

Human insulin saga: Anomalous, successful 40-year history of the first genetically-modified medicine underscores how regulators can scuttle innovation

October 29th marks the 40th anniversary of one of biotechnology’s most significant milestones — the approval by the FDA of human insulin synthesized in genetically engineered bacteria to treat diabetes.

Americans Don’t Want Single-Payer Revolution

America’s private health insurance system is beyond saving, we’re often told by advocates of Medicare for All. As they see it, the only path forward is to abolish private coverage and replace it with a single government-run program. But that radical proposal is divorced from reality. New polling data show ...
Business & Economics

The Biden Administration’s Push to Take One of California’s Worst Ideas Nationwide

The Biden administration has effectively declared war on gig work, with its Department of Labor proposing a new federal regulation inspired by California’s controversial AB 5 law that would limit people’s ability to be classified as independent contractors and work as they choose. As Bloomberg Law reports, “The US Labor Department’s new ...

Project Homekey is expensive and ineffective. Let’s shift to much more promising policies.

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden Last month, San Diego officials announced that the county and city will be receiving nearly $12 million in state Project Homekey funds to build housing for the homeless. It’s a publicly funded program that will, no doubt, be celebrated in the halls of government as a ...

Deceitful Proposition 209 goes way beyond medical debt. It’ll raise costs on us all

Next month, Arizonans will consider Proposition 209, a ballot initiative intended to alleviate a supposed “crisis” in medical debt. A look at the facts reveals there is no such crisis. If this ballot initiative passes, ordinary Arizonans could face higher interest rates on all kinds of debt, have fewer lenders to ...

Obamacare Open Enrollment Brings Election Day “Gift” To Voters

We’re about a week away from two notable dates on America’s civic calendar. On November 1, open enrollment begins on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. One week later, voters head to the polls for the midterm elections. Democrats have been aware of this reality for months. It was one of the reasons they ...

Simple Fix for Healthcare: Give Patients More Responsibility

Health costs have been rising at an astounding rate. Insurers believe that overuse of medical care and poor individual health habits are big reasons why, according to a new study from insurance advisory firm Willis Towers Watson. That conclusion runs counter to the narrative common among progressives that patients are hapless victims ...

Another Government Program Won’t Ease The Burden Of High Gas Prices

Further confirmation that California is on the wrong side of the rabbit hole came on the last day of September, when Gov. Gavin Newsom called for a new tax on oil companies in response to the high cost of gasoline. “​​Oil companies are ripping you off,” he tweeted. “Their record ...

Sparking an urban revival by empowering the people

California is in trouble. Nowhere is this more evident than in its cities. Once bustling centers of commerce and culture now are showcases for dirty streets, empty storefronts and the homeless encampments. Many people would blame the present circumstance on the pandemic or our current economic woes, but these are ...

Market-based Principles Bring Us Quality Healthcare

A new poll from West Health and Gallup paints a grim picture of health care in the United States. Among the survey’s most striking findings is that three-quarters of the country grades the cost of care at either a D or an F. Critics of our nation’s market-based health system are sure ...

Human insulin saga: Anomalous, successful 40-year history of the first genetically-modified medicine underscores how regulators can scuttle innovation

October 29th marks the 40th anniversary of one of biotechnology’s most significant milestones — the approval by the FDA of human insulin synthesized in genetically engineered bacteria to treat diabetes.

Americans Don’t Want Single-Payer Revolution

America’s private health insurance system is beyond saving, we’re often told by advocates of Medicare for All. As they see it, the only path forward is to abolish private coverage and replace it with a single government-run program. But that radical proposal is divorced from reality. New polling data show ...
Business & Economics

The Biden Administration’s Push to Take One of California’s Worst Ideas Nationwide

The Biden administration has effectively declared war on gig work, with its Department of Labor proposing a new federal regulation inspired by California’s controversial AB 5 law that would limit people’s ability to be classified as independent contractors and work as they choose. As Bloomberg Law reports, “The US Labor Department’s new ...

Project Homekey is expensive and ineffective. Let’s shift to much more promising policies.

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden Last month, San Diego officials announced that the county and city will be receiving nearly $12 million in state Project Homekey funds to build housing for the homeless. It’s a publicly funded program that will, no doubt, be celebrated in the halls of government as a ...

Deceitful Proposition 209 goes way beyond medical debt. It’ll raise costs on us all

Next month, Arizonans will consider Proposition 209, a ballot initiative intended to alleviate a supposed “crisis” in medical debt. A look at the facts reveals there is no such crisis. If this ballot initiative passes, ordinary Arizonans could face higher interest rates on all kinds of debt, have fewer lenders to ...

Obamacare Open Enrollment Brings Election Day “Gift” To Voters

We’re about a week away from two notable dates on America’s civic calendar. On November 1, open enrollment begins on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. One week later, voters head to the polls for the midterm elections. Democrats have been aware of this reality for months. It was one of the reasons they ...

Simple Fix for Healthcare: Give Patients More Responsibility

Health costs have been rising at an astounding rate. Insurers believe that overuse of medical care and poor individual health habits are big reasons why, according to a new study from insurance advisory firm Willis Towers Watson. That conclusion runs counter to the narrative common among progressives that patients are hapless victims ...

Another Government Program Won’t Ease The Burden Of High Gas Prices

Further confirmation that California is on the wrong side of the rabbit hole came on the last day of September, when Gov. Gavin Newsom called for a new tax on oil companies in response to the high cost of gasoline. “​​Oil companies are ripping you off,” he tweeted. “Their record ...

Sparking an urban revival by empowering the people

California is in trouble. Nowhere is this more evident than in its cities. Once bustling centers of commerce and culture now are showcases for dirty streets, empty storefronts and the homeless encampments. Many people would blame the present circumstance on the pandemic or our current economic woes, but these are ...

Market-based Principles Bring Us Quality Healthcare

A new poll from West Health and Gallup paints a grim picture of health care in the United States. Among the survey’s most striking findings is that three-quarters of the country grades the cost of care at either a D or an F. Critics of our nation’s market-based health system are sure ...
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