

How real reform is different from Obamacare

Part three in a three-part series To turn a phrase, there ought not to be a law; Obamacare should be booted from the U.S. Code and onto the ash heap of history. Think it can’t be done? Guess again — Congress has reversed course on health care reform before. On ...
Business & Economics

Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar

Vol. 14 No. 08: August 3, 2010 Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar By Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO, Pacific Research Institute Last month, we noted some good news for women, who now outpace men in higher education and are faring better economically during the recession. Women who go out ...

Seniors will suffer under Obamacare

Part two in a three-part series According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obamacare will cost at least $938 billion over the next decade. So here’s the big question: Who is going to pay for it? The answer is … drum roll please … senior citizens. As it turns out, more ...
Business & Economics

Here’s One Way States Can Create Jobs

(Aug 2) — Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is two times greater than in January 2008. If states are looking for a way to boost employment, a good place to start would be reining in lawsuit abuse — commonly called tort reform. ...

Obamacare Will Cost You Your Retirement

President Obama’s tax pledge, which he made as a candidate, couldn’t have been any clearer: “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase — not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” He even ...
Business & Economics

Drop the starfish, you criminal

SACRAMENTO – Advocates for big government can always be expected to stoke our fears to justify higher taxes, more regulations and the hiring of additional government workers. One of the most sensational examples of this phenomenon was provided last week as the Sacramento Bee published a front-page investigation warning about ...
Business & Economics

Dodgy days for business

The national unemployment rate remains stubbornly high – 9.5 percent in June – and the private sector simply isn’t willing yet to make a genuine effort to create jobs. Some contend that to stimulate the economy, the government should spend and borrow more. This argument ignores a central reason for ...

States Are Right to Shun ObamaCare’s High-Risk Pools

States Are Right to Shun ObamaCare’s High-Risk Pools By John R. Graham, director of Health Care Studies One of ObamaCare’s first major cash flows was scheduled to start on July 1: $5 billion to bail out states’ so-called “high-risk pools” until January 1, 2014. A full 22 states want nothing ...

Think tank calls for FDA to forgo approval of drugs cleared by European regulator

The free-market Pacific Research Institute argues in a new report that American patients would benefit if the Food and Drug Administration didn’t have a monopoly on regulations. Instead, the think tank argues that “allowing American patients to access medicines that have already been approved in Europe would increase regulatory competition, ...
Climate Change

Environmental lessons from the late Stephen Schneider

Stephen H. Schneider, hailed as the “Carl Sagan of climate science,” and who served on the international panel that won the 2007 Nobel Prize with Al Gore, has passed away at 65. He should be remembered as much more than a global warming alarmist. In fact, he was once a ...

How real reform is different from Obamacare

Part three in a three-part series To turn a phrase, there ought not to be a law; Obamacare should be booted from the U.S. Code and onto the ash heap of history. Think it can’t be done? Guess again — Congress has reversed course on health care reform before. On ...
Business & Economics

Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar

Vol. 14 No. 08: August 3, 2010 Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar By Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO, Pacific Research Institute Last month, we noted some good news for women, who now outpace men in higher education and are faring better economically during the recession. Women who go out ...

Seniors will suffer under Obamacare

Part two in a three-part series According to the Congressional Budget Office, Obamacare will cost at least $938 billion over the next decade. So here’s the big question: Who is going to pay for it? The answer is … drum roll please … senior citizens. As it turns out, more ...
Business & Economics

Here’s One Way States Can Create Jobs

(Aug 2) — Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is two times greater than in January 2008. If states are looking for a way to boost employment, a good place to start would be reining in lawsuit abuse — commonly called tort reform. ...

Obamacare Will Cost You Your Retirement

President Obama’s tax pledge, which he made as a candidate, couldn’t have been any clearer: “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase — not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” He even ...
Business & Economics

Drop the starfish, you criminal

SACRAMENTO – Advocates for big government can always be expected to stoke our fears to justify higher taxes, more regulations and the hiring of additional government workers. One of the most sensational examples of this phenomenon was provided last week as the Sacramento Bee published a front-page investigation warning about ...
Business & Economics

Dodgy days for business

The national unemployment rate remains stubbornly high – 9.5 percent in June – and the private sector simply isn’t willing yet to make a genuine effort to create jobs. Some contend that to stimulate the economy, the government should spend and borrow more. This argument ignores a central reason for ...

States Are Right to Shun ObamaCare’s High-Risk Pools

States Are Right to Shun ObamaCare’s High-Risk Pools By John R. Graham, director of Health Care Studies One of ObamaCare’s first major cash flows was scheduled to start on July 1: $5 billion to bail out states’ so-called “high-risk pools” until January 1, 2014. A full 22 states want nothing ...

Think tank calls for FDA to forgo approval of drugs cleared by European regulator

The free-market Pacific Research Institute argues in a new report that American patients would benefit if the Food and Drug Administration didn’t have a monopoly on regulations. Instead, the think tank argues that “allowing American patients to access medicines that have already been approved in Europe would increase regulatory competition, ...
Climate Change

Environmental lessons from the late Stephen Schneider

Stephen H. Schneider, hailed as the “Carl Sagan of climate science,” and who served on the international panel that won the 2007 Nobel Prize with Al Gore, has passed away at 65. He should be remembered as much more than a global warming alarmist. In fact, he was once a ...
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