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  • Commentary


    Public sector should manage health costs

    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...
    Business & Economics

    Will the Employee Free Choice Act aid or undo labor’s gains?

    President Obama is committed to pragmatism and reforms that “work” for the improvement of the economy. The president’s commitment faces a tough test in one congressional proposal now on the horizon. The bill, known as the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) represents one of the most fundamental and sweeping changes ...

    Eight Is Enough; Need More?

    Nadya Suleman and her eight babies are much in the news, with good reason. There are lessons here for everyone, and they extend beyond the fertility debate. Ms. Suleman is the divorced mother who gave birth to eight babies on January 26. Kaiser Permanente clearly viewed the event as a ...
    Business & Economics

    The Taxman Clicketh

    State lawmakers last week passed the largest tax increase in California history, and will soon consider taking their expanding quest for revenue online. A proposal by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) would force many Internet retailers to collect sales tax on all orders placed by California consumers. Based on a similar ...

    The Obama Stimulus, Education, and California

    Now that President Obama has signed the three-quarter-of-a-trillion-dollar stimulus package, which contains $100 billion for public schools, many observers on the left and the right are concluding that the package won’t change very much in America’s underperforming government education system. The stimulus package contains various pots of money for public ...

    Obama’s Unhealthy Start: SCHIP Explosion, Medicaid Bailout, COBRA’s Bite

    Things are changing fast in American health care. Last month, we examined Tom Daschle’s health care vision, in anticipation of his enthusiastic reception as President Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Daschle is now gone, and as yet nobody is at the controls, but that has not stopped ...

    Obama pursues universal health care

    Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, February 22, 2009 President Obama could make health care history, transforming how treatment and services are selected, delivered and paid for, many health care experts believe. Or, “ObamaCare,” touted as providing higher quality health care to all at a cheaper price, could be 2009’s “HillaryCare,” then first lady ...

    Blagojevich’s failed drug importation plan a cautionary tale

    Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s recent media blitz took him across the television dial, from David Letterman to “The View,” but he maintained he had done nothing wrong. The Illinois Legislature begged to differ. In addition to the alleged attempted sale of Barack Obama’s Senate seat, lawmakers cited several other transgressions ...
    Business & Economics

    The Scandalous Proposal of New York’s Anti-Tech Governor

    In an effort to tackle New York’s nearly US$15 billion budget deficit, Governor David Paterson has proposed taxing downloads of software, music and other content, including pornography. This proposal comes at a time when the economy is in freefall and the so-called “stimulus” package is going to cost taxpayers much ...

    Humane Health Care

    The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide By Sally C. Pipes (Pacific Research Institute, 182 pages, $24.95) President Barack Obama has promised to fundamentally change America’s health care system. But before he and his team get to work, they’d do well to read Sally Pipes’s new ...

    Public sector should manage health costs

    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...
    Business & Economics

    Will the Employee Free Choice Act aid or undo labor’s gains?

    President Obama is committed to pragmatism and reforms that “work” for the improvement of the economy. The president’s commitment faces a tough test in one congressional proposal now on the horizon. The bill, known as the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) represents one of the most fundamental and sweeping changes ...

    Eight Is Enough; Need More?

    Nadya Suleman and her eight babies are much in the news, with good reason. There are lessons here for everyone, and they extend beyond the fertility debate. Ms. Suleman is the divorced mother who gave birth to eight babies on January 26. Kaiser Permanente clearly viewed the event as a ...
    Business & Economics

    The Taxman Clicketh

    State lawmakers last week passed the largest tax increase in California history, and will soon consider taking their expanding quest for revenue online. A proposal by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) would force many Internet retailers to collect sales tax on all orders placed by California consumers. Based on a similar ...

    The Obama Stimulus, Education, and California

    Now that President Obama has signed the three-quarter-of-a-trillion-dollar stimulus package, which contains $100 billion for public schools, many observers on the left and the right are concluding that the package won’t change very much in America’s underperforming government education system. The stimulus package contains various pots of money for public ...

    Obama’s Unhealthy Start: SCHIP Explosion, Medicaid Bailout, COBRA’s Bite

    Things are changing fast in American health care. Last month, we examined Tom Daschle’s health care vision, in anticipation of his enthusiastic reception as President Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Daschle is now gone, and as yet nobody is at the controls, but that has not stopped ...

    Obama pursues universal health care

    Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, February 22, 2009 President Obama could make health care history, transforming how treatment and services are selected, delivered and paid for, many health care experts believe. Or, “ObamaCare,” touted as providing higher quality health care to all at a cheaper price, could be 2009’s “HillaryCare,” then first lady ...

    Blagojevich’s failed drug importation plan a cautionary tale

    Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s recent media blitz took him across the television dial, from David Letterman to “The View,” but he maintained he had done nothing wrong. The Illinois Legislature begged to differ. In addition to the alleged attempted sale of Barack Obama’s Senate seat, lawmakers cited several other transgressions ...
    Business & Economics

    The Scandalous Proposal of New York’s Anti-Tech Governor

    In an effort to tackle New York’s nearly US$15 billion budget deficit, Governor David Paterson has proposed taxing downloads of software, music and other content, including pornography. This proposal comes at a time when the economy is in freefall and the so-called “stimulus” package is going to cost taxpayers much ...

    Humane Health Care

    The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide By Sally C. Pipes (Pacific Research Institute, 182 pages, $24.95) President Barack Obama has promised to fundamentally change America’s health care system. But before he and his team get to work, they’d do well to read Sally Pipes’s new ...
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