

CNBC Video: Paying for Health Care

Discussing whether Dems are relying too much on higher taxes to pay for health care reform, with Gov. Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee chairman; Sally Pipes, Pacific Research and CNBC’s Hampton Pearson.

Help kids win battle of the bulge

Across the country, children’s physical fitness has been placed on the front burner. First lady Michelle Obama has made childhood obesity her top priority. In Sacramento California, a major conference on physical education research was recently held at the state Capitol. The message is that fit kids not only get ...
Business & Economics

Legends in their own minds

SACRAMENTO – When people ask why I moved to Sacramento to write about California’s notoriously dysfunctional government, I say that, in the next two or three years, the government here is likely to (figuratively) crash and burn and that, as a journalist, I want a front-row seat for the action. ...

Lessons from California’s Race to the Top Loss

SACRAMENTO – California has failed to land a federal Race to the Top grant but the grant process proved enlightening on several key fronts. It is possible, after all, to pass legislation the California Teachers Association (CTA), the state’s biggest political spender, doesn’t like. To compete for the Race to ...

High-Risk Pools v. Community Rating and the Individual Mandate

Here’s a little intra-mural squabble that I haven’t gotten into much on this site: Is support for an individual insurance mandate compatible with consumer-driven health care? I’ve periodically linked to Who Killed Health Care?, a book by Regina Herzlinger, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and professor at the Harvard ...

Higher taxes ahead

The Obama administration continues to push for health care reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. But is such activism largely to blame for the prolonged economic slump? Robert Miller says the government can create jobs by throwing money at but the question is where do those resources ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform

Tort reform is a popular call-to-action when it comes to healthcare legislation. In general tort reform in the healthcare arena refers to reducing lawsuits or damages related to medical malpractice. Several states have enacted tort reform. No one argues that frivolous lawsuits need to be eliminated; rather the debate revolves ...

Massachusetts’ ‘reform’ mess

Federal lawmakers pondering how to vote on Obama-Care this week should notice that Massachusetts is back asking Washington for hundreds of millions more to bail out its universal health-coverage system. When it became law in 2006, the Bay State’s plan was supposed to fix everything — with much the same ...
Business & Economics

The $2 Trillion Hole

Promised pensions benefits for public-sector employees represent a massive overhang that threatens the financial future of many cities and states. LIKE A CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE, populist rage burns over bloated executive compensation and unrepentant avarice on Wall Street. Deserving as these targets may or may not be, most Americans have ignored ...

ObamaCare vs The 57

With perhaps a third of practicing physicians threatening to “Go Galt” should ObamaCare pass, it’s easy to overlook another potentially devastating effect of this monstrosity: ” Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs.” ...

CNBC Video: Paying for Health Care

Discussing whether Dems are relying too much on higher taxes to pay for health care reform, with Gov. Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee chairman; Sally Pipes, Pacific Research and CNBC’s Hampton Pearson.

Help kids win battle of the bulge

Across the country, children’s physical fitness has been placed on the front burner. First lady Michelle Obama has made childhood obesity her top priority. In Sacramento California, a major conference on physical education research was recently held at the state Capitol. The message is that fit kids not only get ...
Business & Economics

Legends in their own minds

SACRAMENTO – When people ask why I moved to Sacramento to write about California’s notoriously dysfunctional government, I say that, in the next two or three years, the government here is likely to (figuratively) crash and burn and that, as a journalist, I want a front-row seat for the action. ...

Lessons from California’s Race to the Top Loss

SACRAMENTO – California has failed to land a federal Race to the Top grant but the grant process proved enlightening on several key fronts. It is possible, after all, to pass legislation the California Teachers Association (CTA), the state’s biggest political spender, doesn’t like. To compete for the Race to ...

High-Risk Pools v. Community Rating and the Individual Mandate

Here’s a little intra-mural squabble that I haven’t gotten into much on this site: Is support for an individual insurance mandate compatible with consumer-driven health care? I’ve periodically linked to Who Killed Health Care?, a book by Regina Herzlinger, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and professor at the Harvard ...

Higher taxes ahead

The Obama administration continues to push for health care reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. But is such activism largely to blame for the prolonged economic slump? Robert Miller says the government can create jobs by throwing money at but the question is where do those resources ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform

Tort reform is a popular call-to-action when it comes to healthcare legislation. In general tort reform in the healthcare arena refers to reducing lawsuits or damages related to medical malpractice. Several states have enacted tort reform. No one argues that frivolous lawsuits need to be eliminated; rather the debate revolves ...

Massachusetts’ ‘reform’ mess

Federal lawmakers pondering how to vote on Obama-Care this week should notice that Massachusetts is back asking Washington for hundreds of millions more to bail out its universal health-coverage system. When it became law in 2006, the Bay State’s plan was supposed to fix everything — with much the same ...
Business & Economics

The $2 Trillion Hole

Promised pensions benefits for public-sector employees represent a massive overhang that threatens the financial future of many cities and states. LIKE A CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE, populist rage burns over bloated executive compensation and unrepentant avarice on Wall Street. Deserving as these targets may or may not be, most Americans have ignored ...

ObamaCare vs The 57

With perhaps a third of practicing physicians threatening to “Go Galt” should ObamaCare pass, it’s easy to overlook another potentially devastating effect of this monstrosity: ” Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs.” ...
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