to have “fixed” the budget but according to a November 18 report from the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) California now faces a budget deficit of $20.7 billion from the present until 2010-2011. Unfortunately, something’s coming down the pike that will make today’s budget shenanigans ...
    Business & Economics

    California Supreme Court Decision Quashes Innovation, Threatens Health, and Encourages Costly Lawsuit Abuse

    Traditional tort law holds that manufacturers are responsible only for their own products, not those made by competitors. The California Supreme Court changed that in late January by declining to review Conte v. Wyeth, which leaves name-brand drug manufacturers liable for harm caused by another manufacturer’s generic version. This unprecedented ...
    Business & Economics

    How ‘Green’ Are You?

    President Obama, who wants to emphasize science, has chosen Carol Browner for his “Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change,” a new post being dubbed the “Climate Czar.” Browner’s recent career will be of interest to Americans struggling with a weak economy and cold weather. Browner is not ...

    BOOKS: ‘The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide’

    Rebutting case for politicized medicine Health care “reform” is in the air, but to its leading advocates, that means a government takeover of the medical system. American health care is an inefficient hybrid of public and private, costing more than it should for the care provided. The problem is too ...
    Business & Economics

    Card check – U.S. moving in wrong direction

    The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a likely hot button for the Obama administration, would fundamentally alter the balance of power in the U.S. labor market and impose enormous costs on workers. Ironically, as America moves to fundamentally change the way unions are certified, other countries, like Canada, are moving ...
    Business & Economics

    Keep an eye on the Obama administration

    The Boston Globe (MA), February 17, 2009 PETER FUNT raises serious privacy concerns about Google’s use of surveillance technologies (“Google is watching,” Op-ed, Feb. 9), but unlike George Orwell’s Big Brother, the Internet giant does not function as an arm of the government. This could soon change, however, if the ...

    Our View: State’s cure is original cause of ills

    Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA), February 17, 2009 California’s regulations on health care raise the costs for its citizens Often government tries to fix what’s wrong by imposing more of what caused the problem in the first place. Nowhere is this more apparent than health care. A new analysis by the advocacy ...
    Business & Economics

    True cost of stimulus? Higher taxes

    President Barack Obama is scheduled to place his signature Tuesday on the $787 billion economic stimulus bill. Unfortunately, the cost of debt and future taxes required to finance the stimulus largesse have largely been ignored to date. Putting aside the issues of whether you support a stimulus, whether any stimulus ...
    Business & Economics

    Don’t hold drugmakers liable for competitors’ generics

    The California Supreme Court’s recent decision not to review Conte vs. Wyeth leaves name-brand drug manufacturers liable for harm caused by another manufacturer’s generic version of its drug. This unprecedented and unfair extension of product liability spells bad news for innovators and consumers alike. Plaintiff Elizabeth Conte took a generic ...

    Taxes bite into Health Savings Accounts

    In an article full of left-handed compliments, the San Francisco Business Times noted that Kaiser Permanente, the mother of all HMOs, has 12 percent of its members in “deductible plans” at the end of 2008 (“New health for HSAs,” Jan. 16-22 issue). The traditional Kaiser Permanente deductible is zero. Of ...

    How Federal Health “Reform” Will Devastate California’s Budget

    Last June California politicians claimed to have “fixed” the budget but according to a November 18 report from the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) California now faces a budget deficit of $20.7 billion from the present until 2010-2011. Unfortunately, something’s coming down the pike that will make today’s budget shenanigans ...
    Business & Economics

    California Supreme Court Decision Quashes Innovation, Threatens Health, and Encourages Costly Lawsuit Abuse

    Traditional tort law holds that manufacturers are responsible only for their own products, not those made by competitors. The California Supreme Court changed that in late January by declining to review Conte v. Wyeth, which leaves name-brand drug manufacturers liable for harm caused by another manufacturer’s generic version. This unprecedented ...