

An ounce of prevention is no cost-saving cure

In the debate over health care reform, preventive medicine has become almost everyone’s panacea. During recent campaign-style town hall meetings in New Hampshire, Colorado and Montana, President Barack Obama never missed an opportunity to claim that preventive care and wellness programs would save money and lives. Yet there are some ...

Liberal Doctors and Distortions about the Uninsured in America

Last July ’09 the WSJ published an article by Carl Bialik, The Unhealthy Accounting of Uninsured Americans: Congressional debate over health care hinges on numbers projected a decade forward to make sure the plan can be paid for. But it’s hard enough pinning down today’s numbers. The Census Bureau estimates ...

Preventive medicine does help to keep costs down

Sally C. Pipes offers a dangerously misleading diagnosis in her Aug. 30 column, “An ounce of prevention is no cost-saving cure.” Citing a recent CBO analysis, Pipes wrongly concludes that preventive health care raises costs by increasing utilization. In fact, today’s clinically based prevention reduces utilization and can potentially save ...
Business & Economics

The California Prosperity Project – Assessing California’s economic performance

From Senator George Runner From the start, California has enjoyed unique natural economic advantages over other states, from its regional location and deep sea ports to its temperate weather and year-round fertile agricultural land. Our world class university system, cutting edge research and development centers, and an ample, willing and ...
Business & Economics

What Has President Obama Done for Silicon Valley?

President Obama’s appointments of Silicon Valley outsiders were only the first indications that his administration would be less than friendly to the high-tech industry, despite campaign promises. Since then, it has shown an inclination toward tight regulatory practices and away from transparency. President Obama’s inability to fill even half of ...

Why Idaho Ranks Number Three in U.S. Health Ownership

As the nation debates President Obama’s “public option” for health care, the citizens of Idaho have an important contribution. Idaho enjoys considerable freedom in health ownership compared to the rest of the United States, according to a new study. The 2009 U.S. Index of Health Ownership (IHOP) ranks Idaho number ...

Obama plan is stealth for a single payer system

San Jose Mercury News, August 27, 2009 At a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire, President Barack Obama promised that health care reform will not threaten private insurance coverage. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” he said. “This is not about ...

Kidney Dialysis: The Price of Government Monopoly

The punch line? The U.S. government’s Medicare program is the monopoly health insurer for patients who need the treatment. That goes a long way to explain why the protocol is frozen in time. Can you think of any medical specialty — cardiology, psychiatry, orthopedic surgery, etc. — where you can ...
Business & Economics

Conservative Leaders on Costly Lawsuits and Health Care Reform

MEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT RE: Costly lawsuit abuses drive up medical expenses and add billions of dollars to the cost of healthcare, but provide only marginal assistance to injured patients. Yet Congress refuses to address this problem or to make it part of meaningful healthcare reform. Concerned citizens need to ...
Business & Economics

What we need

In an interview with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Pacific Research Institute last week, Tom McClintock — one-time candidate for governor in California, one-time member of the state’s Assembly and Senate, and now a member of the House of Representatives — offered an opinion about why this state is ...

An ounce of prevention is no cost-saving cure

In the debate over health care reform, preventive medicine has become almost everyone’s panacea. During recent campaign-style town hall meetings in New Hampshire, Colorado and Montana, President Barack Obama never missed an opportunity to claim that preventive care and wellness programs would save money and lives. Yet there are some ...

Liberal Doctors and Distortions about the Uninsured in America

Last July ’09 the WSJ published an article by Carl Bialik, The Unhealthy Accounting of Uninsured Americans: Congressional debate over health care hinges on numbers projected a decade forward to make sure the plan can be paid for. But it’s hard enough pinning down today’s numbers. The Census Bureau estimates ...

Preventive medicine does help to keep costs down

Sally C. Pipes offers a dangerously misleading diagnosis in her Aug. 30 column, “An ounce of prevention is no cost-saving cure.” Citing a recent CBO analysis, Pipes wrongly concludes that preventive health care raises costs by increasing utilization. In fact, today’s clinically based prevention reduces utilization and can potentially save ...
Business & Economics

The California Prosperity Project – Assessing California’s economic performance

From Senator George Runner From the start, California has enjoyed unique natural economic advantages over other states, from its regional location and deep sea ports to its temperate weather and year-round fertile agricultural land. Our world class university system, cutting edge research and development centers, and an ample, willing and ...
Business & Economics

What Has President Obama Done for Silicon Valley?

President Obama’s appointments of Silicon Valley outsiders were only the first indications that his administration would be less than friendly to the high-tech industry, despite campaign promises. Since then, it has shown an inclination toward tight regulatory practices and away from transparency. President Obama’s inability to fill even half of ...

Why Idaho Ranks Number Three in U.S. Health Ownership

As the nation debates President Obama’s “public option” for health care, the citizens of Idaho have an important contribution. Idaho enjoys considerable freedom in health ownership compared to the rest of the United States, according to a new study. The 2009 U.S. Index of Health Ownership (IHOP) ranks Idaho number ...

Obama plan is stealth for a single payer system

San Jose Mercury News, August 27, 2009 At a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire, President Barack Obama promised that health care reform will not threaten private insurance coverage. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” he said. “This is not about ...

Kidney Dialysis: The Price of Government Monopoly

The punch line? The U.S. government’s Medicare program is the monopoly health insurer for patients who need the treatment. That goes a long way to explain why the protocol is frozen in time. Can you think of any medical specialty — cardiology, psychiatry, orthopedic surgery, etc. — where you can ...
Business & Economics

Conservative Leaders on Costly Lawsuits and Health Care Reform

MEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT RE: Costly lawsuit abuses drive up medical expenses and add billions of dollars to the cost of healthcare, but provide only marginal assistance to injured patients. Yet Congress refuses to address this problem or to make it part of meaningful healthcare reform. Concerned citizens need to ...
Business & Economics

What we need

In an interview with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Pacific Research Institute last week, Tom McClintock — one-time candidate for governor in California, one-time member of the state’s Assembly and Senate, and now a member of the House of Representatives — offered an opinion about why this state is ...
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