
Business & Economics

California Ranks 48th Worst State in Labor Performance

550 people leave state each day San Francisco, August 18, 2009 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, found that California’s labor performance over the last five years is among the worst performing in the nation, ranking 48th and besting only Michigan and Mississippi. ...

Thank You for Bringing Up Switzerland, Professor Krugman

He is wrong: In Switzerland, the government does not order its residents out of private insurance once they turn 65; they can buy health insurance directly (rather than accepting what their employers choose for them); and they can control more of their health dollars directly than Americans do (rather than ...

Money doesn’t give the whole picture in evaluating schools

Reason Foundation, August 17, 2009 Flash Report, August 17, 2009 UCLA Education News Roundup, August 20, 2009 California’s fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact that the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with state Superintendent of Public ...
Business & Economics

Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

The American Thinker, August 16, 2009 Lux Libertas, August 16, 2009 These are perilous times. Last November’s election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation’s seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, ...

“Fishy” Rumors About New York Health Insurance

So, I took the opportunity to inform the White House of a couple of “fishy” statements made by President Barack Obama in a speech to a New Hampshire rally, in which he claimed that the U.S. government will force health insurers to cover preventive screenings for breast and prostate cancer ...

Back to School: Higher miseducation

Is your wealthy neighborhood school on the wrong side of the education tracks? It’s an idea that’s evolved over time but the core principle of the American Dream remains the same: to live well and prosper. And so we do our best to go to a good school, get a ...

Even If It’s Not a ‘Death Panel,’ It Doesn’t Belong in Medicare

But even if we don’t go off the deep end with the “death panel” rhetoric, there’s still a fundamental problem with this, which gets to the core of why health insurance is so expensive: There is no reason for a health insurer to pay for such counselling. It’s a service ...

‘Housed’ Teacher System Needs to be Overhauled

THE Los Angeles Unified School District has been given permission to fire Matthew Kim, a disabled special education teacher who has not worked for seven years while drawing his full salary and benefits. Kim’s case shows the need for district reform, but it’s hardly alone in that regard. Kim was ...
Business & Economics

San Francisco County Assessor’s Tax Proposal Draws Fire

San Francisco County Assessor Phil Ting (D) has launched a statewide effort to revise a provision of California’s Proposition 13, a state law voters approved more than 30 years ago to limit property taxes in the Golden State. Ting wants to change how Proposition 13 deals with tax assessments on ...

Save the D.C. 216

A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...
Business & Economics

California Ranks 48th Worst State in Labor Performance

550 people leave state each day San Francisco, August 18, 2009 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, found that California’s labor performance over the last five years is among the worst performing in the nation, ranking 48th and besting only Michigan and Mississippi. ...

Thank You for Bringing Up Switzerland, Professor Krugman

He is wrong: In Switzerland, the government does not order its residents out of private insurance once they turn 65; they can buy health insurance directly (rather than accepting what their employers choose for them); and they can control more of their health dollars directly than Americans do (rather than ...

Money doesn’t give the whole picture in evaluating schools

Reason Foundation, August 17, 2009 Flash Report, August 17, 2009 UCLA Education News Roundup, August 20, 2009 California’s fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact that the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with state Superintendent of Public ...
Business & Economics

Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

The American Thinker, August 16, 2009 Lux Libertas, August 16, 2009 These are perilous times. Last November’s election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation’s seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, ...

“Fishy” Rumors About New York Health Insurance

So, I took the opportunity to inform the White House of a couple of “fishy” statements made by President Barack Obama in a speech to a New Hampshire rally, in which he claimed that the U.S. government will force health insurers to cover preventive screenings for breast and prostate cancer ...

Back to School: Higher miseducation

Is your wealthy neighborhood school on the wrong side of the education tracks? It’s an idea that’s evolved over time but the core principle of the American Dream remains the same: to live well and prosper. And so we do our best to go to a good school, get a ...

Even If It’s Not a ‘Death Panel,’ It Doesn’t Belong in Medicare

But even if we don’t go off the deep end with the “death panel” rhetoric, there’s still a fundamental problem with this, which gets to the core of why health insurance is so expensive: There is no reason for a health insurer to pay for such counselling. It’s a service ...

‘Housed’ Teacher System Needs to be Overhauled

THE Los Angeles Unified School District has been given permission to fire Matthew Kim, a disabled special education teacher who has not worked for seven years while drawing his full salary and benefits. Kim’s case shows the need for district reform, but it’s hardly alone in that regard. Kim was ...
Business & Economics

San Francisco County Assessor’s Tax Proposal Draws Fire

San Francisco County Assessor Phil Ting (D) has launched a statewide effort to revise a provision of California’s Proposition 13, a state law voters approved more than 30 years ago to limit property taxes in the Golden State. Ting wants to change how Proposition 13 deals with tax assessments on ...

Save the D.C. 216

A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...
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