

ProPublica Ignores Worst Redistricting Lines

Pulitzer Prize-winning ProPublica published an investigative report Wednesday into how Democratic political operatives influenced California’s independent redistricting commission. National media outlets lavished praise on the piece, describing it as “explosive,” “startling” and “exceptionally researched.” Charlie Mahtesian, national politics editor at Politico, tweeted, “Newsroom consensus: ProPublica piece on Calif is prob ...

Coal In Our Stockings: The Destruction of Medical Innovation

The holidays are fast approaching, and the “elves” are busy at the North Pole. No, not the presidential candidates. No, not the Capitol Hill pols. And no, not those unrelenting pursuers of objectivity and truth: the journalists. I refer instead to the bureaucrats, in particular those implementing the new “comparative ...

The Ugly Realities Of Socialized Medicine Are Not Going Away

The worldwide recession has forced countries around the world to curb public spending — or risk defaulting on their debt. The United Kingdom is the latest to tighten its belt. The National Health Service (NHS) — the centralized public agency that runs Britain’s government healthcare system — is being forced ...

Fixing California’s Broken Legislation

The approval rating for the job the California Legislature is doing remains pitiful, ranging in the past year or so from a record-low 9 percent to 16 percent. That percentage of Californians will no doubt support any possible idea you place before them on a public opinion poll, which should ...

Could more lawmakers do less harm?

The approval rating for the job done by the California Legislature remains pitiful, ranging in the past year or so from a record-low 9 percent to 16 percent. That percentage of Californians would no doubt support any possible idea you place before them on a public opinion poll, which should ...

Real meaning of Brown’s ‘open letter’

Gov. Jerry Brown last Monday released “An Open Letter to the People of California,” in which he called for the state’s taxpayers to approve tax-raising initiatives to “fix” the state’s structural deficit. Here is the letter and my interpretation of what Brown really meant to say: Brown: When I became ...

Professors at legislative hearing push more government

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing wealth. This phenomenon supposedly would justify more aggressive government policies redistributing wealth. At an Assembly hearing Wednesday about whether the state of California should be actively pursuing additional wealth redistribution policies, Legislators and academics said that the highest degree of ...
Blended Learning

States vs. the Digital-Learning Revolution

Earlier this fall, New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced that five international high-tech companies had entered into investment agreements, totaling $4.4 billion, with the state. The governor boasted that the agreements would make New York “the epicenter for the new generation of computer-chip technology.” However, when it comes to using ...

Shopping for Health Coverage Versus Shopping for Health Care

As I read the spirited debate over whether Obamacare will drive health insurers out of business (here and here), I wonder if we need to bring the discussion back to fundamentals: The key problem with U.S health insurance is that there is too much of it – whether provided by ...
Business & Economics

T2AR: The Second American Revolution

The American people are in a restive state resembling the mood of their ancestors two 60 new Representatives in the largest election wave since 1948. In a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released on October 13, 2011, 74% of Americans believe the nation was “off on the wrong track.” If ...

ProPublica Ignores Worst Redistricting Lines

Pulitzer Prize-winning ProPublica published an investigative report Wednesday into how Democratic political operatives influenced California’s independent redistricting commission. National media outlets lavished praise on the piece, describing it as “explosive,” “startling” and “exceptionally researched.” Charlie Mahtesian, national politics editor at Politico, tweeted, “Newsroom consensus: ProPublica piece on Calif is prob ...

Coal In Our Stockings: The Destruction of Medical Innovation

The holidays are fast approaching, and the “elves” are busy at the North Pole. No, not the presidential candidates. No, not the Capitol Hill pols. And no, not those unrelenting pursuers of objectivity and truth: the journalists. I refer instead to the bureaucrats, in particular those implementing the new “comparative ...

The Ugly Realities Of Socialized Medicine Are Not Going Away

The worldwide recession has forced countries around the world to curb public spending — or risk defaulting on their debt. The United Kingdom is the latest to tighten its belt. The National Health Service (NHS) — the centralized public agency that runs Britain’s government healthcare system — is being forced ...

Fixing California’s Broken Legislation

The approval rating for the job the California Legislature is doing remains pitiful, ranging in the past year or so from a record-low 9 percent to 16 percent. That percentage of Californians will no doubt support any possible idea you place before them on a public opinion poll, which should ...

Could more lawmakers do less harm?

The approval rating for the job done by the California Legislature remains pitiful, ranging in the past year or so from a record-low 9 percent to 16 percent. That percentage of Californians would no doubt support any possible idea you place before them on a public opinion poll, which should ...

Real meaning of Brown’s ‘open letter’

Gov. Jerry Brown last Monday released “An Open Letter to the People of California,” in which he called for the state’s taxpayers to approve tax-raising initiatives to “fix” the state’s structural deficit. Here is the letter and my interpretation of what Brown really meant to say: Brown: When I became ...

Professors at legislative hearing push more government

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing wealth. This phenomenon supposedly would justify more aggressive government policies redistributing wealth. At an Assembly hearing Wednesday about whether the state of California should be actively pursuing additional wealth redistribution policies, Legislators and academics said that the highest degree of ...
Blended Learning

States vs. the Digital-Learning Revolution

Earlier this fall, New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced that five international high-tech companies had entered into investment agreements, totaling $4.4 billion, with the state. The governor boasted that the agreements would make New York “the epicenter for the new generation of computer-chip technology.” However, when it comes to using ...

Shopping for Health Coverage Versus Shopping for Health Care

As I read the spirited debate over whether Obamacare will drive health insurers out of business (here and here), I wonder if we need to bring the discussion back to fundamentals: The key problem with U.S health insurance is that there is too much of it – whether provided by ...
Business & Economics

T2AR: The Second American Revolution

The American people are in a restive state resembling the mood of their ancestors two 60 new Representatives in the largest election wave since 1948. In a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released on October 13, 2011, 74% of Americans believe the nation was “off on the wrong track.” If ...
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