
Business & Economics

Califailure: Steven Greenhut on the governor

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s final State of the State Address, delivered Wednesday in the Capitol, was a microcosm of his entire failed administration. It was a reminder that those who govern the nation’s most populous state have no clue how to solve the fiscal mess they have created, are drunk on ...

The March of the Senate Democrats

As one early morning report put it, the Senate was “marching” to passage on Christmas Eve of its version of health overhaul. What does this Democrats-only bill do? What are the consequences? As it stands today, the health overhaul bill is a hoax. We all may know some part of ...

Whatever Happened to Informed Consent?

After months of shamelessly pledging to “broadcast health-care negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are,” the president has decided to forgo a formal conference committee for reconciling the House and Senate bills — thereby shutting out congressional opposition and the American people alike. ...

Money before unions

Orange County Register, January 7, 2010, January 10, 2010 Sacramento legislators and Gov. Schwarzenegger may have achieved one of the most elusive accomplishments in California politics: bucking the teachers unions. The Assembly passed a package of education bills Tuesday that give parents more authority to move their children out ...

Seizing the Initiative

Constituents of those who voted for Stupak — and constituents of alleged “Blue Dogs” — should flood their offices with helpful reminders of the right way to go (remembering that the key is the quantity of letters, not the quality — since the member only hears the tallies and won’t ...

2010-2020, An Energy Odyssey

With the advent of 2010 California stands only a decade away from 2020 when, according to plan, the state should be producing a full 33 percent of its electricity from renewable sources. That unrealistic goal will be tough to achieve by any standard but a new proposal by Sen. Dianne ...

Orange Grove: CLASS act in health bill really isn’t

Orange County Register, January 6, 2010 Just before the curtain closed on 2009, the U.S. Senate voted to proceed with landmark health care legislation. The bill had appeared to be at a dead end, until Senate leaders assuaged moderates’ concerns about cost by dropping both the “public option” and the ...

Obamacare’s Three Major Hurdles

The Democrats are determined to expand the federal government’s portfolio beyond the Post Office, Amtrak, and General Motors, by adding the entire health-care industry to its holdings. But before they can subject what will soon be one-fifth of our economy to the federal government’s command-and-control model, Democrats must clear three ...
Business & Economics

Calif. Gov. Calls For More Federal Aid As States Bleed Red

Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should have said “I’ll be back” when the state got billions of dollars from the federal government last year. Because on Wednesday, he demanded another handout. In his state of the state speech, Schwarzenegger acknowledged California faces deep budget woes and called for federal assistance. He ...
Business & Economics

State’s taxes putting us all on the ropes

Los Angeles Daily News, January 5, 2010 MANNY Pacquiao is the premier boxer in the world, and his upcoming match with Floyd Merriweather could be the richest in history. Promoters are pushing for Staples Center in Los Angeles, but Pacquiao does not want to hold the bout in California. The ...
Business & Economics

Califailure: Steven Greenhut on the governor

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s final State of the State Address, delivered Wednesday in the Capitol, was a microcosm of his entire failed administration. It was a reminder that those who govern the nation’s most populous state have no clue how to solve the fiscal mess they have created, are drunk on ...

The March of the Senate Democrats

As one early morning report put it, the Senate was “marching” to passage on Christmas Eve of its version of health overhaul. What does this Democrats-only bill do? What are the consequences? As it stands today, the health overhaul bill is a hoax. We all may know some part of ...

Whatever Happened to Informed Consent?

After months of shamelessly pledging to “broadcast health-care negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are,” the president has decided to forgo a formal conference committee for reconciling the House and Senate bills — thereby shutting out congressional opposition and the American people alike. ...

Money before unions

Orange County Register, January 7, 2010, January 10, 2010 Sacramento legislators and Gov. Schwarzenegger may have achieved one of the most elusive accomplishments in California politics: bucking the teachers unions. The Assembly passed a package of education bills Tuesday that give parents more authority to move their children out ...

Seizing the Initiative

Constituents of those who voted for Stupak — and constituents of alleged “Blue Dogs” — should flood their offices with helpful reminders of the right way to go (remembering that the key is the quantity of letters, not the quality — since the member only hears the tallies and won’t ...

2010-2020, An Energy Odyssey

With the advent of 2010 California stands only a decade away from 2020 when, according to plan, the state should be producing a full 33 percent of its electricity from renewable sources. That unrealistic goal will be tough to achieve by any standard but a new proposal by Sen. Dianne ...

Orange Grove: CLASS act in health bill really isn’t

Orange County Register, January 6, 2010 Just before the curtain closed on 2009, the U.S. Senate voted to proceed with landmark health care legislation. The bill had appeared to be at a dead end, until Senate leaders assuaged moderates’ concerns about cost by dropping both the “public option” and the ...

Obamacare’s Three Major Hurdles

The Democrats are determined to expand the federal government’s portfolio beyond the Post Office, Amtrak, and General Motors, by adding the entire health-care industry to its holdings. But before they can subject what will soon be one-fifth of our economy to the federal government’s command-and-control model, Democrats must clear three ...
Business & Economics

Calif. Gov. Calls For More Federal Aid As States Bleed Red

Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should have said “I’ll be back” when the state got billions of dollars from the federal government last year. Because on Wednesday, he demanded another handout. In his state of the state speech, Schwarzenegger acknowledged California faces deep budget woes and called for federal assistance. He ...
Business & Economics

State’s taxes putting us all on the ropes

Los Angeles Daily News, January 5, 2010 MANNY Pacquiao is the premier boxer in the world, and his upcoming match with Floyd Merriweather could be the richest in history. Promoters are pushing for Staples Center in Los Angeles, but Pacquiao does not want to hold the bout in California. The ...
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