
Business & Economics

Radical rethink for state workers’ pay

Never-ending deficits and unemployment at 12-percent-plus are just two illustrations of a seriously sick California economy. Many sensible solutions have been discarded out of hand because of the power of public-sector unions. The challenge for state leaders is to make these unions part of the solution instead of the problem. ...

Medicare Limits Access to Care, As Will Obamacare

It is becoming increasingly clear to laymen that Medicare beneficiaries do not have the same access to care as the privately insured (or those in Medicare Advantage plans). The political challenge is obvious: It’s not possible that America’s seniors will tolerate politicians who allow this to happen. So, the political ...

Demography Is Still Not Destiny

Florida ’s low-income, Hispanic, and black fourth graders now outperform all California fourth graders on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading assessment according to a policy brief released today by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based think tank. Demography is Still Not Destiny attributes this striking gap ...
Business & Economics

California ignores the truth

Anyone who has dealt with a loved one deeply involved in some destructive behavior understands that there is only so much you can do until the person hits whatever low point is necessary to spark a commitment to turn around their life. I think of my beloved California in the ...

Is Our Food Hazardous To The Planet?

Enough with blaming agriculture for the world’s environmental woes! According to a new report released by the San Francisco, Calif.-based Pacific Research Institute, the environmental impact of raising crops and livestock is often misconstrued. The report, “Is Your Food Making the Planet Sick?” can be downloaded at “Modern agriculture ...
Business & Economics

NH is among many states that could boost manufacturing with lawsuit reform

THE UNEMPLOYMENT rate in manufacturing is 10 percent, above the overall national level. If state lawmakers are serious about putting nearly 1.6 million people back to work in manufacturing, they should enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. The newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2010 Report ranks each of the 50 ...

Reform Fails To Fix Uninsured Problem

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just announced that 59.1 million Americans went without health insurance for at least part of this year — an all-time high. The CDC estimate comes on the heels of a report from the Census Bureau that arrived at a similar conclusion. Supporters of ...

to US legislators- vote for the patient empowerment act

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Business & Economics

Tort reform boosts growth

Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is about two times greater than in January 2008. If state legislators want an effective solution — one that will actually create jobs — they should enact tort reforms, an area where many states need help. In ...

Most Americans Happy with Health Care they Have Now

Of particular note, 87 percent of Americans who have private health insurance and make between $30,000 and $74,999 rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” In that same income range, 58 percent of Americans without health insurance also rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” These numbers beg ...
Business & Economics

Radical rethink for state workers’ pay

Never-ending deficits and unemployment at 12-percent-plus are just two illustrations of a seriously sick California economy. Many sensible solutions have been discarded out of hand because of the power of public-sector unions. The challenge for state leaders is to make these unions part of the solution instead of the problem. ...

Medicare Limits Access to Care, As Will Obamacare

It is becoming increasingly clear to laymen that Medicare beneficiaries do not have the same access to care as the privately insured (or those in Medicare Advantage plans). The political challenge is obvious: It’s not possible that America’s seniors will tolerate politicians who allow this to happen. So, the political ...

Demography Is Still Not Destiny

Florida ’s low-income, Hispanic, and black fourth graders now outperform all California fourth graders on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading assessment according to a policy brief released today by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based think tank. Demography is Still Not Destiny attributes this striking gap ...
Business & Economics

California ignores the truth

Anyone who has dealt with a loved one deeply involved in some destructive behavior understands that there is only so much you can do until the person hits whatever low point is necessary to spark a commitment to turn around their life. I think of my beloved California in the ...

Is Our Food Hazardous To The Planet?

Enough with blaming agriculture for the world’s environmental woes! According to a new report released by the San Francisco, Calif.-based Pacific Research Institute, the environmental impact of raising crops and livestock is often misconstrued. The report, “Is Your Food Making the Planet Sick?” can be downloaded at “Modern agriculture ...
Business & Economics

NH is among many states that could boost manufacturing with lawsuit reform

THE UNEMPLOYMENT rate in manufacturing is 10 percent, above the overall national level. If state lawmakers are serious about putting nearly 1.6 million people back to work in manufacturing, they should enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. The newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2010 Report ranks each of the 50 ...

Reform Fails To Fix Uninsured Problem

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just announced that 59.1 million Americans went without health insurance for at least part of this year — an all-time high. The CDC estimate comes on the heels of a report from the Census Bureau that arrived at a similar conclusion. Supporters of ...

to US legislators- vote for the patient empowerment act

Watch on youtube
Business & Economics

Tort reform boosts growth

Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is about two times greater than in January 2008. If state legislators want an effective solution — one that will actually create jobs — they should enact tort reforms, an area where many states need help. In ...

Most Americans Happy with Health Care they Have Now

Of particular note, 87 percent of Americans who have private health insurance and make between $30,000 and $74,999 rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” In that same income range, 58 percent of Americans without health insurance also rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” These numbers beg ...
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