A Democrat-killer
Above all else, the coming election is about ObamaCare. Democrats wish it were about the economy. Polls show that voters still blame the downturn more on President George W. Bush than on President Obama or the Democratic Congress. Sure, the Democrats haven’t turned the economy around, but things also haven’t ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
October 24, 2010
Business & Economics
Pro-union study twists stats, takes public for saps
California’s public employee unions have taken the public for suckers for years, so it’s understandable they now think they can play us for fools. A study released Monday by a pro-union think tank purports to show that public employees receive less total compensation than their counterparts in the private sector. ...
Steven Greenhut
October 24, 2010
Economc Study Funded by Prop. 23 backers questioned
The report had a tantalizing hook: “Proposition 23 will create 1.3 million jobs by 2020,” including 150,000 jobs next year. Proponents of the campaign to roll back the state’s landmark greenhouse gas reduction law touted the nonprofit Pacific Research Institute’s study in an Oct. 5 news release as “good news ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 24, 2010
Business & Economics
LaFaive: Give businesses freedom to create jobs
When the price of something goes up, the quantity demanded of it goes down. When government raises the price of creating jobs, investing and living in Michigan, we get less of those things. There’s plenty of evidence to back this common-sense truth. A March 2010 Federal Reserve Bank of St. ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 23, 2010
Business & Economics
Nelson vs. Sidhu a snore this time
Those Orange County political observers who have been awaiting a repeat of the June supervisorial grudge match that pitted pension-reforming Shawn Nelson, then a Fullerton councilman, against union-backed Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu must be sorely disappointed. In June, the unions tried to make an example out of Nelson, who blew ...
Steven Greenhut
October 23, 2010
Life under ObamaCare: More cost, less service
With Washington set to assume control of more than half of all health care spending – and thus remake nearly 20 percent of the economy – it’s worth asking if the federal government is up to the task. If my husband’s recent experience with the Transportation Security Administration is any ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 21, 2010
Killing our choices
Obamacare is under siege in the courts. Monday, federal Judge Henry Hudson announced that he’d rule on Virginia’s constitutional challenge to the health law before year’s end. That on the heels of another federal ruling, by Judge Roger Vinson, that 20 states and the National Federation of Independent Businesses can ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 21, 2010
Business & Economics
Returning the state to prosperity requires action
As the November election approaches, Californians don’t need to be reminded of the dismal state of the Golden State. The state’s economic misery permeates Californians’ daily lives. Our headline unemployment is 12.4 percent, third-highest in the country, and increases to 21.9 percent, highest in the country, when marginally employed and ...
Jason Clemens
October 21, 2010
Business & Economics
A Bad Word in California
What does voter anger at pension payouts and government spending mean for candidates who rely on the support of public employees? Steven Greenhut is the director of the Pacific Research Institute’s Journalism Center and the author of “Plunder! How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives And Bankrupting ...
Steven Greenhut
October 21, 2010
Business & Economics
Jackpot Justice Series
The first film in the Jackpot Justice series titled “Lawyers Gone Wild” takes a humorous look at the absurd warning labels on everyday consumer products revealing a serious underlying problem—rampant abuse of our nation’s civil-justice tort climate. The second film titled “Judicial Hellholes” takes audiences on a tour of American ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
October 21, 2010
A Democrat-killer
Above all else, the coming election is about ObamaCare. Democrats wish it were about the economy. Polls show that voters still blame the downturn more on President George W. Bush than on President Obama or the Democratic Congress. Sure, the Democrats haven’t turned the economy around, but things also haven’t ...
Pro-union study twists stats, takes public for saps
California’s public employee unions have taken the public for suckers for years, so it’s understandable they now think they can play us for fools. A study released Monday by a pro-union think tank purports to show that public employees receive less total compensation than their counterparts in the private sector. ...
Economc Study Funded by Prop. 23 backers questioned
The report had a tantalizing hook: “Proposition 23 will create 1.3 million jobs by 2020,” including 150,000 jobs next year. Proponents of the campaign to roll back the state’s landmark greenhouse gas reduction law touted the nonprofit Pacific Research Institute’s study in an Oct. 5 news release as “good news ...
LaFaive: Give businesses freedom to create jobs
When the price of something goes up, the quantity demanded of it goes down. When government raises the price of creating jobs, investing and living in Michigan, we get less of those things. There’s plenty of evidence to back this common-sense truth. A March 2010 Federal Reserve Bank of St. ...
Nelson vs. Sidhu a snore this time
Those Orange County political observers who have been awaiting a repeat of the June supervisorial grudge match that pitted pension-reforming Shawn Nelson, then a Fullerton councilman, against union-backed Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu must be sorely disappointed. In June, the unions tried to make an example out of Nelson, who blew ...
Life under ObamaCare: More cost, less service
With Washington set to assume control of more than half of all health care spending – and thus remake nearly 20 percent of the economy – it’s worth asking if the federal government is up to the task. If my husband’s recent experience with the Transportation Security Administration is any ...
Killing our choices
Obamacare is under siege in the courts. Monday, federal Judge Henry Hudson announced that he’d rule on Virginia’s constitutional challenge to the health law before year’s end. That on the heels of another federal ruling, by Judge Roger Vinson, that 20 states and the National Federation of Independent Businesses can ...
Returning the state to prosperity requires action
As the November election approaches, Californians don’t need to be reminded of the dismal state of the Golden State. The state’s economic misery permeates Californians’ daily lives. Our headline unemployment is 12.4 percent, third-highest in the country, and increases to 21.9 percent, highest in the country, when marginally employed and ...
A Bad Word in California
What does voter anger at pension payouts and government spending mean for candidates who rely on the support of public employees? Steven Greenhut is the director of the Pacific Research Institute’s Journalism Center and the author of “Plunder! How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives And Bankrupting ...
Jackpot Justice Series
The first film in the Jackpot Justice series titled “Lawyers Gone Wild” takes a humorous look at the absurd warning labels on everyday consumer products revealing a serious underlying problem—rampant abuse of our nation’s civil-justice tort climate. The second film titled “Judicial Hellholes” takes audiences on a tour of American ...