

LAUSD Board Moves to Ease Removal of Bad Teachers

The board of the Los Angeles Unified School District has passed a resolution to ease restrictions on firing unprofessional teachers, a move long in the making. Passed by a 4-3 vote on June 9, the resolution sets the stage for changes to state law to make such dismissals easier. In ...
Business & Economics

Policy Alerts

Policy Alert This publication, sent via email or fax, highlights PRI’s latest releases, media coverage, and impact on public policy in California and across the nation. Learn how PRI is affecting California and the Nation. > Sign Up> Unsubscribe May 5, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 15, ...

Texas Expands Charter Authorization Options

Texas has taken steps to enhance the quality and quantity of charter schools by expanding the involvement of colleges as an authorizing force. State Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Starr County) and state Sen. Florence Shapiro (R-Dallas) cosponsored House Bill 1423, signed by the governor into law on June 19 and effective ...

The Great “Prevention” Myth II

The advocates of government controlled health care keep pushing the prevention-saves-money myth. The Pacific Research Institute’s Sally Pipes offers more reasons why prevention, even when it’s a good thing, doesn’t make health care cheaper: … another example from a study published last year in the journal Circulation. Suppose we enact ...

Health Overhaul Partisanship Hit

As lawmakers on Capitol Hill remain unable to reach a bipartisan agreement on a health care reform plan, some policy analysts are questioning the congressional majority’s willingness to put partisan politics aside and work together to improve health care policy. “None of the Democratic proposals are ‘reform’; rather, they are ...

Failing the International Test

Freedom Politics, August 31, 2009 American students lag behind most of their international counterparts in math achievement, according to recent analysis from the U.S. Department of Education. In the face of this bad news, however, state and federal policymakers continue to push government-centered “solutions” destined to make matters worse. According ...

Schwarzenegger Sets Trap for Obama’s “Race to the Top” Education Initiative

In the 1985 action film, Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays John Matrix, a commando who uses a little humor when taking revenge on the bad guys, “Remember when I said I’d kill you last… I lied!” Though this is a forgettable little line, President Obama should pay attention to it because ...
Business & Economics

Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?

By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...

Cut Costs Without Rationing Care By Putting Patient Back In Charge

Investor’s Business Daily, August 31, 2009 Lux Libertas, September 1, 2009 Decades of data confirm a simple truth: If we want to lower health costs, we need to put consumers back in charge. Many people now feel like second-class citizens when they enter the doctor’s office. That’s because everyone in ...
Business & Economics

UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute

Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...

LAUSD Board Moves to Ease Removal of Bad Teachers

The board of the Los Angeles Unified School District has passed a resolution to ease restrictions on firing unprofessional teachers, a move long in the making. Passed by a 4-3 vote on June 9, the resolution sets the stage for changes to state law to make such dismissals easier. In ...
Business & Economics

Policy Alerts

Policy Alert This publication, sent via email or fax, highlights PRI’s latest releases, media coverage, and impact on public policy in California and across the nation. Learn how PRI is affecting California and the Nation. > Sign Up> Unsubscribe May 5, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 15, ...

Texas Expands Charter Authorization Options

Texas has taken steps to enhance the quality and quantity of charter schools by expanding the involvement of colleges as an authorizing force. State Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Starr County) and state Sen. Florence Shapiro (R-Dallas) cosponsored House Bill 1423, signed by the governor into law on June 19 and effective ...

The Great “Prevention” Myth II

The advocates of government controlled health care keep pushing the prevention-saves-money myth. The Pacific Research Institute’s Sally Pipes offers more reasons why prevention, even when it’s a good thing, doesn’t make health care cheaper: … another example from a study published last year in the journal Circulation. Suppose we enact ...

Health Overhaul Partisanship Hit

As lawmakers on Capitol Hill remain unable to reach a bipartisan agreement on a health care reform plan, some policy analysts are questioning the congressional majority’s willingness to put partisan politics aside and work together to improve health care policy. “None of the Democratic proposals are ‘reform’; rather, they are ...

Failing the International Test

Freedom Politics, August 31, 2009 American students lag behind most of their international counterparts in math achievement, according to recent analysis from the U.S. Department of Education. In the face of this bad news, however, state and federal policymakers continue to push government-centered “solutions” destined to make matters worse. According ...

Schwarzenegger Sets Trap for Obama’s “Race to the Top” Education Initiative

In the 1985 action film, Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays John Matrix, a commando who uses a little humor when taking revenge on the bad guys, “Remember when I said I’d kill you last… I lied!” Though this is a forgettable little line, President Obama should pay attention to it because ...
Business & Economics

Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?

By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...

Cut Costs Without Rationing Care By Putting Patient Back In Charge

Investor’s Business Daily, August 31, 2009 Lux Libertas, September 1, 2009 Decades of data confirm a simple truth: If we want to lower health costs, we need to put consumers back in charge. Many people now feel like second-class citizens when they enter the doctor’s office. That’s because everyone in ...
Business & Economics

UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute

Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...
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