

California’s New HMO Regulations

There are standards that a single-payer plan could not hope to achieve. Indeed, California’s current government-run health plans can’t achieve them. The new regulations are a result of years of negotiations between HMOs, the government, and self-styled “consumer advocates”, who lobby for laws and regulation friendly to trial lawyers. Indeed, ...

Meeting In The Middle

Forbes, February 4, 2010 Last week President Obama sparred with House Republicans in an unprecedented debate that highlighted the two parties’ differences on the issues, particularly health reform. The president signaled that he’d be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like ...

The Right Way To Reform

The collectivist, comprehensive, top-down, one-size-fits-all version of health care reform favored in much of the Beltway was defeated in Massachusetts on Jan. 19. Instead of centralizing the health insurance system, smaller reforms that address the actual sources of resource waste can now be considered. A simple reform that could be ...

Deadly Irony: California’s New HMO Regulations Versus Single-Payer Health Care

California has the unique distinction of being the only state that deploys two regulators of health plans: the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) as well as the Department of Insurance. Unsurprisingly, these departments busy themselves issuing ever-growing and more detailed regulations. The DMHC has been developing these regulations since ...

Big verdict in health insurance case surprising for Lafayette woman

Even an experienced attorney can be surprised by a $37 million verdict. Even when it’s for their own client. “It was not anywhere near what I had been expecting,” said Marc Levy, the attorney for Jennifer Latham in a court fight against Assurant Healthcare that lasted more than three years. ...

Power: Commentary: How Myths Distort Energy Policy

Congress and various states are considering a fundamental restructuring and regulation of our energy policy. Any such effort should be based on facts, but legislators, unfortunately, incline to myths, such as the notion that most of our energy comes from oil. Myth: Foreign Oil Provides Most of Our Energy According ...

California Passes Reforms to Compete in Race to the Top

California started the year by passing two new bills and submitting an application to the federal government to win a piece of the funding pie known as Race to the Top. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) signed both bills into law on January 7. Both had passed the legislature with the ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut: Guards union adds insult to injury

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association – the state prison guards’ union – is complaining about, and pursuing legal action against, the California government because of the supposed unfairness of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s furlough policy, which the union says forces some of its members to work on furlough days without ...
Climate Change

When Theory and Evidence Collide

Joint computer modeling at the University of California, University of Illinois and Yale University claims that large-scale technology subsidies and heavy-handed clean energy and climate protection legislation stimulates economic growth by increasing consumer income and creating jobs. According to economic models constructed by the three institutions, such wide-ranging legislation can ...

California’s New HMO Regulations

There are standards that a single-payer plan could not hope to achieve. Indeed, California’s current government-run health plans can’t achieve them. The new regulations are a result of years of negotiations between HMOs, the government, and self-styled “consumer advocates”, who lobby for laws and regulation friendly to trial lawyers. Indeed, ...

Meeting In The Middle

Forbes, February 4, 2010 Last week President Obama sparred with House Republicans in an unprecedented debate that highlighted the two parties’ differences on the issues, particularly health reform. The president signaled that he’d be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like ...

The Right Way To Reform

The collectivist, comprehensive, top-down, one-size-fits-all version of health care reform favored in much of the Beltway was defeated in Massachusetts on Jan. 19. Instead of centralizing the health insurance system, smaller reforms that address the actual sources of resource waste can now be considered. A simple reform that could be ...

Deadly Irony: California’s New HMO Regulations Versus Single-Payer Health Care

California has the unique distinction of being the only state that deploys two regulators of health plans: the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) as well as the Department of Insurance. Unsurprisingly, these departments busy themselves issuing ever-growing and more detailed regulations. The DMHC has been developing these regulations since ...

Big verdict in health insurance case surprising for Lafayette woman

Even an experienced attorney can be surprised by a $37 million verdict. Even when it’s for their own client. “It was not anywhere near what I had been expecting,” said Marc Levy, the attorney for Jennifer Latham in a court fight against Assurant Healthcare that lasted more than three years. ...

Power: Commentary: How Myths Distort Energy Policy

Congress and various states are considering a fundamental restructuring and regulation of our energy policy. Any such effort should be based on facts, but legislators, unfortunately, incline to myths, such as the notion that most of our energy comes from oil. Myth: Foreign Oil Provides Most of Our Energy According ...

California Passes Reforms to Compete in Race to the Top

California started the year by passing two new bills and submitting an application to the federal government to win a piece of the funding pie known as Race to the Top. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) signed both bills into law on January 7. Both had passed the legislature with the ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut: Guards union adds insult to injury

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association – the state prison guards’ union – is complaining about, and pursuing legal action against, the California government because of the supposed unfairness of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s furlough policy, which the union says forces some of its members to work on furlough days without ...
Climate Change

When Theory and Evidence Collide

Joint computer modeling at the University of California, University of Illinois and Yale University claims that large-scale technology subsidies and heavy-handed clean energy and climate protection legislation stimulates economic growth by increasing consumer income and creating jobs. According to economic models constructed by the three institutions, such wide-ranging legislation can ...
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