

The Loneliest Voice in the Wilderness: The Council of Economic Advisers

Yesterday’s report trucks out, yet again, claims which few find credible anymore. There’s the ever-present argument that the government can shave off some dollars by focusing on “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Okay: What’s stopping them from doing that right now? Health-information technology comes in for a boost, even though recent ...

How Much Will Health Reform Cost?

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In “Can We Afford It?” (editorial, Dec. 13), you remark that Republican critics oppose the currently proposed health care reform on the grounds that the nation cannot afford to add this new trillion-dollar entitlement in tough economic times. Here we should recall that in 2003, barely ...

The Real Lessons of 1994

Voters punished Democrats for Hillarycare. They’ll do the same for Obamacare. Democratic senators and congressmen have been trying to convince each other, particularly their more conservative colleagues, that they’ll all be better off in the 2010 elections–and will avoid a repeat of their 1994 debacle–if they pass Obama-care. Bill Clinton, ...

The Wages of Hubris

The latest gambit was the “compromise” between the moderate Left and the hard Left to expand Medicaid upward from the bottom and Medicare downward from the top, squeezing the private-sector middle almost out of existence. Much ballyhooed a week ago, it appears that this plan will collapse of its own ...
Business & Economics

Misguided move to the middle

As a believer in limited government, free markets and low taxes, I rarely find myself in agreement with the state’s liberal Democrats, and my libertarian bent sometimes puts me at odds with conservative Republicans, at least when it comes to their approach to law-and-order and social issues. But both factions ...

Not Dead Yet

‘Expanding Medicare is an unvarnished, complete victory for people like me,” Rep. Anthony Weiner (D., N.Y.) told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s the mother of all public options. We’ve taken something people know and expanded it. . . . Never mind the camel’s nose, we’ve got his head and neck under ...
Charter Schools

Massachusetts Works to Expand Charter Schools

On November 18 the Massachusetts State Senate passed a much-anticipated bill to expand charter schools. The bill, S. 2216, sent to the House in the late hours of November 17, lifted the many caps hindering charter school expansion in the Bay State. Essentially, Massachusetts has two types of charter schools: ...

Education summit, Qatar and school choice

Providence Journal (Providence, RI), December 11, 2009 DOHA, Qatar While there have been global economic and environmental summits for a number of years, mid-November brought the first international education summit, which was organized here. Some may wonder why an event designed to spur education innovation worldwide would be held in ...

Democrats Whistling Past Graveyard

The unexpected victory of Republican Jimmy Higdon in the Kentucky state Senate special election — despite a 2-to-1 Democratic registration advantage — is another fire bell in the night that national Democrats are going to ignore. Marking the 33rd Republican win in the 50 or so special elections since 2008, ...

Senators Report Reaching a ‘Compromise’ on the Public Option

On the expansion of the age of eligibility for Medicare, it is important to remember that the program today is already costing over $400 billion a year and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has projected it will be bankrupt in 2017 when it will cost in excess of $700 billion. ...

The Loneliest Voice in the Wilderness: The Council of Economic Advisers

Yesterday’s report trucks out, yet again, claims which few find credible anymore. There’s the ever-present argument that the government can shave off some dollars by focusing on “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Okay: What’s stopping them from doing that right now? Health-information technology comes in for a boost, even though recent ...

How Much Will Health Reform Cost?

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In “Can We Afford It?” (editorial, Dec. 13), you remark that Republican critics oppose the currently proposed health care reform on the grounds that the nation cannot afford to add this new trillion-dollar entitlement in tough economic times. Here we should recall that in 2003, barely ...

The Real Lessons of 1994

Voters punished Democrats for Hillarycare. They’ll do the same for Obamacare. Democratic senators and congressmen have been trying to convince each other, particularly their more conservative colleagues, that they’ll all be better off in the 2010 elections–and will avoid a repeat of their 1994 debacle–if they pass Obama-care. Bill Clinton, ...

The Wages of Hubris

The latest gambit was the “compromise” between the moderate Left and the hard Left to expand Medicaid upward from the bottom and Medicare downward from the top, squeezing the private-sector middle almost out of existence. Much ballyhooed a week ago, it appears that this plan will collapse of its own ...
Business & Economics

Misguided move to the middle

As a believer in limited government, free markets and low taxes, I rarely find myself in agreement with the state’s liberal Democrats, and my libertarian bent sometimes puts me at odds with conservative Republicans, at least when it comes to their approach to law-and-order and social issues. But both factions ...

Not Dead Yet

‘Expanding Medicare is an unvarnished, complete victory for people like me,” Rep. Anthony Weiner (D., N.Y.) told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s the mother of all public options. We’ve taken something people know and expanded it. . . . Never mind the camel’s nose, we’ve got his head and neck under ...
Charter Schools

Massachusetts Works to Expand Charter Schools

On November 18 the Massachusetts State Senate passed a much-anticipated bill to expand charter schools. The bill, S. 2216, sent to the House in the late hours of November 17, lifted the many caps hindering charter school expansion in the Bay State. Essentially, Massachusetts has two types of charter schools: ...

Education summit, Qatar and school choice

Providence Journal (Providence, RI), December 11, 2009 DOHA, Qatar While there have been global economic and environmental summits for a number of years, mid-November brought the first international education summit, which was organized here. Some may wonder why an event designed to spur education innovation worldwide would be held in ...

Democrats Whistling Past Graveyard

The unexpected victory of Republican Jimmy Higdon in the Kentucky state Senate special election — despite a 2-to-1 Democratic registration advantage — is another fire bell in the night that national Democrats are going to ignore. Marking the 33rd Republican win in the 50 or so special elections since 2008, ...

Senators Report Reaching a ‘Compromise’ on the Public Option

On the expansion of the age of eligibility for Medicare, it is important to remember that the program today is already costing over $400 billion a year and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has projected it will be bankrupt in 2017 when it will cost in excess of $700 billion. ...
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