

How the Beltway Bandits See the World

The Beltway bandits may know how to steal from the private sector — that is, from ordinary people making far less than the $250,000 benchmark made famous during the 2008 campaign — but that does not obscure their own brand of dumb, which inexorably comes to the surface from time ...
Business & Economics

Fight for soul of GOP in OC

If you want to know what’s wrong with Sacramento, you need look no further than Orange County. That’s where Republican Party insiders have cast aside one of the GOP’s most principled members in its drive to fill the 72nd Assembly District seat vacated by disgraced Assemblyman Mike Duvall, who resigned ...

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi with awards for his parachute jump with the Army’s Golden Knights high-performance jump team. The event was held at the Army’s Southern California Advisory Board meeting on October 23rd in Fullerton. The two officers standing next to Lance are Lieutenant Colonel Miguel ...

Faulty data on unruly students stuns Moreno Valley school district

Administrators say the expulsion and suspension data that Moreno Valley Unified School District submitted last June to the state is entirely incorrect, and that’s why many of its schools seemed to fare poorly in a just-released safety report by a think tank. Earlier this week, the Sacramento-based Pacific Research Institute ...
Business & Economics

Malpractice should be part of health care debate

Morris Daily Herald (IL), October 22, 2009 The current debate on health care is the ideal time to look at medical malpractice reform, says an organization concerned with lawsuit abuse. Travis Akin of Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch was in Morris Tuesday, Oct. 20, talking about opportunities for malpractice reform as ...

San Mateo County schools show up on “unsafe” lists

A number of Bay Area schools — including several in San Mateo County — have struggled with high levels of safety-related problems such as disruptive behavior, student alcohol use and vandalism, according to a study released earlier this week. The study by the San Francisco-based think tank Pacific Research Institute ...

How ‘reform’ leads to more uninsured

Imagine you’re driving in a city, trying to find a place to park your car for the whole day. A parking garage costs $30. Right next to the parking garage entrance, you eye a parking spot on the street. Next to the curb is a sign that says, “No parking. ...
Business & Economics

Office Visit: Real reform, real access

With Americans preoccupied with the health care reform debate, the issue of physician shortages will hopefully not fall through the cracks. The issue may prove to be more important than any reform being debated in Congress. The United States and Oklahoma currently face a physician shortage, which nationally could spike ...
Business & Economics

CBO Underestimates Benefits of Malpractice Reform

Getting sued is now part of the job description for physicians. Each year, up to 25 percent of them face lawsuits. Doctors are found innocent in 90 percent of cases, but they lose even then — average defense costs per claim approach $100,000. Fear of lawsuits causes most doctors to ...

Doctors on other side of ‘ObamaCare’ — On Oct. 5, President Obama made a speech in the White House Rose Garden to an audience of 50 white-coated doctors, one from each state. The doctors also represented a number of friendly medical organizations, including the American Medical Association (to which between 15 and 20 percent of ...

How the Beltway Bandits See the World

The Beltway bandits may know how to steal from the private sector — that is, from ordinary people making far less than the $250,000 benchmark made famous during the 2008 campaign — but that does not obscure their own brand of dumb, which inexorably comes to the surface from time ...
Business & Economics

Fight for soul of GOP in OC

If you want to know what’s wrong with Sacramento, you need look no further than Orange County. That’s where Republican Party insiders have cast aside one of the GOP’s most principled members in its drive to fill the 72nd Assembly District seat vacated by disgraced Assemblyman Mike Duvall, who resigned ...

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi with awards for his parachute jump with the Army’s Golden Knights high-performance jump team. The event was held at the Army’s Southern California Advisory Board meeting on October 23rd in Fullerton. The two officers standing next to Lance are Lieutenant Colonel Miguel ...

Faulty data on unruly students stuns Moreno Valley school district

Administrators say the expulsion and suspension data that Moreno Valley Unified School District submitted last June to the state is entirely incorrect, and that’s why many of its schools seemed to fare poorly in a just-released safety report by a think tank. Earlier this week, the Sacramento-based Pacific Research Institute ...
Business & Economics

Malpractice should be part of health care debate

Morris Daily Herald (IL), October 22, 2009 The current debate on health care is the ideal time to look at medical malpractice reform, says an organization concerned with lawsuit abuse. Travis Akin of Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch was in Morris Tuesday, Oct. 20, talking about opportunities for malpractice reform as ...

San Mateo County schools show up on “unsafe” lists

A number of Bay Area schools — including several in San Mateo County — have struggled with high levels of safety-related problems such as disruptive behavior, student alcohol use and vandalism, according to a study released earlier this week. The study by the San Francisco-based think tank Pacific Research Institute ...

How ‘reform’ leads to more uninsured

Imagine you’re driving in a city, trying to find a place to park your car for the whole day. A parking garage costs $30. Right next to the parking garage entrance, you eye a parking spot on the street. Next to the curb is a sign that says, “No parking. ...
Business & Economics

Office Visit: Real reform, real access

With Americans preoccupied with the health care reform debate, the issue of physician shortages will hopefully not fall through the cracks. The issue may prove to be more important than any reform being debated in Congress. The United States and Oklahoma currently face a physician shortage, which nationally could spike ...
Business & Economics

CBO Underestimates Benefits of Malpractice Reform

Getting sued is now part of the job description for physicians. Each year, up to 25 percent of them face lawsuits. Doctors are found innocent in 90 percent of cases, but they lose even then — average defense costs per claim approach $100,000. Fear of lawsuits causes most doctors to ...

Doctors on other side of ‘ObamaCare’ — On Oct. 5, President Obama made a speech in the White House Rose Garden to an audience of 50 white-coated doctors, one from each state. The doctors also represented a number of friendly medical organizations, including the American Medical Association (to which between 15 and 20 percent of ...
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