

A Switch in Time to Save Nine

Memo to House Dems: Just say ‘no’ to Obamacare. “The Democratic Party is lashed to health reform—even in the face of polls showing tepid public support.” Thus Politico’s Carrie Brown paraphrases senior Democratic aides. As unappealing as that predicament may sound, Brown writes that those same aides say “it would ...

Can We Have $21K for Obamacare, Grandma?

More than 10,250,000 American seniors are enrolled in the popular Medicare Advantage program, which lets them choose to get their Medicare benefits through private insurers. It’s been widely reported that seniors’ Medicare Advantage benefits would be cut under Obamacare. What hasn’t been widely reported is by how much. According to ...

Why Dems’ Health Reform Hopes Are ‘Hanging by a Thread’, January 18, 2009 As the New Year unfolds and congressional Democrats meet with the President behind closed doors trying to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate versions, they also appear to have lost a good deal of the optimism they had just a few weeks ago about ...
Business & Economics

What’s keeping state in sorry shape

SACRAMENTO – Technically speaking, it’s not hard to figure out how to solve California’s permanent fiscal crisis – if you just ignore the political mountains that would have to be moved to implement the fixes. A few good starting points: imposing a strict spending limit on legislators, reducing pension benefits ...
Business & Economics

Union critic assesses governor’s race

San Francisco Chronicle, January 17, 2009 Steven Greenhut was a constant thorn in the side of California’s public employee unions as a columnist and editorial board member of the Orange County Register. Now he’s moved to Sacramento to serve as director of the journalism center for the Pacific Research Institute. ...

An education system more American than America’s

Dallas News (TX), January 15, 2009 ÅSTAD, Sweden – While Texas is struggling to lift sagging standards in its public education system, Sweden’s schools are rockin’ and rollin’. But Sweden’s approach to education is culturally all-American. The Swedish model encourages competition and empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own ...

From Health ‘Reform’ to Government-Retiree Bailout

The tax is now going to hit plans that cost $8,900 for an individual and $24,000 for a family, which is way higher than the current cost of employer-based health benefits. Until recently, state and local government employers did not have to report retiree health obligations on their balance sheets ...

Coakley Offers Seniors No Advantage

The Massachusetts race has major ramifications for all seniors. The Massachusetts Senate special election is shaping up as a referendum on the health-care debate in Washington. And its outcome may well determine whether Massachusetts seniors get to keep the Medicare benefits they currently enjoy. Alone among the American people, Massachusetts ...

On the merits of teacher merit pay

Last week Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed two education bills that will make California more competitive for federal “Race to the Top” grants. The bills endured months of wrangling in the Legislature, and reformers remain concerned that the measures will not translate into the sweeping changes needed to improve California’s broken ...
Charter Schools

Report calls for charter schools

With a pro-charter-school administration in Washington, the time is right for Nebraska to allow charter schools, according to a report being released today by a conservative Nebraska think tank. Charter schools, unencumbered by a bloated education bureaucracy, can deliver quality education at lower cost than traditional public schools, and the ...

A Switch in Time to Save Nine

Memo to House Dems: Just say ‘no’ to Obamacare. “The Democratic Party is lashed to health reform—even in the face of polls showing tepid public support.” Thus Politico’s Carrie Brown paraphrases senior Democratic aides. As unappealing as that predicament may sound, Brown writes that those same aides say “it would ...

Can We Have $21K for Obamacare, Grandma?

More than 10,250,000 American seniors are enrolled in the popular Medicare Advantage program, which lets them choose to get their Medicare benefits through private insurers. It’s been widely reported that seniors’ Medicare Advantage benefits would be cut under Obamacare. What hasn’t been widely reported is by how much. According to ...

Why Dems’ Health Reform Hopes Are ‘Hanging by a Thread’, January 18, 2009 As the New Year unfolds and congressional Democrats meet with the President behind closed doors trying to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate versions, they also appear to have lost a good deal of the optimism they had just a few weeks ago about ...
Business & Economics

What’s keeping state in sorry shape

SACRAMENTO – Technically speaking, it’s not hard to figure out how to solve California’s permanent fiscal crisis – if you just ignore the political mountains that would have to be moved to implement the fixes. A few good starting points: imposing a strict spending limit on legislators, reducing pension benefits ...
Business & Economics

Union critic assesses governor’s race

San Francisco Chronicle, January 17, 2009 Steven Greenhut was a constant thorn in the side of California’s public employee unions as a columnist and editorial board member of the Orange County Register. Now he’s moved to Sacramento to serve as director of the journalism center for the Pacific Research Institute. ...

An education system more American than America’s

Dallas News (TX), January 15, 2009 ÅSTAD, Sweden – While Texas is struggling to lift sagging standards in its public education system, Sweden’s schools are rockin’ and rollin’. But Sweden’s approach to education is culturally all-American. The Swedish model encourages competition and empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own ...

From Health ‘Reform’ to Government-Retiree Bailout

The tax is now going to hit plans that cost $8,900 for an individual and $24,000 for a family, which is way higher than the current cost of employer-based health benefits. Until recently, state and local government employers did not have to report retiree health obligations on their balance sheets ...

Coakley Offers Seniors No Advantage

The Massachusetts race has major ramifications for all seniors. The Massachusetts Senate special election is shaping up as a referendum on the health-care debate in Washington. And its outcome may well determine whether Massachusetts seniors get to keep the Medicare benefits they currently enjoy. Alone among the American people, Massachusetts ...

On the merits of teacher merit pay

Last week Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed two education bills that will make California more competitive for federal “Race to the Top” grants. The bills endured months of wrangling in the Legislature, and reformers remain concerned that the measures will not translate into the sweeping changes needed to improve California’s broken ...
Charter Schools

Report calls for charter schools

With a pro-charter-school administration in Washington, the time is right for Nebraska to allow charter schools, according to a report being released today by a conservative Nebraska think tank. Charter schools, unencumbered by a bloated education bureaucracy, can deliver quality education at lower cost than traditional public schools, and the ...
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