

Will the Chickens Roost in the CO-OP? Max Baucus’ Health Reform Proposal.

Someone has leaked a document from Senator Max Baucus, titled a Framework for Comprehensive Health Reform, which purports to be the basis for discussion by the “Gang of Six” Senators on the Senate Finance Committee upon whose quivering shoulders rests the fate of the proposed federal take-over of Americans’ access ...

Another Reason to Make Health Insurance the Property of the People

Readers also learned that non-profit organizations are rebelling at the tax reforms proposed as a part of the federal government take-over of Americans’ access to medical services, expecially the tax credit to small businesses to subsidise their employees’ coverage. Because non-profits don’t pay income tax, they would not get the ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...

The Best Health Care Plan You’ve Never Heard Of

Real Clear Politics, September 13, 2009 Washington is in the midst of yet another scandal — but not the kind you’d read about in a gossip rag. Congressional dilettantes are willfully ignoring health-care reform ideas that would cut costs and provide high-quality care to all. Sound nuts? It shouldn’t. By ...

Republicans Offer Solutions on Health Care

Tort Reform a Point of Bipartisan Agreement Raleigh, N.C. – The debate about health care reform continues as President Obama addresses a joint session of Congress last night to once again attempt to explain the details of his health care plan. At one point in his speech, the President raised ...

The predictable outcome of electing an economic dunderhead president

It is a very special world our president and his equally clueless advisors inhabit. It is one where market forces have been repealed, common sense is outlawed, and up is down, black is white, and it don’t rain in Indianapolis in the summertime. Other than that, we’re lucky to have ...

Interesting Moments from the President’s Speech

Also interesting was President Obama’s claim that he wouldn’t support any bill that would raise our deficits by “one dime.” (Six trillion dimes is apparently another matter, just not “one.” To be fair, he didn’t say “even.”) Also, as a supporter of the House health bill, which the Congressional Budget ...

Killing insurance

Prez’s promises a death knell In his Wednesday speech, President Obama fired up the troops on the urgency of reducing the number of uninsured in this country and achieving universal coverage via insurance regulations and forcing all Americans to buy insurance. Under his plan, insurers would be faced with “guaranteed ...

My Word: Insanity in San Mateo County school funding

The San Mateo County Times, (CA), September 11 2009 Greenwich Time (CT), September 11, 2009 CALIFORNIA’S FISCAL outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association (CTA), along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack ...

Union Power and Medical Waiting Times

California recently enacted new, tighter rules mandating maximum waiting times for appointments with primary-care docs and specialists in managed-care plans (HMOs), such as Kaiser Permanente. According to regulators, the problem is so bad it threatens a “feudal situation”. On top of this, the California Nurses Association has produced a bizarre ...

Will the Chickens Roost in the CO-OP? Max Baucus’ Health Reform Proposal.

Someone has leaked a document from Senator Max Baucus, titled a Framework for Comprehensive Health Reform, which purports to be the basis for discussion by the “Gang of Six” Senators on the Senate Finance Committee upon whose quivering shoulders rests the fate of the proposed federal take-over of Americans’ access ...

Another Reason to Make Health Insurance the Property of the People

Readers also learned that non-profit organizations are rebelling at the tax reforms proposed as a part of the federal government take-over of Americans’ access to medical services, expecially the tax credit to small businesses to subsidise their employees’ coverage. Because non-profits don’t pay income tax, they would not get the ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...

The Best Health Care Plan You’ve Never Heard Of

Real Clear Politics, September 13, 2009 Washington is in the midst of yet another scandal — but not the kind you’d read about in a gossip rag. Congressional dilettantes are willfully ignoring health-care reform ideas that would cut costs and provide high-quality care to all. Sound nuts? It shouldn’t. By ...

Republicans Offer Solutions on Health Care

Tort Reform a Point of Bipartisan Agreement Raleigh, N.C. – The debate about health care reform continues as President Obama addresses a joint session of Congress last night to once again attempt to explain the details of his health care plan. At one point in his speech, the President raised ...

The predictable outcome of electing an economic dunderhead president

It is a very special world our president and his equally clueless advisors inhabit. It is one where market forces have been repealed, common sense is outlawed, and up is down, black is white, and it don’t rain in Indianapolis in the summertime. Other than that, we’re lucky to have ...

Interesting Moments from the President’s Speech

Also interesting was President Obama’s claim that he wouldn’t support any bill that would raise our deficits by “one dime.” (Six trillion dimes is apparently another matter, just not “one.” To be fair, he didn’t say “even.”) Also, as a supporter of the House health bill, which the Congressional Budget ...

Killing insurance

Prez’s promises a death knell In his Wednesday speech, President Obama fired up the troops on the urgency of reducing the number of uninsured in this country and achieving universal coverage via insurance regulations and forcing all Americans to buy insurance. Under his plan, insurers would be faced with “guaranteed ...

My Word: Insanity in San Mateo County school funding

The San Mateo County Times, (CA), September 11 2009 Greenwich Time (CT), September 11, 2009 CALIFORNIA’S FISCAL outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association (CTA), along with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack ...

Union Power and Medical Waiting Times

California recently enacted new, tighter rules mandating maximum waiting times for appointments with primary-care docs and specialists in managed-care plans (HMOs), such as Kaiser Permanente. According to regulators, the problem is so bad it threatens a “feudal situation”. On top of this, the California Nurses Association has produced a bizarre ...
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