

NC Mother Confronts Democrat Senator on ObamaCare

Sally C. Pipes, PRI president and CEO, recommends watching this video: “It shows a North Carolina mother confronting Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan about ObamaCare, telling her bluntly, “My children will suffer” because of ObamaCare.”

Ratios condemn patients to inferior care

In 1999, Gray Davis signed a law mandating a statewide ratio of one nurse to five patients in surgical wards, one to six in psychiatric wards, one to four in pediatric wards, one to three in maternity wards, and one to two in intensive care. The law was strong-armed to ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 22 protects corporate welfare

SACRAMENTO – It’s always entertaining watching various tax consumers fight with one another over a shrinking revenue pie, which makes the Proposition 22 campaign a spectacle. Despite the chatter from supporters about “saving local services” and stopping Sacramento from “raiding” local treasuries, this November initiative simply pits different government groups ...

Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way

Vol. 16 No. 30, August 18, 2010 Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director SACRAMENTO—California’s Electronic Waste Recycling Act (EWRA) is a magnet for fraud on a massive scale, totaling tens of millions of dollars, as Tom Knudson revealed in a ...

Educating illegal immigrants is costly

As the debate on illegal immigration rages in Washington and state capitals, it’s troubling to see both sides rely on emotional rhetoric to the detriment of facts. The impact of illegal immigration on public education is a case in point. No one can deny that increasing numbers of children of ...

Mass. mess: ObamaCare’s ugly future

Massachusetts’ struggle to make “universal health insurance” work continues to be an excellent peek at what the entire nation faces when ObamaCare kicks in — and the picture remains ugly. Gov. Deval Patrick has just reached a truce with three of the four top insurers in the state, compromising on ...
Business & Economics

Corruption in America

ANNONCER: Welcome to a special edition of “Money Rocks: Corruption in America, the Bolling Files with Eric Bolling.” Jerry Brown’s investigating the corrupt town of Bell, California, but a law firm connected with that city’s attorney forked over thousands to Brown’s election campaign. This bell is cracked. When are the ...
Business & Economics

Democrats picking on oil companies

SACRAMENTO – Legislators are more than six weeks past the constitutional deadline for passing a state budget, yet the state’s majority Democrats last week weren’t even holding budget hearings. Why bother? The state is $19 billion in the red, but the two sides aren’t even close to coming to terms. ...

Environmentalist turns to e-bullying

In the wake of “Climategate,” in which a series of leaked e-mails among prominent climate scientists showed concerted efforts to silence competing researchers and manipulate the peer-review process, one would think scientists as a group would be increasingly cognizant of the tone and content of their communications. But at least ...

Repeal the Individual Mandate of Obamacare

Obamacare is chock full of unpopular policies. But few have attracted as much widespread animosity as the “individual mandate,” which requires all adults to purchase health insurance or pay a fine. The most recent Rasmussen poll puts opposition to the mandate at 54 percent of likely voters – including 41 ...

NC Mother Confronts Democrat Senator on ObamaCare

Sally C. Pipes, PRI president and CEO, recommends watching this video: “It shows a North Carolina mother confronting Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan about ObamaCare, telling her bluntly, “My children will suffer” because of ObamaCare.”

Ratios condemn patients to inferior care

In 1999, Gray Davis signed a law mandating a statewide ratio of one nurse to five patients in surgical wards, one to six in psychiatric wards, one to four in pediatric wards, one to three in maternity wards, and one to two in intensive care. The law was strong-armed to ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 22 protects corporate welfare

SACRAMENTO – It’s always entertaining watching various tax consumers fight with one another over a shrinking revenue pie, which makes the Proposition 22 campaign a spectacle. Despite the chatter from supporters about “saving local services” and stopping Sacramento from “raiding” local treasuries, this November initiative simply pits different government groups ...

Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way

Vol. 16 No. 30, August 18, 2010 Toss Fraud-Ridden State Program and Recycle E-waste a Better Way By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director SACRAMENTO—California’s Electronic Waste Recycling Act (EWRA) is a magnet for fraud on a massive scale, totaling tens of millions of dollars, as Tom Knudson revealed in a ...

Educating illegal immigrants is costly

As the debate on illegal immigration rages in Washington and state capitals, it’s troubling to see both sides rely on emotional rhetoric to the detriment of facts. The impact of illegal immigration on public education is a case in point. No one can deny that increasing numbers of children of ...

Mass. mess: ObamaCare’s ugly future

Massachusetts’ struggle to make “universal health insurance” work continues to be an excellent peek at what the entire nation faces when ObamaCare kicks in — and the picture remains ugly. Gov. Deval Patrick has just reached a truce with three of the four top insurers in the state, compromising on ...
Business & Economics

Corruption in America

ANNONCER: Welcome to a special edition of “Money Rocks: Corruption in America, the Bolling Files with Eric Bolling.” Jerry Brown’s investigating the corrupt town of Bell, California, but a law firm connected with that city’s attorney forked over thousands to Brown’s election campaign. This bell is cracked. When are the ...
Business & Economics

Democrats picking on oil companies

SACRAMENTO – Legislators are more than six weeks past the constitutional deadline for passing a state budget, yet the state’s majority Democrats last week weren’t even holding budget hearings. Why bother? The state is $19 billion in the red, but the two sides aren’t even close to coming to terms. ...

Environmentalist turns to e-bullying

In the wake of “Climategate,” in which a series of leaked e-mails among prominent climate scientists showed concerted efforts to silence competing researchers and manipulate the peer-review process, one would think scientists as a group would be increasingly cognizant of the tone and content of their communications. But at least ...

Repeal the Individual Mandate of Obamacare

Obamacare is chock full of unpopular policies. But few have attracted as much widespread animosity as the “individual mandate,” which requires all adults to purchase health insurance or pay a fine. The most recent Rasmussen poll puts opposition to the mandate at 54 percent of likely voters – including 41 ...
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