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  • Commentary


    Environmental Progress Continues

    Steven Hayward is not only the author of the forthcoming “The Age of Reagan, 1980-1989: The Conservative Counterrevolution. He is also the author of the fourteenth annual edition of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, just published to coincide with Earth day and Lenin’s birthday. The 61-page pamphlet is published ...
    Business & Economics

    How curious… GOPers in “target” seats endorse massive tax increases…

    I am scratching my head a bit this morning, as I caught up with the news that two GOP Assemblymen from the Central Valley, Tom Berryhill and Danny Gilmore, have endorsed Proposition 1A. Other than the three infamous Republican Assemblymembers (Adams, Niello and Villines) who voted to tie $16 billion ...

    Court Rules Tax-Credit Scholarship Program Constitutional

    On April 21, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a tax-credit scholarship program remains constitutional under the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling marks the latest failure by opponents of parental choice in education to halt the program and spells good news for California. Choice opponents ...

    A Proposition for Better Student Performance?

    SACRAMENTO – The special election of May 19 is less than a month away and the California Teacher’s Association (CTA), the state’s most powerful union, is spending a lot of money to pass Propositions 1A and 1B. The measures, however, do nothing for education except make a complicated system more ...
    Business & Economics

    Will New Fed “Tools” Avert Hyperinflation?

    04/22/09 Nashville, Tennessee People often accuse me of making “irresponsible” forecasts of massive price inflation. Even though they know that history is replete with examples of central banks ruining their currencies, these critics are sure that “it can’t happen here.” So in the present article I’d like to make the ...
    Climate Change

    The Annual Green Orgy: Earth Day

    On Earth Day we will have been engulfed by the avalanche of “Green” propaganda that preceded it, fills the day, and then continues relentlessly thereafter. When I say “propaganda”, I am being polite. Much of the foundation of the environmental movement is pure lies, mind boggling distortions of questionable “science”, ...

    Save Capitalism

    Investor’s Business Daily, April 21, 2009 The Environment: Wednesday’s airwaves, print media, cable news shows and Webosphere will be filled with nonsense about the scourge of capitalism, corporations and humanity. All of it will ignore the real truth. Buried beneath all the badgering and fear-mongering about lavish Western lifestyles is ...
    Business & Economics

    Nationalizing the Banks

    Discussing the “backdoor” government takeover of banks, with Robert Albertson, Sandler O’Neill & Partners; Noam Scheiber, The New Republic; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Larry Kudlow.

    Curing Medicine of Government

    The Benjamin Rush Society is modeled on the Federalist Society, which resists “a form of orthodox liberal ideology which advocates a centralized and uniform society” in law schools. The BRS, named after an American Founding Father who was also a physician, does the same in medical schools. It’s sad to ...
    Business & Economics

    The Real Lessons of the Great Depression

    Since late 2007, more and more commentators have drawn parallels between our current financial crisis and the Great Depression. Nobel laureates and presidential advisorsDownload PDF confidently proclaim that it was Herbert Hoover’s laissez-faire penny pinching that exacerbated the Depression, and that the American economy was saved only when FDR boldly ...

    Environmental Progress Continues

    Steven Hayward is not only the author of the forthcoming “The Age of Reagan, 1980-1989: The Conservative Counterrevolution. He is also the author of the fourteenth annual edition of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, just published to coincide with Earth day and Lenin’s birthday. The 61-page pamphlet is published ...
    Business & Economics

    How curious… GOPers in “target” seats endorse massive tax increases…

    I am scratching my head a bit this morning, as I caught up with the news that two GOP Assemblymen from the Central Valley, Tom Berryhill and Danny Gilmore, have endorsed Proposition 1A. Other than the three infamous Republican Assemblymembers (Adams, Niello and Villines) who voted to tie $16 billion ...

    Court Rules Tax-Credit Scholarship Program Constitutional

    On April 21, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a tax-credit scholarship program remains constitutional under the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling marks the latest failure by opponents of parental choice in education to halt the program and spells good news for California. Choice opponents ...

    A Proposition for Better Student Performance?

    SACRAMENTO – The special election of May 19 is less than a month away and the California Teacher’s Association (CTA), the state’s most powerful union, is spending a lot of money to pass Propositions 1A and 1B. The measures, however, do nothing for education except make a complicated system more ...
    Business & Economics

    Will New Fed “Tools” Avert Hyperinflation?

    04/22/09 Nashville, Tennessee People often accuse me of making “irresponsible” forecasts of massive price inflation. Even though they know that history is replete with examples of central banks ruining their currencies, these critics are sure that “it can’t happen here.” So in the present article I’d like to make the ...
    Climate Change

    The Annual Green Orgy: Earth Day

    On Earth Day we will have been engulfed by the avalanche of “Green” propaganda that preceded it, fills the day, and then continues relentlessly thereafter. When I say “propaganda”, I am being polite. Much of the foundation of the environmental movement is pure lies, mind boggling distortions of questionable “science”, ...

    Save Capitalism

    Investor’s Business Daily, April 21, 2009 The Environment: Wednesday’s airwaves, print media, cable news shows and Webosphere will be filled with nonsense about the scourge of capitalism, corporations and humanity. All of it will ignore the real truth. Buried beneath all the badgering and fear-mongering about lavish Western lifestyles is ...
    Business & Economics

    Nationalizing the Banks

    Discussing the “backdoor” government takeover of banks, with Robert Albertson, Sandler O’Neill & Partners; Noam Scheiber, The New Republic; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Larry Kudlow.

    Curing Medicine of Government

    The Benjamin Rush Society is modeled on the Federalist Society, which resists “a form of orthodox liberal ideology which advocates a centralized and uniform society” in law schools. The BRS, named after an American Founding Father who was also a physician, does the same in medical schools. It’s sad to ...
    Business & Economics

    The Real Lessons of the Great Depression

    Since late 2007, more and more commentators have drawn parallels between our current financial crisis and the Great Depression. Nobel laureates and presidential advisorsDownload PDF confidently proclaim that it was Herbert Hoover’s laissez-faire penny pinching that exacerbated the Depression, and that the American economy was saved only when FDR boldly ...
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