
Business & Economics

Staggering Statistics Scream for Dramatic Policy Changes

New unemployment statistics are the latest in a seemingly endless series of reminders of Michigan’s economic woes and policy miscalculations. The state’s unemployment rate leapt to 15.2 percent in June, the 40th consecutive month Michigan has had the highest unemployment rate in the nation. To put things in even greater ...

‘Reform’ Will Cost Us More For Less

New York Post, July 20, 2009 State Policy Network, July 22, 2009 Health care reform is turning into the ultimate bait and switch. Candidate Barack Obama promised Americans savings of $2,500, expanded coverage and no generalized tax increase in the form of an individual mandate. Yet President Obama is endorsing ...
Climate Change

Waxman-Markey: An Exercise in Unreality

“Waxman-Markey … seeks a first in economic history: rationing without scarcity or price inflation. [It] allows generous ‘offsets’ so that carbon-based energy does not, in fact, become scarce. The bill does, however, contain a multitude of new regulations, product-efficiency mandates, and spending programs that will require extensive managerial attention from ...

Why not try ownership?

Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...

Government Care Costs More

The testimony by Congressional Budget Office chief Douglas Elmendorf that the health-care legislation in Congress “significantly expands” costs shocked Capitol Hill. Yet the evidence shows that government-run care has always been more costly than private-sector care. In claiming that the solution to skyrocketing health costs is more government-run care, President ...

Reformers’ Claims Just Don’t Add Up

Health Reform: Many extravagant claims have been made on behalf of the various health care “reforms” now emerging from Congress and the White House. But on closer inspection, virtually all prove to be false. Yet even as many Americans start to have second thoughts about our government’s possible takeover of ...
Business & Economics

Obama fast becoming Canada’s best friend

Canada has a new secret weapon. His name is Barack Obama. At least, that’s one interpretation of negative fiscal consequences likely to flow from the Democratic president’s ambitious, big-ticket government agenda and not a far-fetched one at that. According to an analysis offered last week by economist Jason Clemens, research ...

Rep. Tom McClintock and “California’s Meltdown”

CEI and the Pacific Research Institute recently co-hosted a Capitol Hill briefing on “California’s Meltdown” – the unprecedented combination of flawed economic, energy and environmental policies that have left the state with a massive budget deficit and facing even tougher times ahead. Our keynote speaker was Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), ...

The Canadian Healthcare Experience

The Cato Institute – Cato Daily Podcast , July 16, 2009 The Canadian experience with national healthcare has produced waiting lines, rationed care, and it has not produced the preventive and patient focused care that just about everyone wants. Caleb Brown of the Cato Institute presents a podcast with Sally ...

School-funding formula illogical and inequitable

Concern has been mounting over how the state’s budget deficit will impact education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, claims California’s per-pupil funding now ranks 47th nationally. Most experts agree California is around the middle of the pack, including the CTA’s own ...
Business & Economics

Staggering Statistics Scream for Dramatic Policy Changes

New unemployment statistics are the latest in a seemingly endless series of reminders of Michigan’s economic woes and policy miscalculations. The state’s unemployment rate leapt to 15.2 percent in June, the 40th consecutive month Michigan has had the highest unemployment rate in the nation. To put things in even greater ...

‘Reform’ Will Cost Us More For Less

New York Post, July 20, 2009 State Policy Network, July 22, 2009 Health care reform is turning into the ultimate bait and switch. Candidate Barack Obama promised Americans savings of $2,500, expanded coverage and no generalized tax increase in the form of an individual mandate. Yet President Obama is endorsing ...
Climate Change

Waxman-Markey: An Exercise in Unreality

“Waxman-Markey … seeks a first in economic history: rationing without scarcity or price inflation. [It] allows generous ‘offsets’ so that carbon-based energy does not, in fact, become scarce. The bill does, however, contain a multitude of new regulations, product-efficiency mandates, and spending programs that will require extensive managerial attention from ...

Why not try ownership?

Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...

Government Care Costs More

The testimony by Congressional Budget Office chief Douglas Elmendorf that the health-care legislation in Congress “significantly expands” costs shocked Capitol Hill. Yet the evidence shows that government-run care has always been more costly than private-sector care. In claiming that the solution to skyrocketing health costs is more government-run care, President ...

Reformers’ Claims Just Don’t Add Up

Health Reform: Many extravagant claims have been made on behalf of the various health care “reforms” now emerging from Congress and the White House. But on closer inspection, virtually all prove to be false. Yet even as many Americans start to have second thoughts about our government’s possible takeover of ...
Business & Economics

Obama fast becoming Canada’s best friend

Canada has a new secret weapon. His name is Barack Obama. At least, that’s one interpretation of negative fiscal consequences likely to flow from the Democratic president’s ambitious, big-ticket government agenda and not a far-fetched one at that. According to an analysis offered last week by economist Jason Clemens, research ...

Rep. Tom McClintock and “California’s Meltdown”

CEI and the Pacific Research Institute recently co-hosted a Capitol Hill briefing on “California’s Meltdown” – the unprecedented combination of flawed economic, energy and environmental policies that have left the state with a massive budget deficit and facing even tougher times ahead. Our keynote speaker was Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), ...

The Canadian Healthcare Experience

The Cato Institute – Cato Daily Podcast , July 16, 2009 The Canadian experience with national healthcare has produced waiting lines, rationed care, and it has not produced the preventive and patient focused care that just about everyone wants. Caleb Brown of the Cato Institute presents a podcast with Sally ...

School-funding formula illogical and inequitable

Concern has been mounting over how the state’s budget deficit will impact education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, claims California’s per-pupil funding now ranks 47th nationally. Most experts agree California is around the middle of the pack, including the CTA’s own ...
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