Business & Economics
Prop 1A: Interview with economist Ben Zycher, who says the measure does not deliver on a promise of real spending reform
Ben Zycher, a senior fellow with the Pacific Research Institute, thoroughly reviewed the text of Proposition 1A before the voters this May, and was underwhelmed by alleged spending reforms, and critical of tax increases in the proposal. FR Publisher Jon Fleischman interviews noted economist Ben Zycher A few weeks ago, ...
Jon Fleischman
March 6, 2009
Business & Economics
Can the Obama Administration Spare Some Real Change?
The Obama administration is ushering in a new era of big government, higher taxes and more spending, to an extent that even supporters are worried. The tech-savvy president should consider recent suggestions from the technology and science sector, such as the idea that not all problems can be solved by ...
Sonia Arrison
March 6, 2009
March 6 rally can stop ‘Monopoly’ players from passing ‘Go’
ABC’s John Stossel in a “20/20” report examined America’s education system in a segment called “Stupid in America.” It wasn’t pretty. Teacher unions and bought-and-sold politicians don’t look so good when a reporter of Stossel’s ilk tells the unvarnished truth about public schools. The unions moaned, and one in New ...
Jim Waters
March 5, 2009
Business & Economics
New Mexico’s economic freedom needs boost
Clovis News Journal (Freedom Communications, NM), March 5, 2009 Are you someone who values freedom above all else, including health, safety and welfare? If so, New Mexico has a ways to go to reach the top tier of states. A new study released by the Mercatus Center at George Mason ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 5, 2009
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 5, 2009
Climate Change
CA Nightmare: Worsening State’s Fiscal Crisis Through Bad Climate Policy
I have spent my entire 35 year professional life developing and implementing energy policies vital to our state. So it pains me to now see California taking an unfortunate misstep: embracing participation in the Western Climate Initiative. WCI, developed by seven U.S. states (California is joined by Oregon, Washington, Utah, ...
Thomas Tanton
March 5, 2009
Business & Economics
Unfair Pay Act Perpetuates Myths
An evil, greedy company deprived a hard-working woman of her full earnings, aided by a bad court ruling and an unfair outgoing president. The United States Congress heard the victim’s cry, and came riding to the rescue with the Fair Pay Act, the first bill signed by new president Barack ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 3, 2009
Make health insurance affordable
Tusla World (Tulsa, Oklahoma), March 2, 2009 I commend lawmakers in the Oklahoma House for promoting consumer-directed health plans and health savings accounts (“State House panel passes health care bill,” Feb. 24). By encouraging insurers to offer low-cost policies that cover core benefits and by granting employers tax credits to ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 2, 2009
Business & Economics
Porky omnibus bill slides past Obama
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Over the weekend President Barack Obama’s staff made it clear he is going to sign the omnibus spending bill. In doing so, Obama is going back on his campaign promise to cut earmarks. Even before the House passed the omnibus spending bill, Americans had been hearing ...
Mark Matthews
March 2, 2009
Bam’s Bad Medicine
Health Care Rationing Ahead Obama’s new budget dedicates $634 billion over the next 10 years to what he calls health reform. He promises – or perhaps threatens – that this vast sum will be a down payment for universal coverage, which could require more than $1 trillion. Unfortunately, the president ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 2, 2009
Prop 1A: Interview with economist Ben Zycher, who says the measure does not deliver on a promise of real spending reform
Ben Zycher, a senior fellow with the Pacific Research Institute, thoroughly reviewed the text of Proposition 1A before the voters this May, and was underwhelmed by alleged spending reforms, and critical of tax increases in the proposal. FR Publisher Jon Fleischman interviews noted economist Ben Zycher A few weeks ago, ...
Can the Obama Administration Spare Some Real Change?
The Obama administration is ushering in a new era of big government, higher taxes and more spending, to an extent that even supporters are worried. The tech-savvy president should consider recent suggestions from the technology and science sector, such as the idea that not all problems can be solved by ...
March 6 rally can stop ‘Monopoly’ players from passing ‘Go’
ABC’s John Stossel in a “20/20” report examined America’s education system in a segment called “Stupid in America.” It wasn’t pretty. Teacher unions and bought-and-sold politicians don’t look so good when a reporter of Stossel’s ilk tells the unvarnished truth about public schools. The unions moaned, and one in New ...
New Mexico’s economic freedom needs boost
Clovis News Journal (Freedom Communications, NM), March 5, 2009 Are you someone who values freedom above all else, including health, safety and welfare? If so, New Mexico has a ways to go to reach the top tier of states. A new study released by the Mercatus Center at George Mason ...
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
CA Nightmare: Worsening State’s Fiscal Crisis Through Bad Climate Policy
I have spent my entire 35 year professional life developing and implementing energy policies vital to our state. So it pains me to now see California taking an unfortunate misstep: embracing participation in the Western Climate Initiative. WCI, developed by seven U.S. states (California is joined by Oregon, Washington, Utah, ...
Unfair Pay Act Perpetuates Myths
An evil, greedy company deprived a hard-working woman of her full earnings, aided by a bad court ruling and an unfair outgoing president. The United States Congress heard the victim’s cry, and came riding to the rescue with the Fair Pay Act, the first bill signed by new president Barack ...
Make health insurance affordable
Tusla World (Tulsa, Oklahoma), March 2, 2009 I commend lawmakers in the Oklahoma House for promoting consumer-directed health plans and health savings accounts (“State House panel passes health care bill,” Feb. 24). By encouraging insurers to offer low-cost policies that cover core benefits and by granting employers tax credits to ...
Porky omnibus bill slides past Obama
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Over the weekend President Barack Obama’s staff made it clear he is going to sign the omnibus spending bill. In doing so, Obama is going back on his campaign promise to cut earmarks. Even before the House passed the omnibus spending bill, Americans had been hearing ...
Bam’s Bad Medicine
Health Care Rationing Ahead Obama’s new budget dedicates $634 billion over the next 10 years to what he calls health reform. He promises – or perhaps threatens – that this vast sum will be a down payment for universal coverage, which could require more than $1 trillion. Unfortunately, the president ...