

SPN 2009 Conference: Final Day

Publius Forum, November 4, 2009 The Wednesday session began with a breakfast address by James K. Glassman the former Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State during the George W. Bush administration. He spoke on Internet freedom (as opposed to net neutrality) and expressed his ...

How best to lower health care costs?

San Diego Union-Tribune, November 4, 2009 In a recent column, David Broder proclaimed that “no one should be denied coverage options by virtue of where they live.” “Health care and states’ rights,” (Oct. 30). That’s exactly why Congress should allow consumers to purchase health insurance across state lines. Insurance regulations ...

New Report Debunks Common Myths about Energy

SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report debunking the common myths about energy in America. Top Ten Energy Myths, by Thomas Tanton, senior fellow in Energy Studies, confronts ten popular myths about America’s energy sources, uses, and ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform Is Key To Health Reform

Though common-sense Americans repeatedly raised the issue of tort reform while discussing health care legislation with members of Congress during town hall meetings this past summer, too many lawmakers and analysts still stubbornly insist that medical liability lawsuits do not contribute significantly to rising health care costs. These lawmakers and ...
Business & Economics

Sneaky way to murder Prop. 13

Easier tax increases and budget approvals seems to be the primary goals of a proposed state constitutional convention. SACRAMENTO — There ain’t no such thing as bipartisan, nondivisive reform. Any real change to California’s dysfunctional political structure and culture must gore somebody’s ox, stir up contentious battles and draw vicious ...

Prescriptions for disaster

Don’t buy the claim that the Senate health-care bill is substantially more moderate than the House measure. While Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s legislation is even more onerous than the package created by Sen. Max Baucus and now championed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the larger story is how similar the ...
Business & Economics

Exploring reasons for the rising cost of care in the state

It seems that everyone has an opinion regarding what should be done to reform our health care system. Most people believe that changes to our current system need to be made, but not quickly and not by politicians. The costs must come down, but not by rationing, government price controls ...
Business & Economics

Lack Of Tort Reform Costing Pennsylvania

As Washington continues debating how to curb health care costs, one area largely ignored is medical malpractice reform. However, ample evidence from states indicates tort reform is central to overhauling the healthcare system. The Pacific Research Institute’s (PRI) 2008 Tort Liability Index ranks states’ tort laws, giving Pennsylvania a lowly ...

L.A. Loosens Reins on School Administration

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has decided to allow outside groups, including for-profit charter school organizations, to run one-third of the district’s schools and possibly open 50 new ones of their own creation. As a result, more than 60,000 Los Angeles students could be getting more opportunities for ...
Climate Change

Oregon Governor Vetoes Bipartisan Subsidy Cut

The Oregon state legislature passed a bill reducing runaway renewable energy subsidies in an effort to help balance the state budget, but Gov. Ted Kulongoski (D) killed the bill with a veto. Now Oregon, which already faced a budget shortfall, may have to find an additional $50 million in its ...

SPN 2009 Conference: Final Day

Publius Forum, November 4, 2009 The Wednesday session began with a breakfast address by James K. Glassman the former Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State during the George W. Bush administration. He spoke on Internet freedom (as opposed to net neutrality) and expressed his ...

How best to lower health care costs?

San Diego Union-Tribune, November 4, 2009 In a recent column, David Broder proclaimed that “no one should be denied coverage options by virtue of where they live.” “Health care and states’ rights,” (Oct. 30). That’s exactly why Congress should allow consumers to purchase health insurance across state lines. Insurance regulations ...

New Report Debunks Common Myths about Energy

SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report debunking the common myths about energy in America. Top Ten Energy Myths, by Thomas Tanton, senior fellow in Energy Studies, confronts ten popular myths about America’s energy sources, uses, and ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform Is Key To Health Reform

Though common-sense Americans repeatedly raised the issue of tort reform while discussing health care legislation with members of Congress during town hall meetings this past summer, too many lawmakers and analysts still stubbornly insist that medical liability lawsuits do not contribute significantly to rising health care costs. These lawmakers and ...
Business & Economics

Sneaky way to murder Prop. 13

Easier tax increases and budget approvals seems to be the primary goals of a proposed state constitutional convention. SACRAMENTO — There ain’t no such thing as bipartisan, nondivisive reform. Any real change to California’s dysfunctional political structure and culture must gore somebody’s ox, stir up contentious battles and draw vicious ...

Prescriptions for disaster

Don’t buy the claim that the Senate health-care bill is substantially more moderate than the House measure. While Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s legislation is even more onerous than the package created by Sen. Max Baucus and now championed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the larger story is how similar the ...
Business & Economics

Exploring reasons for the rising cost of care in the state

It seems that everyone has an opinion regarding what should be done to reform our health care system. Most people believe that changes to our current system need to be made, but not quickly and not by politicians. The costs must come down, but not by rationing, government price controls ...
Business & Economics

Lack Of Tort Reform Costing Pennsylvania

As Washington continues debating how to curb health care costs, one area largely ignored is medical malpractice reform. However, ample evidence from states indicates tort reform is central to overhauling the healthcare system. The Pacific Research Institute’s (PRI) 2008 Tort Liability Index ranks states’ tort laws, giving Pennsylvania a lowly ...

L.A. Loosens Reins on School Administration

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has decided to allow outside groups, including for-profit charter school organizations, to run one-third of the district’s schools and possibly open 50 new ones of their own creation. As a result, more than 60,000 Los Angeles students could be getting more opportunities for ...
Climate Change

Oregon Governor Vetoes Bipartisan Subsidy Cut

The Oregon state legislature passed a bill reducing runaway renewable energy subsidies in an effort to help balance the state budget, but Gov. Ted Kulongoski (D) killed the bill with a veto. Now Oregon, which already faced a budget shortfall, may have to find an additional $50 million in its ...
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