

Reid’s fuzzy math

New York Post, November 19, 2009 New York Post, November 20, 2009* Real Clear Politics, November 20, 2009 ‘Reform’ bill’s true cost is twice advertised price Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is touting the Senate’s newest health-care bill as costing $849 billion over 10 years. But this uses the same ...

Ohio To Destroy Access to Individual Health Insurance?

This will attract only the sickest of the sick to apply for individual coverage – after they’ve already been diagnosed. Remarkably, the bill also has the positive reform of allowing (requiring?) employers which do not offer coverage to use IRS Section 125 to permit their employees to use pre-tax dollars ...

The Best Defense Is a Good Offense

On NRO today, Tevi Troy and I suggest a Republican alternative — one that would lower premiums, bend the cost-curve down, reduce the number of uninsured by half, and still be deficit-neutral (without having to cut doctors’ fees to make that deficit-neutral claim). Our proposal wouldn’t raise taxes, would divert ...
Business & Economics

NY suer system stinks

New York Post, November 18, 2009 Report: Legal costs rob economy of $16B New York’s court system is among the most lawsuit-friendly in the country — socking citizens with millions of dollars in wacky jury awards, higher taxes and increased costs of insurance and health care, a study released yesterday ...

Top Ten Energy Myths

SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report debunking the common myths about energy in America. Top Ten Energy Myths, by Thomas Tanton, senior fellow in Energy Studies, confronts ten popular myths about America’s energy sources, uses, and ...
Business & Economics

Buying TVs and cars, Soviet-style

Two new regulations suggest that California leads the nation in mandates that inconvenience its residents while gaining little for the environment. First, consider the California Energy Commission’s unanimous vote Wednesday to effectively ban most current televisions more than 40 inches wide because they use too much electricity. The new energy-efficiency ...

Checking the ObamaCare Math

The health care debate has largely been a battle of numbers, and the most widely cited one — 46 million uninsured — isn’t even accurate. According to the census, the real number [1] of uninsured Americans is 28 million: 46 million, minus nine million non-citizens, minus nine million people on ...

Give “American Education Week” Some Real Meaning

This week the National Education Association is sponsoring American Education Week. According to the NEA’s website, the purpose of the week is to emphasize, “the importance of providing every child in America with a quality public education from kindergarten through college, and the need for everyone to do his or ...

Dems’ health reforms attack taxpayer wallets

While House Democratic leaders have gloated over their recent approval of a 1,990-page health reform proposal that would cost in excess of $1 trillion, the American people may be less enthused with the results. Congress should be working to make health care more affordable — not more expensive — for ...

Public schools mask poor performance, students suffer

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.), December 18, 2009 Recent revelations indicate that Virginia’s public schools aren’t performing as well as educators claim, a classic example of the smoke screen phenomenon. In states across the country, officials hide the real performance of schools and students from the prying eyes of parents and ...

Reid’s fuzzy math

New York Post, November 19, 2009 New York Post, November 20, 2009* Real Clear Politics, November 20, 2009 ‘Reform’ bill’s true cost is twice advertised price Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is touting the Senate’s newest health-care bill as costing $849 billion over 10 years. But this uses the same ...

Ohio To Destroy Access to Individual Health Insurance?

This will attract only the sickest of the sick to apply for individual coverage – after they’ve already been diagnosed. Remarkably, the bill also has the positive reform of allowing (requiring?) employers which do not offer coverage to use IRS Section 125 to permit their employees to use pre-tax dollars ...

The Best Defense Is a Good Offense

On NRO today, Tevi Troy and I suggest a Republican alternative — one that would lower premiums, bend the cost-curve down, reduce the number of uninsured by half, and still be deficit-neutral (without having to cut doctors’ fees to make that deficit-neutral claim). Our proposal wouldn’t raise taxes, would divert ...
Business & Economics

NY suer system stinks

New York Post, November 18, 2009 Report: Legal costs rob economy of $16B New York’s court system is among the most lawsuit-friendly in the country — socking citizens with millions of dollars in wacky jury awards, higher taxes and increased costs of insurance and health care, a study released yesterday ...

Top Ten Energy Myths

SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report debunking the common myths about energy in America. Top Ten Energy Myths, by Thomas Tanton, senior fellow in Energy Studies, confronts ten popular myths about America’s energy sources, uses, and ...
Business & Economics

Buying TVs and cars, Soviet-style

Two new regulations suggest that California leads the nation in mandates that inconvenience its residents while gaining little for the environment. First, consider the California Energy Commission’s unanimous vote Wednesday to effectively ban most current televisions more than 40 inches wide because they use too much electricity. The new energy-efficiency ...

Checking the ObamaCare Math

The health care debate has largely been a battle of numbers, and the most widely cited one — 46 million uninsured — isn’t even accurate. According to the census, the real number [1] of uninsured Americans is 28 million: 46 million, minus nine million non-citizens, minus nine million people on ...

Give “American Education Week” Some Real Meaning

This week the National Education Association is sponsoring American Education Week. According to the NEA’s website, the purpose of the week is to emphasize, “the importance of providing every child in America with a quality public education from kindergarten through college, and the need for everyone to do his or ...

Dems’ health reforms attack taxpayer wallets

While House Democratic leaders have gloated over their recent approval of a 1,990-page health reform proposal that would cost in excess of $1 trillion, the American people may be less enthused with the results. Congress should be working to make health care more affordable — not more expensive — for ...

Public schools mask poor performance, students suffer

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.), December 18, 2009 Recent revelations indicate that Virginia’s public schools aren’t performing as well as educators claim, a classic example of the smoke screen phenomenon. In states across the country, officials hide the real performance of schools and students from the prying eyes of parents and ...
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