Uncle Sam likes his sugar
The federal government continues to envision itself as Saint Michael, whose role is to save failing industries from the horrors of the market’s cruel discipline. At least it would seem so from its recent actions. Government bailouts for investment banks, insurance companies, large banks, small banks and the automobile companies ...
Wayne Winegarden
March 26, 2013
The More Businesses Learn About Obamacare, The More Reluctant They Are To Hire
Wondering why the unemployment rate has been near or above 8 percent for nearly four years? The Federal Reserve has an answer for you: Obamacare. Earlier this month, the Fed released its latest beige book a monthly report on economic conditions across the country. The book noted that employers ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 18, 2013
Obama ‘Preschool For All’ Unlikely To Live Up To The Hype
An outline released by the White House contends that President Barack Obama’s universal preschool proposal will “improve quality and expand access to preschool” by, among other things, using federal funding incentives to require states “to meet quality benchmarks that are linked to better outcomes for children.” There is justifiable skepticism, ...
Lance T. izumi
March 13, 2013
Business & Economics
Corporate Laffer Curve: Column
A corporate tax cut would produce higher revenues for Dems and lower rates for GOP. Democrats and Republicans in Washington are at loggerheads over what to do about the deficit, the national debt, and the automatic spending cuts, which took effect last week. Those on the left seek a hike ...
Arthur Laffer
March 10, 2013
Environmentalists Try to Squash a Bug Killer
Green groups blame a widely-used insecticide for bee ‘die-offs,’ but the evidence is weak. In January, the European Commission advised the EU not to use neonicotinoids, a relatively new class of agricultural insecticides. Now the member countries are considering whether to ban the chemical. The Commission’s warning came after heavy ...
Richard Tren
March 5, 2013
Why Are The Democrats Attacking The Only Successful Part Of Medicare
The much-discussed sequester has taken effect. But federal lawmakers are still trying to find ways to undo the $85 billion in spending cuts it has put in motion. In his state -of-the-union address, President Obama trained his eyes on one of his favorite bogeymen the pharmaceutical industry. The president ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 4, 2013
Mandating Inefficiency in the Health Care Industry
Despite 50 years of failure, faith that the federal government can cure what ails the health care industry endures. That enduring faith drives a seemingly never-ending call for plans, both grandiose and modest, that attempt to address the failings of this sector. Grand redesigns of the health care system began ...
Wayne Winegarden
March 3, 2013
Obamacare may put end to doctor-patient relationship
Are the days of the traditional family doctor coming to an end? In the almost three years since Obamacare became the law of the land, more and more physicians have expressed concern about the future of their profession. Consequently, they’ve been leaving private practice and opting instead for the likes ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 26, 2013
ObamaCare’s False Starts A Blessing
It’s not often that you’d call government ineptitude a blessing. But that could be the case with ObamaCare. The feds missed their own deadline late last year for issuing all the rules for states on how their insurance exchanges are to operate. They haven’t yet finished the “data hub” states ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 20, 2013
Obamacare’s not-so-universal coverage
Nearly 10 percent of U.S. will remain uninsured under Obamacare. Federal regulators just issued rules governing the individual coverage mandate within President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which, starting in 2014, will require all Americans to secure health insurance or pay a penalty of $95 or 1 percent of their income, ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 19, 2013
Uncle Sam likes his sugar
The federal government continues to envision itself as Saint Michael, whose role is to save failing industries from the horrors of the market’s cruel discipline. At least it would seem so from its recent actions. Government bailouts for investment banks, insurance companies, large banks, small banks and the automobile companies ...
The More Businesses Learn About Obamacare, The More Reluctant They Are To Hire
Wondering why the unemployment rate has been near or above 8 percent for nearly four years? The Federal Reserve has an answer for you: Obamacare. Earlier this month, the Fed released its latest beige book a monthly report on economic conditions across the country. The book noted that employers ...
Obama ‘Preschool For All’ Unlikely To Live Up To The Hype
An outline released by the White House contends that President Barack Obama’s universal preschool proposal will “improve quality and expand access to preschool” by, among other things, using federal funding incentives to require states “to meet quality benchmarks that are linked to better outcomes for children.” There is justifiable skepticism, ...
Corporate Laffer Curve: Column
A corporate tax cut would produce higher revenues for Dems and lower rates for GOP. Democrats and Republicans in Washington are at loggerheads over what to do about the deficit, the national debt, and the automatic spending cuts, which took effect last week. Those on the left seek a hike ...
Environmentalists Try to Squash a Bug Killer
Green groups blame a widely-used insecticide for bee ‘die-offs,’ but the evidence is weak. In January, the European Commission advised the EU not to use neonicotinoids, a relatively new class of agricultural insecticides. Now the member countries are considering whether to ban the chemical. The Commission’s warning came after heavy ...
Why Are The Democrats Attacking The Only Successful Part Of Medicare
The much-discussed sequester has taken effect. But federal lawmakers are still trying to find ways to undo the $85 billion in spending cuts it has put in motion. In his state -of-the-union address, President Obama trained his eyes on one of his favorite bogeymen the pharmaceutical industry. The president ...
Mandating Inefficiency in the Health Care Industry
Despite 50 years of failure, faith that the federal government can cure what ails the health care industry endures. That enduring faith drives a seemingly never-ending call for plans, both grandiose and modest, that attempt to address the failings of this sector. Grand redesigns of the health care system began ...
Obamacare may put end to doctor-patient relationship
Are the days of the traditional family doctor coming to an end? In the almost three years since Obamacare became the law of the land, more and more physicians have expressed concern about the future of their profession. Consequently, they’ve been leaving private practice and opting instead for the likes ...
ObamaCare’s False Starts A Blessing
It’s not often that you’d call government ineptitude a blessing. But that could be the case with ObamaCare. The feds missed their own deadline late last year for issuing all the rules for states on how their insurance exchanges are to operate. They haven’t yet finished the “data hub” states ...
Obamacare’s not-so-universal coverage
Nearly 10 percent of U.S. will remain uninsured under Obamacare. Federal regulators just issued rules governing the individual coverage mandate within President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which, starting in 2014, will require all Americans to secure health insurance or pay a penalty of $95 or 1 percent of their income, ...