
Business & Economics

Think tank pans Connecticut

An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...

Obama in Fantasyland

This is remarkable. As everyone in Washington knows, there are no savings to be had. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services projects that, at the current trajectory, the Medicare Hospital Trust Fund will become insolvent by 2017. The baby boomers are about to start retiring. Medicare is headed for ...

The “Obama Effect:” A Help or More Hot Air for D.C. Schoolchildren?

Specifically, the study found that the “Obama effect” can move public opinion polls by 11 to 13 percentage points on issues such as charter schools and merit pay for teachers-in spite of union opposition. Yet when “informed of the President’s opposition to school vouchers,” public support dropped 12 percentage points. ...

Environmentalists Oppose Mojave Desert Solar Power

Environmental groups advocating for land conservation and protection of endangered species are lining up in opposition to measures to expedite solar energy projects on federal lands, particularly in the Mojave Desert, announced by Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar on June 29. Loss of Water, Habitat With solar power plants having ...
Business & Economics

How unions took $4 million from cash-strapped UC

Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California hunted down the e-mails chronicling the pressure put on University of California President Mark Yudof to provide taxpayer funds for a bogus labor “think tank” after Arnold line-item-vetoed the funding. Here’s part of his account: As the state’s budget crisis ...

Mackinac Center Analysts Refute NRDC Green Energy Claims

The Examiner, September 1, 2009 Reliance on renewable mandates will cost, not create, jobs MIDLAND — The adoption of “green energy” policy recommendations made in a recent report by the National Resources Defense Council would push Michigan’s economy into a freefall, according to Mackinac Center for Public Policy energy analysts ...
Business & Economics

Bean Counting Comes to Broadway

The theatre of the absurd enjoyed a run on Broadway this summer as the theatrical world reacted to the publication of a new study on gender bias. Opening the Curtain on Playwright Gender, by Princeton economics student Emily Glassberg Sands, features a three-part inquiry into the scarcity of female playwrights ...

Space needs to answer some questions

Where in the world is Zack Space? He’s hiding under the bed. He’s seen the town hall meetings on the news, and he’s afraid one of us un-American, swastika-bearing mobsters will get upset with him about ObamaCare. “That’s not my style,” he says. Poor baby. I’m sure he’ll have the ...

Sticker Shock May Erode Public Support for Health Care Overhaul

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s draft health care bill may be in danger of collapsing under the weight of its own price tag, as “sticker shock” could cause what support there is for the government-centric health care transformation to ebb considerably. “Americans are by and large in ...

Senate Finance Committee Seeks Funds for Health Care Bill

Members of the Senate Finance Committee, which is working on a health care overhaul bill parallel to that proposed by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s Affordable Health Choices Act, have said their draft proposal now bears a total cost of just under $1 trillion. That figure is ...
Business & Economics

Think tank pans Connecticut

An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...

Obama in Fantasyland

This is remarkable. As everyone in Washington knows, there are no savings to be had. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services projects that, at the current trajectory, the Medicare Hospital Trust Fund will become insolvent by 2017. The baby boomers are about to start retiring. Medicare is headed for ...

The “Obama Effect:” A Help or More Hot Air for D.C. Schoolchildren?

Specifically, the study found that the “Obama effect” can move public opinion polls by 11 to 13 percentage points on issues such as charter schools and merit pay for teachers-in spite of union opposition. Yet when “informed of the President’s opposition to school vouchers,” public support dropped 12 percentage points. ...

Environmentalists Oppose Mojave Desert Solar Power

Environmental groups advocating for land conservation and protection of endangered species are lining up in opposition to measures to expedite solar energy projects on federal lands, particularly in the Mojave Desert, announced by Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar on June 29. Loss of Water, Habitat With solar power plants having ...
Business & Economics

How unions took $4 million from cash-strapped UC

Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California hunted down the e-mails chronicling the pressure put on University of California President Mark Yudof to provide taxpayer funds for a bogus labor “think tank” after Arnold line-item-vetoed the funding. Here’s part of his account: As the state’s budget crisis ...

Mackinac Center Analysts Refute NRDC Green Energy Claims

The Examiner, September 1, 2009 Reliance on renewable mandates will cost, not create, jobs MIDLAND — The adoption of “green energy” policy recommendations made in a recent report by the National Resources Defense Council would push Michigan’s economy into a freefall, according to Mackinac Center for Public Policy energy analysts ...
Business & Economics

Bean Counting Comes to Broadway

The theatre of the absurd enjoyed a run on Broadway this summer as the theatrical world reacted to the publication of a new study on gender bias. Opening the Curtain on Playwright Gender, by Princeton economics student Emily Glassberg Sands, features a three-part inquiry into the scarcity of female playwrights ...

Space needs to answer some questions

Where in the world is Zack Space? He’s hiding under the bed. He’s seen the town hall meetings on the news, and he’s afraid one of us un-American, swastika-bearing mobsters will get upset with him about ObamaCare. “That’s not my style,” he says. Poor baby. I’m sure he’ll have the ...

Sticker Shock May Erode Public Support for Health Care Overhaul

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s draft health care bill may be in danger of collapsing under the weight of its own price tag, as “sticker shock” could cause what support there is for the government-centric health care transformation to ebb considerably. “Americans are by and large in ...

Senate Finance Committee Seeks Funds for Health Care Bill

Members of the Senate Finance Committee, which is working on a health care overhaul bill parallel to that proposed by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s Affordable Health Choices Act, have said their draft proposal now bears a total cost of just under $1 trillion. That figure is ...
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