“The Official Story” and Pushback on Health Reform
Almost eight months in and the overhaul is as unpopular as ever. Polls show that 58 percent of voters still favor repeal. Voters also sent a resounding message to Democrats during the midterm elections this month, rebuking those who played a role in passing President Barack Obama’s health care plan. ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 18, 2010
California voters rejected Proposition 23 and thereby missed their chance to delay implementation of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. That measure is certain to worsen a state economy still in recession, with an unemployment rate of more than 12 percent. AB 32 seeks to turn back ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
November 17, 2010
By 21 Points, Americans Want Repeal
By a margin of more than 5 to 1 (68 to 12 percent), independents think Obamacare would cause deficits to rise, not fall. Also by a margin of more than 5 to 1 (57 to 11 percent), independents think it would make the quality of health care worse, not better. ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
November 17, 2010
Obamacare ‘Rule,’ 347 Pages, 118,072 Words
This “rule” (that’s what they call it) was signed by HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius and by Medicare administrator Donald Berwick, who — as the Medical News reports — “will testify before a congressional committee [today] for the first time since President Barack Obama avoided the Senate confirmation process” in appointing ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
November 17, 2010
We Pay Twice for a Lousy Job
We’re all familiar with the axiom that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and if you don’t want to do it well, don’t do it at all. Tuition at California public universities went up 32 percent last year. Last week, California State University raised tuition more than 15 percent, ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 16, 2010
Letter: Obamacare’s rising downsides
A recent article noted that American companies “are weighing the pros and cons of eventually forcing employees to strike out on their own” for health insurance (“Employers eye health insurance options,” Oct. 25). Many Americans could soon find themselves without health insurance despite President Barack Obama’s promise that Americans ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 16, 2010
Serious Proposals to Reduce Debt
But the commission has missed, or perhaps willingly overlooked, a couple of far more inviting targets: $747 billion, currently slated for exchange subsidies, that would be saved by repealing Obamacare; and $540 billion, currently slated for a drastic expansion of Medicaid and CHIP, that likewise would be saved by repealing ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
November 15, 2010
Business & Economics
Arthur Laffer in San Francisco
On Thursday night last week, supply-side luminary Arthur Laffer spoke to the Pacific Research Institute’s annual dinner in San Francisco. Laffer is among the most consequential economists of the last half century. Though lampooned and denounced on the left, his Laffer Curve has had a greater impact on American and ...
Clark Judge
November 15, 2010
Kill It, Don’t Treat It
Americans have sent members of the party supporting repeal to Congress in droves, while sending equal numbers of the party supporting Obamacare packing. House Republicans will surely pass a repeal bill shortly after taking control of Congress in January. The Democrats will kill it, if not in the Senate then ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
November 15, 2010
Business & Economics
California Agency Invests $500 Million in The Green Sector
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) just invested $500 million in market-traded green energy firms, which brings the agency’s investments in clean energy stocks and funds since 2006 to $2.5 billion. A purchasing behemoth, CalPERS manages the retirement accounts of 1.6 million public employees and their families and is ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 15, 2010
“The Official Story” and Pushback on Health Reform
Almost eight months in and the overhaul is as unpopular as ever. Polls show that 58 percent of voters still favor repeal. Voters also sent a resounding message to Democrats during the midterm elections this month, rebuking those who played a role in passing President Barack Obama’s health care plan. ...
California voters rejected Proposition 23 and thereby missed their chance to delay implementation of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. That measure is certain to worsen a state economy still in recession, with an unemployment rate of more than 12 percent. AB 32 seeks to turn back ...
By 21 Points, Americans Want Repeal
By a margin of more than 5 to 1 (68 to 12 percent), independents think Obamacare would cause deficits to rise, not fall. Also by a margin of more than 5 to 1 (57 to 11 percent), independents think it would make the quality of health care worse, not better. ...
Obamacare ‘Rule,’ 347 Pages, 118,072 Words
This “rule” (that’s what they call it) was signed by HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius and by Medicare administrator Donald Berwick, who — as the Medical News reports — “will testify before a congressional committee [today] for the first time since President Barack Obama avoided the Senate confirmation process” in appointing ...
We Pay Twice for a Lousy Job
We’re all familiar with the axiom that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and if you don’t want to do it well, don’t do it at all. Tuition at California public universities went up 32 percent last year. Last week, California State University raised tuition more than 15 percent, ...
Letter: Obamacare’s rising downsides
A recent article noted that American companies “are weighing the pros and cons of eventually forcing employees to strike out on their own” for health insurance (“Employers eye health insurance options,” Oct. 25). Many Americans could soon find themselves without health insurance despite President Barack Obama’s promise that Americans ...
Serious Proposals to Reduce Debt
But the commission has missed, or perhaps willingly overlooked, a couple of far more inviting targets: $747 billion, currently slated for exchange subsidies, that would be saved by repealing Obamacare; and $540 billion, currently slated for a drastic expansion of Medicaid and CHIP, that likewise would be saved by repealing ...
Arthur Laffer in San Francisco
On Thursday night last week, supply-side luminary Arthur Laffer spoke to the Pacific Research Institute’s annual dinner in San Francisco. Laffer is among the most consequential economists of the last half century. Though lampooned and denounced on the left, his Laffer Curve has had a greater impact on American and ...
Kill It, Don’t Treat It
Americans have sent members of the party supporting repeal to Congress in droves, while sending equal numbers of the party supporting Obamacare packing. House Republicans will surely pass a repeal bill shortly after taking control of Congress in January. The Democrats will kill it, if not in the Senate then ...
California Agency Invests $500 Million in The Green Sector
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) just invested $500 million in market-traded green energy firms, which brings the agency’s investments in clean energy stocks and funds since 2006 to $2.5 billion. A purchasing behemoth, CalPERS manages the retirement accounts of 1.6 million public employees and their families and is ...