Poison pill could be among drug imports
In recent testimony before Congress, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg reiterated the agency’s opposition to the importation of prescription drugs from foreign shores. “There are genuine safety concerns,” she explained. For years, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have supported legislation to legalize foreign drug importation. Yet ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 16, 2010
Business & Economics
Grading California’s Tax System
Every April California workers square up with the federal and state governments. This April deadline is a good time to grade the Golden State on its tax policy, which not only takes a lot of money from workers but manages to do so in a relatively counterproductive way. On the ...
Jason Clemens
April 15, 2010
California’s rigorous academic content standards are one of the few bright spots on the state’s otherwise dismal education landscape. Now, however, President Obama’s drive to nationalize education could doom the standards. Created in the late 1990s, California’s math and English standards give guidance to educators regarding the grade-level knowledge and ...
Lance T. izumi
April 13, 2010
First ObamaCare, now ObamaEd
The Daily Caller, April 12, 2010 President Obama has extended federal control over health care and is now trying to centralize education policy by imposing Washington’s dictates on states and local jurisdictions. Though aimed at improvement, the president’s agenda will weaken strong state standards, set in motion a domino effect ...
Lance T. izumi
April 12, 2010
Business & Economics
Lobbying needs cleansing effect of transparency
Recent scandals, runaway spending and ongoing fiscal crises have all heightened the public’s interest in lobbying. Most of the new interest, however, is focused on Washington, D.C. Not much has trickled down to the states that need it, such as Alabama. Overall, Alabama ranked a dismal 43rd among the states ...
Jason Clemens
April 11, 2010
Uncle Sam, MD?
(April 10) — Now that health care reform is the law of the land, state governments will have to start looking for serious ways to control health costs. And one tempting target will be prescription drugs, which account for an increasing share of the nation’s health tab. But one cost-cutting ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 10, 2010
Business & Economics
Pension crater much deeper
SACRAMENTO – A new report from Stanford University’s well-respected economic policy institute has revealed that those of us who have been warning about California’s severely underfunded public employee retirement systems have, quite frankly, been wrong. We have been understating the scope of the problem. Pension critics, myself included, have been ...
Steven Greenhut
April 9, 2010
California Lawmakers Should Read the Writing on the Wall
Black, Hispanic, and low-income Florida fourth graders now outperform all California fourth graders in reading, according to National Assessment of Educational Progress results released last month by the U.S. Department of Education. Also known as the Nation’s Report Card, experts consider NAEP fourth-grade reading a leading predictor of success since ...
Vicki E. Murray
April 7, 2010
Life’s certainties: Death and health reform’s taxes
The Daily Caller, April 6, 2010 President Obama’s health care reform package was just a week old when it started to cost taxpayers more money. By signing the reconciliation bill last Tuesday—the last step in his legislative two-step—the president raised the price of the original health care reform measure by ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 6, 2010
Business & Economics
What do we get in return for our taxes?
As Tax Day approaches, Americans rummage for misplaced receipts and dread any letters from the Internal Revenue Service. Most Americans remain unaware that for almost a century America got along just fine with no federal income tax at all. To help fund the Civil War, the federal government introduced its ...
Robert P. Murphy
April 5, 2010
Poison pill could be among drug imports
In recent testimony before Congress, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg reiterated the agency’s opposition to the importation of prescription drugs from foreign shores. “There are genuine safety concerns,” she explained. For years, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have supported legislation to legalize foreign drug importation. Yet ...
Grading California’s Tax System
Every April California workers square up with the federal and state governments. This April deadline is a good time to grade the Golden State on its tax policy, which not only takes a lot of money from workers but manages to do so in a relatively counterproductive way. On the ...
California’s rigorous academic content standards are one of the few bright spots on the state’s otherwise dismal education landscape. Now, however, President Obama’s drive to nationalize education could doom the standards. Created in the late 1990s, California’s math and English standards give guidance to educators regarding the grade-level knowledge and ...
First ObamaCare, now ObamaEd
The Daily Caller, April 12, 2010 President Obama has extended federal control over health care and is now trying to centralize education policy by imposing Washington’s dictates on states and local jurisdictions. Though aimed at improvement, the president’s agenda will weaken strong state standards, set in motion a domino effect ...
Lobbying needs cleansing effect of transparency
Recent scandals, runaway spending and ongoing fiscal crises have all heightened the public’s interest in lobbying. Most of the new interest, however, is focused on Washington, D.C. Not much has trickled down to the states that need it, such as Alabama. Overall, Alabama ranked a dismal 43rd among the states ...
Uncle Sam, MD?
(April 10) — Now that health care reform is the law of the land, state governments will have to start looking for serious ways to control health costs. And one tempting target will be prescription drugs, which account for an increasing share of the nation’s health tab. But one cost-cutting ...
Pension crater much deeper
SACRAMENTO – A new report from Stanford University’s well-respected economic policy institute has revealed that those of us who have been warning about California’s severely underfunded public employee retirement systems have, quite frankly, been wrong. We have been understating the scope of the problem. Pension critics, myself included, have been ...
California Lawmakers Should Read the Writing on the Wall
Black, Hispanic, and low-income Florida fourth graders now outperform all California fourth graders in reading, according to National Assessment of Educational Progress results released last month by the U.S. Department of Education. Also known as the Nation’s Report Card, experts consider NAEP fourth-grade reading a leading predictor of success since ...
Life’s certainties: Death and health reform’s taxes
The Daily Caller, April 6, 2010 President Obama’s health care reform package was just a week old when it started to cost taxpayers more money. By signing the reconciliation bill last Tuesday—the last step in his legislative two-step—the president raised the price of the original health care reform measure by ...
What do we get in return for our taxes?
As Tax Day approaches, Americans rummage for misplaced receipts and dread any letters from the Internal Revenue Service. Most Americans remain unaware that for almost a century America got along just fine with no federal income tax at all. To help fund the Civil War, the federal government introduced its ...