Nebraska Embroiled in Teacher Salary Debate
Over the next two years, Nebraska will receive $234 million in federal stimulus money to bolster state aid to schools. That represents a one-time funding source, but Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman (R) wants to use it to boost teacher salaries, a recurring expense. Heineman sent a letter to the Nebraska ...
Evelyn B. Stacey
October 1, 2009
Not all med students want Obamacare
As a third year medical student at the Unviersity of Miami Miller School of Medicine with parents strongly considering a move from the Sunshine State to the Old Line State, your piece on the hidden loss for primary care (“Primary care’s hidden loss,” Sept. 29) was well received — that ...
Nicholas J. Rohrhoff
October 1, 2009
Earthquake Fears Halt California Geothermal Project
The federal government has halted a geothermal power project in California in response to concerns the project is causing an increase in regional earthquake activity. The project was launched last fall with more than $6 million in taxpayer funding. The project, in a Northern California region knows as The Geysers, ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 1, 2009
‘Reform’ horrors: O’s Total Disconnect
The New York Post, September 30, 2009 The disconnect is just about perfect: President Obama’s utopian promises for what his health-care agenda would bring are the opposite of what the plans on the table would produce. In his Sept. 9 speech before Congress, he laid out three principles. “It will ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 30, 2009
NPR Explains It All
So there we have it. “Underinsurance” means an allocation of risk between the insured and the pool (the insurer) that is not gold-plated from the viewpoint of the former. And the rather obvious increase in premiums needed to reduce the “underinsurance” problem? That discussion seems to have been left on ...
Benjamin Zycher
September 30, 2009
Business & Economics
State Commission Recommends Tax Reforms for a New Century
The Commission on the 21st Century Economy, tasked by the governor to modernize the state’s tax system and stabilize revenues, finally delivered its report this week. The main recommendations are to eliminate the state sales tax and corporate income tax and replace them with a new “net receipts tax” on ...
Jason Clemens
September 30, 2009
Business & Economics
FCC’s Genachowski Not Neutral on New Net Rules
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski stirred up the Net neutrality pot last week with his speech at the Brookings Institution where he pledged to create new rules for governing the Internet. While the chairman’s comments were delivered eloquently, they were problematic for a number of reasons. The FCC ...
Sonia Arrison
September 30, 2009
In Delivering Care, More Isn’t Always Better, Experts Say
A dirty word in health-care reform is “rationing,” a term that conjures up the image of faceless government bureaucrats denying lifesaving therapies in the name of cutting costs. But what if the real issue is not the specter of future rationing, but the haphazard, even illogical, way in which care ...
Ceci Connolly
September 29, 2009
No Ed Reform Cred for the Obama Administration
Granted, in some cases like California, anything seems better than the status quo; however, consider the Obama administration’s own track record when it comes to “reform.” According to the Post, the real test of this administration’s ed reform creds will be “whether the administration takes on the task of overhauling ...
Vicki E. Murray
September 28, 2009
With ObamaCare in a Hole, Will the White House Stop Digging?
The Monday morning column from Clark Judge: By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group, Inc. Increasingly in Washington over the last few weeks, we have heard this assessment of the president’s health care upheaval prospects: Something will pass, because the president and his party have such large ...
Hugh Hewitt
September 28, 2009
Nebraska Embroiled in Teacher Salary Debate
Over the next two years, Nebraska will receive $234 million in federal stimulus money to bolster state aid to schools. That represents a one-time funding source, but Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman (R) wants to use it to boost teacher salaries, a recurring expense. Heineman sent a letter to the Nebraska ...
Not all med students want Obamacare
As a third year medical student at the Unviersity of Miami Miller School of Medicine with parents strongly considering a move from the Sunshine State to the Old Line State, your piece on the hidden loss for primary care (“Primary care’s hidden loss,” Sept. 29) was well received — that ...
Earthquake Fears Halt California Geothermal Project
The federal government has halted a geothermal power project in California in response to concerns the project is causing an increase in regional earthquake activity. The project was launched last fall with more than $6 million in taxpayer funding. The project, in a Northern California region knows as The Geysers, ...
‘Reform’ horrors: O’s Total Disconnect
The New York Post, September 30, 2009 The disconnect is just about perfect: President Obama’s utopian promises for what his health-care agenda would bring are the opposite of what the plans on the table would produce. In his Sept. 9 speech before Congress, he laid out three principles. “It will ...
NPR Explains It All
So there we have it. “Underinsurance” means an allocation of risk between the insured and the pool (the insurer) that is not gold-plated from the viewpoint of the former. And the rather obvious increase in premiums needed to reduce the “underinsurance” problem? That discussion seems to have been left on ...
State Commission Recommends Tax Reforms for a New Century
The Commission on the 21st Century Economy, tasked by the governor to modernize the state’s tax system and stabilize revenues, finally delivered its report this week. The main recommendations are to eliminate the state sales tax and corporate income tax and replace them with a new “net receipts tax” on ...
FCC’s Genachowski Not Neutral on New Net Rules
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski stirred up the Net neutrality pot last week with his speech at the Brookings Institution where he pledged to create new rules for governing the Internet. While the chairman’s comments were delivered eloquently, they were problematic for a number of reasons. The FCC ...
In Delivering Care, More Isn’t Always Better, Experts Say
A dirty word in health-care reform is “rationing,” a term that conjures up the image of faceless government bureaucrats denying lifesaving therapies in the name of cutting costs. But what if the real issue is not the specter of future rationing, but the haphazard, even illogical, way in which care ...
No Ed Reform Cred for the Obama Administration
Granted, in some cases like California, anything seems better than the status quo; however, consider the Obama administration’s own track record when it comes to “reform.” According to the Post, the real test of this administration’s ed reform creds will be “whether the administration takes on the task of overhauling ...
With ObamaCare in a Hole, Will the White House Stop Digging?
The Monday morning column from Clark Judge: By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group, Inc. Increasingly in Washington over the last few weeks, we have heard this assessment of the president’s health care upheaval prospects: Something will pass, because the president and his party have such large ...