Business & Economics
No sunny outlook for Florida’s insurance market
The sun doesn’t always shine in the Sunshine State. But for many career public officials, maybe the sun will come out tomorrow, and every day until the next election; and after that, the weather will be someone else’s problem. That mindset explains the willingness of Gov. Charlie Crist to veto ...
Benjamin Zycher
April 25, 2010
Health reform’s unexpected impact on Nevada’s budget
Senator Harry Reid and his D.C. colleagues have succeeded in a massively disruptive reorganization of health insurance by the federal government. This mission is about to collide with state budgets, causing much collateral damage nationwide. Most people remain unaware that health-insurance premiums contribute to states’ tax revenues. On average, states ...
John R. Graham
April 24, 2010
Business & Economics
Leave Medical Liability Change To States
By signing health reform into law, President Obama has launched the most sweeping expansion of federal control of Americans’ access to medical services in decades. Republicans charge that the reform package grants the federal government too much power over our health choices. They’re right — but it could have been ...
John R. Graham
April 23, 2010
Sign Of Times Under ObamaCare: ‘The Doctor Is Out — Permanently’
Investor’s Business Daily, April 23, 2010 President Barack Obama’s health care bill aims to achieve universal coverage while at the same time reducing costs. In reality, this contradictory strategy will ensure that Americans enjoy less health care, of poorer quality, and from fewer doctors. And while the full effects of ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 23, 2010
Business & Economics
Get in line, and take a number
SACRAMENTO – I’ve experienced several months where, for one reason or another, I’ve been stuck wrestling with various bureaucracies, of the governmental and corporate variety. It’s a frustrating, time-consuming and, ultimately, dehumanizing process. You’re always a number. Most everyone at the other end of those darned customer “service” lines is ...
Steven Greenhut
April 23, 2010
Big mistakes by ‘big ideas’ critic
Apostasy is always news if the apostates are well-known persons on the right, and the case of noted New York University education historian Diane Ravitch is no exception. Mrs. Ravitch, who used to support bold reforms such as school choice, is making headlines condemning those “big ideas” as bad policy. ...
Lance T. izumi
April 22, 2010
Climate Change
Environment too important to be left to the government
Earth Day turns 40 today, a good time to review some realities we didn’t know on the first Earth Day in 1970, when economic prosperity was assumed to be the enemy of the environment. That turns out to be wrong. The Index of Leading Environmental Indicators has been monitoring the ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
April 22, 2010
Will Business-Toxic Environment Poison Silicon Valley Innovation?
The world is full of pseudo-Silicon Valleys — private and public attempts to re-create California’s high-tech mecca. But they have achieved only pale copies of an original that remains the undisputed cradle of innovation. Historic leaders like Hewlett-Packard and Intel have stayed there, and more recent giants like Google, Facebook ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 21, 2010
Business & Economics
Earth Day Agenda: Cap and Trade Plan for AB 32
California environmental officials have decided against implementing the “cool car” regulations they finalized last June. The move could be a first step toward a better environmental policy and an improved economy. Last June the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a rule forcing car companies to install metallic reflective windows, ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
April 21, 2010
Business & Economics
New study cites California’s high taxes and spending
California has one of the nation’s highest levels of government spending and taxes, and it adversely affects the state’s economic competitiveness, according to a new report by the conservative, San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute. Titled “Taxifornia,” the study by Robert P. Murphy and Jason Clemens found that state and local ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 20, 2010
No sunny outlook for Florida’s insurance market
The sun doesn’t always shine in the Sunshine State. But for many career public officials, maybe the sun will come out tomorrow, and every day until the next election; and after that, the weather will be someone else’s problem. That mindset explains the willingness of Gov. Charlie Crist to veto ...
Health reform’s unexpected impact on Nevada’s budget
Senator Harry Reid and his D.C. colleagues have succeeded in a massively disruptive reorganization of health insurance by the federal government. This mission is about to collide with state budgets, causing much collateral damage nationwide. Most people remain unaware that health-insurance premiums contribute to states’ tax revenues. On average, states ...
Leave Medical Liability Change To States
By signing health reform into law, President Obama has launched the most sweeping expansion of federal control of Americans’ access to medical services in decades. Republicans charge that the reform package grants the federal government too much power over our health choices. They’re right — but it could have been ...
Sign Of Times Under ObamaCare: ‘The Doctor Is Out — Permanently’
Investor’s Business Daily, April 23, 2010 President Barack Obama’s health care bill aims to achieve universal coverage while at the same time reducing costs. In reality, this contradictory strategy will ensure that Americans enjoy less health care, of poorer quality, and from fewer doctors. And while the full effects of ...
Get in line, and take a number
SACRAMENTO – I’ve experienced several months where, for one reason or another, I’ve been stuck wrestling with various bureaucracies, of the governmental and corporate variety. It’s a frustrating, time-consuming and, ultimately, dehumanizing process. You’re always a number. Most everyone at the other end of those darned customer “service” lines is ...
Big mistakes by ‘big ideas’ critic
Apostasy is always news if the apostates are well-known persons on the right, and the case of noted New York University education historian Diane Ravitch is no exception. Mrs. Ravitch, who used to support bold reforms such as school choice, is making headlines condemning those “big ideas” as bad policy. ...
Environment too important to be left to the government
Earth Day turns 40 today, a good time to review some realities we didn’t know on the first Earth Day in 1970, when economic prosperity was assumed to be the enemy of the environment. That turns out to be wrong. The Index of Leading Environmental Indicators has been monitoring the ...
Will Business-Toxic Environment Poison Silicon Valley Innovation?
The world is full of pseudo-Silicon Valleys — private and public attempts to re-create California’s high-tech mecca. But they have achieved only pale copies of an original that remains the undisputed cradle of innovation. Historic leaders like Hewlett-Packard and Intel have stayed there, and more recent giants like Google, Facebook ...
Earth Day Agenda: Cap and Trade Plan for AB 32
California environmental officials have decided against implementing the “cool car” regulations they finalized last June. The move could be a first step toward a better environmental policy and an improved economy. Last June the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a rule forcing car companies to install metallic reflective windows, ...
New study cites California’s high taxes and spending
California has one of the nation’s highest levels of government spending and taxes, and it adversely affects the state’s economic competitiveness, according to a new report by the conservative, San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute. Titled “Taxifornia,” the study by Robert P. Murphy and Jason Clemens found that state and local ...