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  • Commentary


    Rush Job

    Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...

    Two ways to look at health care

    U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy, D-5th District, had a captive audience Monday. During a meeting with New Britain business leaders, Peter Knaus, a builder in the city, wanted to understand why the Obama Administration believes we can’t get the economy back on track without first fixing the health-care system. “I understand ...
    Business & Economics

    Putting Drug Research in Legal Jeopardy

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Wyeth v. Levine—holding that drug manufacturers are not free of liability under state law, even when the drug in question has secured federal regulatory approval—has worried pharmaceutical manufacturers, who can now face crippling state tort lawsuits despite being in regulatory compliance. A less-noticed ...
    Business & Economics

    ‘Sexting’: Zooming Out to See the Bigger Picture

    This week, a federal judge blocked a prosecutor from filing child pornography charges against three teenage girls in northeastern Pennsylvania over risque cell phone pictures they took of themselves. This respite from the bizarre “sexting” scandal allows time for a national dialogue on an issue that goes deeper than simple ...
    Business & Economics

    For the Love of the Game

    The 2009 Major League Baseball season starts on Sunday night, when the Atlanta Braves visit the Philadelphia Phillies. On Monday, 13 more clubs will host their Opening Day games. We asked a distinguished group of fans — one for each of MLB’s 30 teams — to account for their passion. ...

    Conservative Alliance Outlines 6 Deal-Killers for National Health Reform

    Washington, April 1, 2009 –Medical costs are rising too fast, the quality of service is uneven and too many people have difficulty getting or keeping insurance coverage. Both left and right agree on the need to reform the American health care system. But not all agree on the best way ...

    New California School Finance Center Database Brings Transparency to Public Education Finance

    With the state’s budget deficit worsening, concern grows over the impact on school funding and Californians seek a way to make informed decisions about education policies affecting millions of school children each year. The just-launched California School Finance Center online database brings much-needed transparency amidst the charges and countercharges. The ...
    Business & Economics

    Is All “Fair” With the Obama Agenda?

    President Obama and congressional Democrats are avidly pursuing a sweeping agenda they claim is justified by the need for greater “fairness.” This invites scrutiny of the various programs to verify if they do, in fact, promote fairness. “Free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice” is the standard meaning of fairness, which ...
    Business & Economics

    Private Firm Solves U.S. DTV Coupon Woes

    The transition to digital broadcast television has been delayed until June, causing confusion because some broadcasters already switched as scheduled on February 17. One company is helping consumers quickly adjust—proof that the private sector is doing a better job preparing the public for the switch than the federal government has. ...

    Education Achievement Has Declined Radically Since World War II

    Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2009 206 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-86571-631-5, $24.95 John Taylor Gatto’s Weapons of Mass Instruction is an articulate, compelling description of the state of U.S. education, in which the author details the unnecessary and in fact ...

    Rush Job

    Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...

    Two ways to look at health care

    U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy, D-5th District, had a captive audience Monday. During a meeting with New Britain business leaders, Peter Knaus, a builder in the city, wanted to understand why the Obama Administration believes we can’t get the economy back on track without first fixing the health-care system. “I understand ...
    Business & Economics

    Putting Drug Research in Legal Jeopardy

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Wyeth v. Levine—holding that drug manufacturers are not free of liability under state law, even when the drug in question has secured federal regulatory approval—has worried pharmaceutical manufacturers, who can now face crippling state tort lawsuits despite being in regulatory compliance. A less-noticed ...
    Business & Economics

    ‘Sexting’: Zooming Out to See the Bigger Picture

    This week, a federal judge blocked a prosecutor from filing child pornography charges against three teenage girls in northeastern Pennsylvania over risque cell phone pictures they took of themselves. This respite from the bizarre “sexting” scandal allows time for a national dialogue on an issue that goes deeper than simple ...
    Business & Economics

    For the Love of the Game

    The 2009 Major League Baseball season starts on Sunday night, when the Atlanta Braves visit the Philadelphia Phillies. On Monday, 13 more clubs will host their Opening Day games. We asked a distinguished group of fans — one for each of MLB’s 30 teams — to account for their passion. ...

    Conservative Alliance Outlines 6 Deal-Killers for National Health Reform

    Washington, April 1, 2009 –Medical costs are rising too fast, the quality of service is uneven and too many people have difficulty getting or keeping insurance coverage. Both left and right agree on the need to reform the American health care system. But not all agree on the best way ...

    New California School Finance Center Database Brings Transparency to Public Education Finance

    With the state’s budget deficit worsening, concern grows over the impact on school funding and Californians seek a way to make informed decisions about education policies affecting millions of school children each year. The just-launched California School Finance Center online database brings much-needed transparency amidst the charges and countercharges. The ...
    Business & Economics

    Is All “Fair” With the Obama Agenda?

    President Obama and congressional Democrats are avidly pursuing a sweeping agenda they claim is justified by the need for greater “fairness.” This invites scrutiny of the various programs to verify if they do, in fact, promote fairness. “Free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice” is the standard meaning of fairness, which ...
    Business & Economics

    Private Firm Solves U.S. DTV Coupon Woes

    The transition to digital broadcast television has been delayed until June, causing confusion because some broadcasters already switched as scheduled on February 17. One company is helping consumers quickly adjust—proof that the private sector is doing a better job preparing the public for the switch than the federal government has. ...

    Education Achievement Has Declined Radically Since World War II

    Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2009 206 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-86571-631-5, $24.95 John Taylor Gatto’s Weapons of Mass Instruction is an articulate, compelling description of the state of U.S. education, in which the author details the unnecessary and in fact ...
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