
Business & Economics

How California Can Avoid a Sequel of the Budget Crisis

At long last Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed the budget, but Californians may want to hold off on any celebration. The blockbuster $84.6 billion deal is packed with accounting tricks that virtually guarantee a sequel of the crisis. A long-term solution could be at hand, but only if legislators come ...

How Stupid Can They Possibly Be?

So who is it this time? Well, it’s those savvy businessmen, wheeling and dealing inside the Beltway, as if the machinations that they arrange with the politicos are actually enforceable. Consider a New York Times report today, beginning with the following: Pressed by industry lobbyists, White House officials on Wednesday ...

Obama’s Health Plan Will Succeed

Many critics are busy complaining that President Obama’s healthcare reform plans are doomed to failure. It would be nice if they would just quit their whining and get back to caring for their polo ponies or something, because it’s clear that the plan will be successful. Think about it — ...

Obama vs. Pelosi on Health Care

Jay Cost points out that one of the big problems with the government take-over is inconsistent messaging. And it starts at the top, as the clip shows. Linda Douglass runs a tape where the president insists: “Here’s a guarantee that I’ve made: If you have insurance that you like, then ...

Prescribing Higher Health-Care Costs

And plans are underway that could result in restricted access to more expensive drug treatments among patients on government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. If a “public option” is included in any new health-care legislation, the new participants will not have access to cutting-edge drugs if federal bureaucrats determine ...

Blue Dog Medicaid Deal Will Devour Us

Boy, are they wrong. The Medicaid amendment that they passed will cause states to accelerate their already out-of-control spending on Medicaid. Medicaid is a program for low-income households that is jointly financed by the federal and state governments. It has always contained a flawed incentive that causes states to overspend: ...

Cash-for-Clunkers: Education Edition

Reported per-pupil funding figures peg the average D.C.-regional area public school amount at more than $14,000. D.C. public schools actually get much more, exceeding $27,000 per pupil, yet they rank lowest nationally in reading performance (see the “at or above basic” columns for 4th grade reading, 8th grade reading). In ...

What Do School Tests Measure?

The New York Times, August 4, 2009 According to a New York Times analysis, New York City students have steadily improved their performance on statewide tests since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took control of the public schools seven years ago. While statewide passing rates on the tests have risen in every ...

Will Obama’s health care be better for dogs like it is in Canada?

Cheaper and better health care? On July 31st, television’s 20-20 provided an overview of Obama’s health care plan. Coverage came after they dealt with out-of-control spenders (unfortunately, not our government’s) and Phil Spector’s wife. In regard to Obama’s health care program, Sally Pipes of Pacific Research Institute said, “The only ...

Making the most of education dollars

California’s fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association along with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell claims California’s per-pupil funding now ranks 47th nationally. In reality, most experts agree California is ...
Business & Economics

How California Can Avoid a Sequel of the Budget Crisis

At long last Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed the budget, but Californians may want to hold off on any celebration. The blockbuster $84.6 billion deal is packed with accounting tricks that virtually guarantee a sequel of the crisis. A long-term solution could be at hand, but only if legislators come ...

How Stupid Can They Possibly Be?

So who is it this time? Well, it’s those savvy businessmen, wheeling and dealing inside the Beltway, as if the machinations that they arrange with the politicos are actually enforceable. Consider a New York Times report today, beginning with the following: Pressed by industry lobbyists, White House officials on Wednesday ...

Obama’s Health Plan Will Succeed

Many critics are busy complaining that President Obama’s healthcare reform plans are doomed to failure. It would be nice if they would just quit their whining and get back to caring for their polo ponies or something, because it’s clear that the plan will be successful. Think about it — ...

Obama vs. Pelosi on Health Care

Jay Cost points out that one of the big problems with the government take-over is inconsistent messaging. And it starts at the top, as the clip shows. Linda Douglass runs a tape where the president insists: “Here’s a guarantee that I’ve made: If you have insurance that you like, then ...

Prescribing Higher Health-Care Costs

And plans are underway that could result in restricted access to more expensive drug treatments among patients on government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. If a “public option” is included in any new health-care legislation, the new participants will not have access to cutting-edge drugs if federal bureaucrats determine ...

Blue Dog Medicaid Deal Will Devour Us

Boy, are they wrong. The Medicaid amendment that they passed will cause states to accelerate their already out-of-control spending on Medicaid. Medicaid is a program for low-income households that is jointly financed by the federal and state governments. It has always contained a flawed incentive that causes states to overspend: ...

Cash-for-Clunkers: Education Edition

Reported per-pupil funding figures peg the average D.C.-regional area public school amount at more than $14,000. D.C. public schools actually get much more, exceeding $27,000 per pupil, yet they rank lowest nationally in reading performance (see the “at or above basic” columns for 4th grade reading, 8th grade reading). In ...

What Do School Tests Measure?

The New York Times, August 4, 2009 According to a New York Times analysis, New York City students have steadily improved their performance on statewide tests since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took control of the public schools seven years ago. While statewide passing rates on the tests have risen in every ...

Will Obama’s health care be better for dogs like it is in Canada?

Cheaper and better health care? On July 31st, television’s 20-20 provided an overview of Obama’s health care plan. Coverage came after they dealt with out-of-control spenders (unfortunately, not our government’s) and Phil Spector’s wife. In regard to Obama’s health care program, Sally Pipes of Pacific Research Institute said, “The only ...

Making the most of education dollars

California’s fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association along with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell claims California’s per-pupil funding now ranks 47th nationally. In reality, most experts agree California is ...
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