Business & Economics
BOOK REVIEW: PLUNDER! How public employee unions are raiding treasuries, controlling our lives, and bankrupting the nation
(Book review by A.M. Blazek) – Author Steven Greenhut’s subtitle sums up the mini-education found in this eye-opening book that leaves no union stone unturned: Teachers’, Prison, Police, Clerical and Firemans’, to name a few. And as Greenhut says, Plunder “is not a book about political theory, but about rubber-meets-the-road ...
A.M. Blazek
December 8, 2009
Business & Economics
Plunder: New Book Exposes Power of Unions
Last month, the Legislative Analyst Office predicted a budget shortfall for Californias next fiscal year so large it shocked even seasoned observers. The projected $20 billion shortfall is larger than the entire state budgets of all but a handful of other states. The LAO also excoriated the continued use of ...
Jon Coupal
December 8, 2009
Three Strikes against Obamacare
The public option isn’t the worst thing about the Senate health-care bill. Joseph Lieberman’s words, “I’m going to be stubborn on this,” must be giving Harry Reid heartburn. Lieberman may caucus with the Democrats, but he’s more than willing to go his own way — especially when it comes to ...
Paul Howard
December 8, 2009
Obamacare Makes Hillarycare Look Pithy
It takes a lot of audacity to propose a bill that could be shortened by a third and yet still be longer than the Clinton administration’s failed effort. Only Obamacare could make Hillarycare seem pithy. 12/07 11:53 AM This blog post originally appeared on National Review’s Critical Condition.
Jeffrey H. Anderson
December 7, 2009
Business & Economics
We’re increasingly ruled by rules
To the extent that anyone still thinks about the former Soviet Union and its satellite communist states, they understandably think about the suffocating oppression – the Berlin Wall, the gulags, the KGB, the political prisoners, the persecution of religious people and minorities. Yet, in talking to refugees from that nightmarish ...
Steven Greenhut
December 6, 2009
Film about Capo district’s woes to be screened on Capitol Hill
WASHINGTON – A libertarian think-tank that prominently features the Capistrano Unified School District in a documentary about how the U.S. public school system is broken will screen its 49-minute film this afternoon on Capitol Hill. “Not as Good as You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School” recounts a ...
Scott Martindale
December 3, 2009
Obamacare’s Ugly Math
The Senate’s $2.5 trillion bill will create higher taxes and higher premiums with little return. The scoring is in on the health-care bills, and it’s hard to see what the Democrats’ proposed health-care overhaul would achieve apart from centralizing and consolidating power in Washington. During the campaign, then-Senator Obama said, ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
December 3, 2009
Business & Economics
California’s Revenue Problem – Educators Should Demand Economic Growth Not Tax Increases
In what is becoming a perennial affair, the California budget deficit is projected to be over $21 billion in the coming year – including a $6 billion hangover from this year. With the same degree of regularity, in pursuit of stable education funding (a good idea), educators in California are ...
Marguerite Higgins
December 3, 2009
Business & Economics
California’s Revenue Problem – Educators Should Demand Economic Growth Not Tax Increases
In what is becoming a perennial affair, the California budget deficit is projected to be over $21 billion in the coming year – including a $6 billion hangover from this year. With the same degree of regularity, in pursuit of stable education funding (a good idea), educators in California are ...
Thomas Del Beccaro
December 3, 2009
The $100,000 Obamacare Policy
However, all is not lost. The Democrats’ version of “reform” might at least reduce the number of uninsured. But to what degree, and at what cost? According to the Census, there are 28 million uninsured Americans (46 million, minus 9 million non-citizens, minus 9 million Medicaid beneficiaries whom the Census ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
December 2, 2009
BOOK REVIEW: PLUNDER! How public employee unions are raiding treasuries, controlling our lives, and bankrupting the nation
(Book review by A.M. Blazek) – Author Steven Greenhut’s subtitle sums up the mini-education found in this eye-opening book that leaves no union stone unturned: Teachers’, Prison, Police, Clerical and Firemans’, to name a few. And as Greenhut says, Plunder “is not a book about political theory, but about rubber-meets-the-road ...
Plunder: New Book Exposes Power of Unions
Last month, the Legislative Analyst Office predicted a budget shortfall for Californias next fiscal year so large it shocked even seasoned observers. The projected $20 billion shortfall is larger than the entire state budgets of all but a handful of other states. The LAO also excoriated the continued use of ...
Three Strikes against Obamacare
The public option isn’t the worst thing about the Senate health-care bill. Joseph Lieberman’s words, “I’m going to be stubborn on this,” must be giving Harry Reid heartburn. Lieberman may caucus with the Democrats, but he’s more than willing to go his own way — especially when it comes to ...
Obamacare Makes Hillarycare Look Pithy
It takes a lot of audacity to propose a bill that could be shortened by a third and yet still be longer than the Clinton administration’s failed effort. Only Obamacare could make Hillarycare seem pithy. 12/07 11:53 AM This blog post originally appeared on National Review’s Critical Condition.
We’re increasingly ruled by rules
To the extent that anyone still thinks about the former Soviet Union and its satellite communist states, they understandably think about the suffocating oppression – the Berlin Wall, the gulags, the KGB, the political prisoners, the persecution of religious people and minorities. Yet, in talking to refugees from that nightmarish ...
Film about Capo district’s woes to be screened on Capitol Hill
WASHINGTON – A libertarian think-tank that prominently features the Capistrano Unified School District in a documentary about how the U.S. public school system is broken will screen its 49-minute film this afternoon on Capitol Hill. “Not as Good as You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School” recounts a ...
Obamacare’s Ugly Math
The Senate’s $2.5 trillion bill will create higher taxes and higher premiums with little return. The scoring is in on the health-care bills, and it’s hard to see what the Democrats’ proposed health-care overhaul would achieve apart from centralizing and consolidating power in Washington. During the campaign, then-Senator Obama said, ...
California’s Revenue Problem – Educators Should Demand Economic Growth Not Tax Increases
In what is becoming a perennial affair, the California budget deficit is projected to be over $21 billion in the coming year – including a $6 billion hangover from this year. With the same degree of regularity, in pursuit of stable education funding (a good idea), educators in California are ...
California’s Revenue Problem – Educators Should Demand Economic Growth Not Tax Increases
In what is becoming a perennial affair, the California budget deficit is projected to be over $21 billion in the coming year – including a $6 billion hangover from this year. With the same degree of regularity, in pursuit of stable education funding (a good idea), educators in California are ...
The $100,000 Obamacare Policy
However, all is not lost. The Democrats’ version of “reform” might at least reduce the number of uninsured. But to what degree, and at what cost? According to the Census, there are 28 million uninsured Americans (46 million, minus 9 million non-citizens, minus 9 million Medicaid beneficiaries whom the Census ...