Canadian Health Care: The End of Innovation? – ABC News
Government Controlled Health Care Means Waiting Lines, Serious Drawbacks President Obama said that the government is going to “fix what is broken about health care in America.” It sounds like a great idea, but often what sounds good has unintended consequences. John Stossel discovers some dead-serious drawbacks to socialized medicine. ...
John Stossel
June 26, 2009
I Have to Admit, I Was Wrong
CATO at Liberty Blog, June 26, 2009 I’ve just discovered that my calculation of DC education spending per pupil was wrong, and I have to publish a correction. I wrote back in March that total DC k-12 spending, excluding charter schools, was $1,291,815,886 during the 2008-09 school year. That still ...
Andrew Coulson
June 26, 2009
The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease
How three liberal states got into deep trouble with ‘progressive’ ideas. President Obama has bet the economy on his program to grow the government and finance it with a more progressive tax system. It’s hard to miss the irony that he’s pitching this change in Washington even as the same ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 26, 2009
Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?
What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
June 26, 2009
Robert Reich on Public Option
Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary, has the answer in today’s Wall Street Journal. According to Mr. Reich, a “public option” (actually a swamp of new government bureaucracies, ready from “day one” for perpetual taxpayer bailouts), would “squeeze” the profits of private health providers. It is dead easy for government ...
John R. Graham
June 26, 2009
Business & Economics
The Flawed Focus of Universal Broadband
This month, the Federal Communications Commission begins drafting a national broadband plan as part of the 2009 stimulus package. This is not the first government attempt at broadband ubiquity, so the FCC can learn from past failures. The commissioners have less than eight months to “ensure that all people of ...
Sonia Arrison
June 26, 2009
ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable
While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...
Karl Rove
June 25, 2009
Western Climate Initiative: Here’s the rest of the story
Michael Gibbs, the Governor’s point man on regional climate initiatives, has provided commentary on the Western Climate Initiative and the Capital Panel Discussion held on May 15, arranged at the request of Assemblyman Niello. I was one of the panel members, yet feel I must have been at a different ...
Thomas Tanton
June 25, 2009
ObamaCare’s False Promises
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care” (Pacific Research Institute , 2008). FP: Sally Pipes, welcome to Frontpage Interview. So what’s Obama planning to do in terms of health care? ...
Jamie Glazov
June 25, 2009
Business & Economics
CTIA Seeking Mobile Health Care Mandate
WASHINGTON — The trade association representing the wireless industry is ramping up its mHealth campaign to raise awareness of the potential of mobile devices to improve the nation’s health care system. CTIA this morning hosted a policy forum featuring medical experts and government officials touting the promise of mobile health ...
Kenneth Corbin
June 24, 2009
Canadian Health Care: The End of Innovation? – ABC News
Government Controlled Health Care Means Waiting Lines, Serious Drawbacks President Obama said that the government is going to “fix what is broken about health care in America.” It sounds like a great idea, but often what sounds good has unintended consequences. John Stossel discovers some dead-serious drawbacks to socialized medicine. ...
I Have to Admit, I Was Wrong
CATO at Liberty Blog, June 26, 2009 I’ve just discovered that my calculation of DC education spending per pupil was wrong, and I have to publish a correction. I wrote back in March that total DC k-12 spending, excluding charter schools, was $1,291,815,886 during the 2008-09 school year. That still ...
The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease
How three liberal states got into deep trouble with ‘progressive’ ideas. President Obama has bet the economy on his program to grow the government and finance it with a more progressive tax system. It’s hard to miss the irony that he’s pitching this change in Washington even as the same ...
Medicare: The Problem and the Solution?
What has the most potential to mire the United States in long-term debt? According to White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, the answer is Medicare and Medicaid. Orszag writes that every other federal program’s effect on future deficits and debt is “swamped” by the effects of ...
Robert Reich on Public Option
Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary, has the answer in today’s Wall Street Journal. According to Mr. Reich, a “public option” (actually a swamp of new government bureaucracies, ready from “day one” for perpetual taxpayer bailouts), would “squeeze” the profits of private health providers. It is dead easy for government ...
The Flawed Focus of Universal Broadband
This month, the Federal Communications Commission begins drafting a national broadband plan as part of the 2009 stimulus package. This is not the first government attempt at broadband ubiquity, so the FCC can learn from past failures. The commissioners have less than eight months to “ensure that all people of ...
ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable
While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...
Western Climate Initiative: Here’s the rest of the story
Michael Gibbs, the Governor’s point man on regional climate initiatives, has provided commentary on the Western Climate Initiative and the Capital Panel Discussion held on May 15, arranged at the request of Assemblyman Niello. I was one of the panel members, yet feel I must have been at a different ...
ObamaCare’s False Promises
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care” (Pacific Research Institute , 2008). FP: Sally Pipes, welcome to Frontpage Interview. So what’s Obama planning to do in terms of health care? ...
CTIA Seeking Mobile Health Care Mandate
WASHINGTON — The trade association representing the wireless industry is ramping up its mHealth campaign to raise awareness of the potential of mobile devices to improve the nation’s health care system. CTIA this morning hosted a policy forum featuring medical experts and government officials touting the promise of mobile health ...