

Dem And Voter Differences Are Irreconcilable

Investor’s Business Daily, March 8, 2010 During his 35th speech on health care at the White House last Wednesday, President Obama called on Congress to give his reform package an “up-or-down vote” before the Easter recess, with or without Republican support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry ...

Unraveling the Achievement Gap on Campus

For the first time ever, women outnumber men at all levels of higher education. More women than men apply, enroll, and graduate with bachelor’s and advanced degrees. The response from feminist groups has been drearily predictable. Female enrollment at some schools approaches 60 percent, a gap of 10 percent in ...
Business & Economics

Who could blame us for cussing?

SACRAMENTO California’s union-dominated, Democratic-controlled Legislature is temperamentally incapable of fixing the state’s structural budget deficit, given that such a fix would require reduced government spending and the granting of fewer benefits to the state’s class of government workers. As Rome burned, legislators last week debated a meaningless “no-cussing” measure, which ...

Single-Payer and Group Coverage Empower Government, Not the People

I agree with Professor Chaufan that the “reforms” many states embraced to expand coverage with private insurance have failed, but disagree that it is because of a lack of government power. In fact, such reforms massively increase government power. For example, Massachusetts’ latest reform (passed by Governor Romney in 2006) ...
Business & Economics

The Road To Serfdom

Steven Greenhut appeared on Fox Business’ The John Stossel Show to discuss the road to serfdom and public employee pension programs.

Top Canadian Politician Chooses U.S. Health Care

Heartland Institute, March 1, 2010 Heartland Institute “[Premier Williams] is a medical tourist; he went where he obviously felt he would get the best treatment and where he would not have to wait. He did not follow [political film documentarian] Michael Moore’s advice. He came here because in the United ...
Business & Economics

Another Roosevelt? More like Barack Hoover

President Obama has been talking tough on deficit reduction, but many left-leaning pundits and economists warn that such rhetoric will prolong the economic slump. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow warned that Obama’s proposed partial spending freeze was Herbert Hoover’s strategy, while Budget Director Peter Orszag cautioned that FDR’s attempt in 1937 ...
Business & Economics

‘Jobs’ bills: Why they fizzle

California’s unemployment rate is more than 12 percent, prompting state Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg’s new plan to create some 140,000 jobs. The plan, unfortunately, has a problem. Steinberg’s plan consists of several measures, each expected to create a specific number of jobs. Yet when tallying up the number ...

Health reform plans represent financial malpractice

Detroit News, February 27, 2010 President Barack Obama has made it clear that reducing the cost of care is one of the primary goals of his reform effort, a point he emphasized at Thursday’s health care summit. And yet, according to a recent report from the Department of Health and ...
Business & Economics

Retreat from pension reform fight

SACRAMENTO Anyone who thinks that gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman offers much hope for fixing the state’s structural fiscal mess should now wonder whether the billionaire former eBay chief executive might end up being nothing more than another Arnold Schwarzenegger – a governor who sometimes talks a good game but who, ...

Dem And Voter Differences Are Irreconcilable

Investor’s Business Daily, March 8, 2010 During his 35th speech on health care at the White House last Wednesday, President Obama called on Congress to give his reform package an “up-or-down vote” before the Easter recess, with or without Republican support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry ...

Unraveling the Achievement Gap on Campus

For the first time ever, women outnumber men at all levels of higher education. More women than men apply, enroll, and graduate with bachelor’s and advanced degrees. The response from feminist groups has been drearily predictable. Female enrollment at some schools approaches 60 percent, a gap of 10 percent in ...
Business & Economics

Who could blame us for cussing?

SACRAMENTO California’s union-dominated, Democratic-controlled Legislature is temperamentally incapable of fixing the state’s structural budget deficit, given that such a fix would require reduced government spending and the granting of fewer benefits to the state’s class of government workers. As Rome burned, legislators last week debated a meaningless “no-cussing” measure, which ...

Single-Payer and Group Coverage Empower Government, Not the People

I agree with Professor Chaufan that the “reforms” many states embraced to expand coverage with private insurance have failed, but disagree that it is because of a lack of government power. In fact, such reforms massively increase government power. For example, Massachusetts’ latest reform (passed by Governor Romney in 2006) ...
Business & Economics

The Road To Serfdom

Steven Greenhut appeared on Fox Business’ The John Stossel Show to discuss the road to serfdom and public employee pension programs.

Top Canadian Politician Chooses U.S. Health Care

Heartland Institute, March 1, 2010 Heartland Institute “[Premier Williams] is a medical tourist; he went where he obviously felt he would get the best treatment and where he would not have to wait. He did not follow [political film documentarian] Michael Moore’s advice. He came here because in the United ...
Business & Economics

Another Roosevelt? More like Barack Hoover

President Obama has been talking tough on deficit reduction, but many left-leaning pundits and economists warn that such rhetoric will prolong the economic slump. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow warned that Obama’s proposed partial spending freeze was Herbert Hoover’s strategy, while Budget Director Peter Orszag cautioned that FDR’s attempt in 1937 ...
Business & Economics

‘Jobs’ bills: Why they fizzle

California’s unemployment rate is more than 12 percent, prompting state Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg’s new plan to create some 140,000 jobs. The plan, unfortunately, has a problem. Steinberg’s plan consists of several measures, each expected to create a specific number of jobs. Yet when tallying up the number ...

Health reform plans represent financial malpractice

Detroit News, February 27, 2010 President Barack Obama has made it clear that reducing the cost of care is one of the primary goals of his reform effort, a point he emphasized at Thursday’s health care summit. And yet, according to a recent report from the Department of Health and ...
Business & Economics

Retreat from pension reform fight

SACRAMENTO Anyone who thinks that gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman offers much hope for fixing the state’s structural fiscal mess should now wonder whether the billionaire former eBay chief executive might end up being nothing more than another Arnold Schwarzenegger – a governor who sometimes talks a good game but who, ...
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