

Dr. Zycher: AB 32 Kills 5% of California Employment

If approved by the California electorate this November, Proposition 23 will suspend the implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) until the California unemployment rate declines to 5.5 percent or less for four consecutive quarters. This study examines the historical relationship between employment and total ...

How California can set a better example on jobs and environment

Proposition 23 on the Nov. 2 ballot would delay implementation of California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Assembly Bill 32). A recent study from the California Small Business Roundtable deals with the economic costs of that legislation. “The Cost of AB 32 on California Small Businesses” argues that such ...

California greases skids for Obamacare

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed two bills that he touts as reforms to “provide affordable and quality health care insurance.” In reality, Senate Bill 900 and Assembly Bill 1602 create a new bureaucracy — outside the normal controls of even the governor and state Legislature — to dictate which insurance ...

Prospective Employment Effects of California Proposition 23

If approved by the California electorate this November, Proposition 23 will suspend the implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) until the California unemployment rate declines to 5.5 percent or less for four consecutive quarters. AB 32 directed the California Air Resources Board to begin ...
Business & Economics

More pension horrors, no fixes

SACRAMENTO It has become almost impossible to exaggerate the depth of the state’s pension scandals, as more details emerge not only about the city of Bell, but about common abuses in other burgs. A new report produced by the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility, and championed by San Diego Councilman ...
Business & Economics

Golden State offers tarnished ideas

Huge deficits and mounting debt. Increasing concern about creditworthiness. Large and growing government. Constant calls for higher taxes. High unemployment and a discouraged, even fearful, business community. Welcome to California. If you thought we were describing Washington, you had good reason. In instance after instance, Washington has mimicked the failed ...

Dangers of mandating medical loss ratios

John R. Graham of the Pacific Research Institute discusses the harms of the medical loss ratios mandated in ObamaCare (HR 3590): One of the ways in which ObamaCare will reduce individuals’ and businesses’ choices of health insurance is through regulating the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR), a relatively simple concept: Take ...

Noted PRI Economist Ben Zycher: Failing To Pass Prop. 23 Will Cost Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs

When Proposition 1A was “birthed” last year as a part of the terrible 2009 budget deal that gave us the largest tax increase in the history of any state, it was highly respected and noted economist Benjamin Zycher who poured over the details of the so-called “spending cap” in 1A, ...
Business & Economics

The Fed won’t relinquish its bigger role

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Financial analysts have been parsing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech at the August meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyo. More worthy of attention, however, is the statement made earlier in August by the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee. It not only represented a ...

Employment Gains Expected if Prop 23 Passes

The California electorate next month will vote on Proposition 23, which would suspend the implementation of the state’s global warming (i.e., energy taxation) law (“AB32″) until the unemployment rate reaches 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters. My new paper on the employment effects of this initiative can be found here ...

Dr. Zycher: AB 32 Kills 5% of California Employment

If approved by the California electorate this November, Proposition 23 will suspend the implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) until the California unemployment rate declines to 5.5 percent or less for four consecutive quarters. This study examines the historical relationship between employment and total ...

How California can set a better example on jobs and environment

Proposition 23 on the Nov. 2 ballot would delay implementation of California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Assembly Bill 32). A recent study from the California Small Business Roundtable deals with the economic costs of that legislation. “The Cost of AB 32 on California Small Businesses” argues that such ...

California greases skids for Obamacare

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed two bills that he touts as reforms to “provide affordable and quality health care insurance.” In reality, Senate Bill 900 and Assembly Bill 1602 create a new bureaucracy — outside the normal controls of even the governor and state Legislature — to dictate which insurance ...

Prospective Employment Effects of California Proposition 23

If approved by the California electorate this November, Proposition 23 will suspend the implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) until the California unemployment rate declines to 5.5 percent or less for four consecutive quarters. AB 32 directed the California Air Resources Board to begin ...
Business & Economics

More pension horrors, no fixes

SACRAMENTO It has become almost impossible to exaggerate the depth of the state’s pension scandals, as more details emerge not only about the city of Bell, but about common abuses in other burgs. A new report produced by the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility, and championed by San Diego Councilman ...
Business & Economics

Golden State offers tarnished ideas

Huge deficits and mounting debt. Increasing concern about creditworthiness. Large and growing government. Constant calls for higher taxes. High unemployment and a discouraged, even fearful, business community. Welcome to California. If you thought we were describing Washington, you had good reason. In instance after instance, Washington has mimicked the failed ...

Dangers of mandating medical loss ratios

John R. Graham of the Pacific Research Institute discusses the harms of the medical loss ratios mandated in ObamaCare (HR 3590): One of the ways in which ObamaCare will reduce individuals’ and businesses’ choices of health insurance is through regulating the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR), a relatively simple concept: Take ...

Noted PRI Economist Ben Zycher: Failing To Pass Prop. 23 Will Cost Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs

When Proposition 1A was “birthed” last year as a part of the terrible 2009 budget deal that gave us the largest tax increase in the history of any state, it was highly respected and noted economist Benjamin Zycher who poured over the details of the so-called “spending cap” in 1A, ...
Business & Economics

The Fed won’t relinquish its bigger role

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Financial analysts have been parsing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech at the August meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyo. More worthy of attention, however, is the statement made earlier in August by the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee. It not only represented a ...

Employment Gains Expected if Prop 23 Passes

The California electorate next month will vote on Proposition 23, which would suspend the implementation of the state’s global warming (i.e., energy taxation) law (“AB32″) until the unemployment rate reaches 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters. My new paper on the employment effects of this initiative can be found here ...
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