A Cure Worse Than The Disease
Emily Morley got some very bad news in March 2006. Her cancer had spread, the doctor informed the 67-year-old Canadian. She would need to see an oncologist. Then Morley got some really bad news: She’d have to wait several months before she could get an appointment. Only after her family ...
Ed Feulner
May 4, 2009
Business & Economics
The Cost of Cap and Trade
Recently Congress took a break from nationalizing corporations and discussed the Waxman-Markey “cap and trade” bill in which the federal government would auction off permits to businesses giving them legal permission to emit carbon dioxide. During the four days of hearings, one of the most contentious issues was how much ...
Robert P. Murphy
May 2, 2009
Business & Economics
Political Insiders On Obama’s First 100 Days
After President Obama’s 100 days in office, National Journal asked its Political Insiders to rank how he has handled four key groups: Democrats in Congress, Republicans in Congress, allies abroad and adversaries abroad — relationships that will have a major impact on the overall success of his presidency. Democratic Political ...
James A. Barnes
May 2, 2009
Charter Schools
Lessons from California’s Charter Schools of the Year
The Oakland Charter Academy in northern California and the Our Community Charter School in the San Fernando Valley have won the Hart Vision “Charter School of the Year” award from the California Charter Schools Association. “These exemplary charter schools should be studied and their best practices replicated in the broader ...
Evelyn B. Stacey
May 1, 2009
Kansas Gov. Sebelius 2nd Choice for HHS
President Barack Obama has nominated Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D) to serve as secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Sebelius is Obama’s second nominee for the post, after his initial selection for HHS and White House health care czar, former U.S. senator Tom Daschle (D-SD), admitted ...
Joe Emanuel
May 1, 2009
Regulate Retail Clinics, Indiana Legislator Asks
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), May 1, 2009 Indiana state Sen. Patricia Miller (R-Indianapolis) is calling for stiffer standards regulating retail clinics serving patrons in pharmacies, shopping malls, and big-box retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target. Senate Bill 0216 requires retail clinics to have entrances separate from that of the ...
Aricka Flowers
May 1, 2009
Virtual Ventures Expand Choice for K-12 Students
Not long ago, online courses were programs only for universities and vocational schools. But today, online offerings at public elementary, middle, and high schools are gaining ground, bringing more choices to parents, students, and teachers in the world of K-12 education. Connections Academy, launched in 2002, has led the charge ...
Evelyn B. Stacey
May 1, 2009
W. Va. May Hike Cigarette Tax to Expand Medicaid
West Virginia legislators are considering a bill to fund an expansion of the state Medicaid program through an increase in the cigarette tax. The proposal would hike the tax 118 percent, from 55 cents to $1.20 per pack. The proposal comes on the heels of the recently passed increase in ...
Rikin Shah
May 1, 2009
Facebook Users Force Change in Site’s Privacy Policy
Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), May 1, 2009 Facebook quickly retreated from a recent change to its privacy policy after thousands of users made online protests and threatened to leave the site. The episode offered a vivid example of how market forces quickly create positive change in the ...
Aricka Flowers
May 1, 2009
Congress Should Say ‘No’ to Internet Tax Hike
TechNewsWorld, May 1, 2009 IT Knowledge Hub, May 1, 2009 Web 3.0 Technology, May 1, 2009, May 1, 2009 Voters are still reeling from tax day in a tough recession, and taking to the streets in protest, but state governments and their allies aren’t listening. In fact, they are ...
Sonia Arrison
May 1, 2009
A Cure Worse Than The Disease
Emily Morley got some very bad news in March 2006. Her cancer had spread, the doctor informed the 67-year-old Canadian. She would need to see an oncologist. Then Morley got some really bad news: She’d have to wait several months before she could get an appointment. Only after her family ...
The Cost of Cap and Trade
Recently Congress took a break from nationalizing corporations and discussed the Waxman-Markey “cap and trade” bill in which the federal government would auction off permits to businesses giving them legal permission to emit carbon dioxide. During the four days of hearings, one of the most contentious issues was how much ...
Political Insiders On Obama’s First 100 Days
After President Obama’s 100 days in office, National Journal asked its Political Insiders to rank how he has handled four key groups: Democrats in Congress, Republicans in Congress, allies abroad and adversaries abroad — relationships that will have a major impact on the overall success of his presidency. Democratic Political ...
Lessons from California’s Charter Schools of the Year
The Oakland Charter Academy in northern California and the Our Community Charter School in the San Fernando Valley have won the Hart Vision “Charter School of the Year” award from the California Charter Schools Association. “These exemplary charter schools should be studied and their best practices replicated in the broader ...
Kansas Gov. Sebelius 2nd Choice for HHS
President Barack Obama has nominated Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D) to serve as secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Sebelius is Obama’s second nominee for the post, after his initial selection for HHS and White House health care czar, former U.S. senator Tom Daschle (D-SD), admitted ...
Regulate Retail Clinics, Indiana Legislator Asks
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), May 1, 2009 Indiana state Sen. Patricia Miller (R-Indianapolis) is calling for stiffer standards regulating retail clinics serving patrons in pharmacies, shopping malls, and big-box retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target. Senate Bill 0216 requires retail clinics to have entrances separate from that of the ...
Virtual Ventures Expand Choice for K-12 Students
Not long ago, online courses were programs only for universities and vocational schools. But today, online offerings at public elementary, middle, and high schools are gaining ground, bringing more choices to parents, students, and teachers in the world of K-12 education. Connections Academy, launched in 2002, has led the charge ...
W. Va. May Hike Cigarette Tax to Expand Medicaid
West Virginia legislators are considering a bill to fund an expansion of the state Medicaid program through an increase in the cigarette tax. The proposal would hike the tax 118 percent, from 55 cents to $1.20 per pack. The proposal comes on the heels of the recently passed increase in ...
Facebook Users Force Change in Site’s Privacy Policy
Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), May 1, 2009 Facebook quickly retreated from a recent change to its privacy policy after thousands of users made online protests and threatened to leave the site. The episode offered a vivid example of how market forces quickly create positive change in the ...
Congress Should Say ‘No’ to Internet Tax Hike
TechNewsWorld, May 1, 2009 IT Knowledge Hub, May 1, 2009 Web 3.0 Technology, May 1, 2009, May 1, 2009 Voters are still reeling from tax day in a tough recession, and taking to the streets in protest, but state governments and their allies aren’t listening. In fact, they are ...