

American Soldiers Deserve Cutting-Edge Health Care

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently expounded upon the tough choices policymakers will face as they attempt to scale back the Pentagon’s budget. As Panetta put it, our leaders will have to consider not just the “weaponization, modernization side” of the military but “the human side” as well. Ensuring the availability ...

California Schools Behind the Curve

Gov. Jerry Brown said in his State of the State address that the so-called “declinists,” those who worry about California’s place in the nation and the world, are wrong. He pointed to areas where the state is supposedly ahead of rivals, like Texas, Massachusetts and New York. However, if one ...

Why is repealing Obamacare landing Republicans backburner?

Amidst the flurry of political jockeying leading up to this week’s GOP primary in South Carolina, a funny thing has happened: the importance of repealing Obamacare has faded from public attention. During the most recent debate in New Hampshire, for instance, the president’s signature law was mentioned just three times. ...

Is ‘Obamacare’ receding as a GOP cause?

Amid the political jockeying leading up to this weekend’s Republican primary in South Carolina, a funny thing has happened: The calls for repealing Obamacare have faded. During the recent Republican debate in New Hampshire, for instance, the president’s signature law was mentioned just three times. Republicans need to refocus. No ...

The road ahead on Obamacare repeal

There’s a case to be made that President Obama’s reform package is not just bad policy, it’s also of questionable constitutionality. As of this writing, 30 legal challenges to the health law have been launched involving states. Most notably, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ...

End Obamacare’s taxes before they end lifesaving medical advances

Second of a series of three excerpts The Problem: Obamacare’s high taxes on pharmaceutical and medical device companies will deprive firms of capital that they need to be able to invest in new products. The Solution: Repeal Obamacare’s new taxes. Why It Will Work: Advances in medical science and technology ...

We Know Which Teachers to Fire

A study of 2.5 million students by Harvard and Columbia researchers strongly indicates that individual teacher quality based on student test scores significantly impacts students’ life outcomes. While that should be enough evidence for school districts to consider using testing data to help inform firing, tenure and pay policies, the ...

Where to start in repealing Obamacare

On March 23, 2010, President Obama forever altered the American health care system by signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Its advocates promised that the measure would reinvent American health care and reinvigorate the American economy. As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., put it, “This ...

California voters have a choice: taxes or education?

An education analyst says the governor of California is allowing voters to make the tough choices in light of the state’s economic woes. Governor Jerry Brown (D) is giving voters in The Golden State the option of either raising taxes or having funding cut from the state’s education system. The ...

Another Way California Wastes Taxpayer Dollars

California legislators never have enough time, and always lack the vision, to deal appropriately with the state’s pressing budget and infrastructure problems. But they are great at self-aggrandizement and at catering to the special-interest groups that assure their re-election. One would think, for instance, the Assembly Transportation Committee would be ...

American Soldiers Deserve Cutting-Edge Health Care

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently expounded upon the tough choices policymakers will face as they attempt to scale back the Pentagon’s budget. As Panetta put it, our leaders will have to consider not just the “weaponization, modernization side” of the military but “the human side” as well. Ensuring the availability ...

California Schools Behind the Curve

Gov. Jerry Brown said in his State of the State address that the so-called “declinists,” those who worry about California’s place in the nation and the world, are wrong. He pointed to areas where the state is supposedly ahead of rivals, like Texas, Massachusetts and New York. However, if one ...

Why is repealing Obamacare landing Republicans backburner?

Amidst the flurry of political jockeying leading up to this week’s GOP primary in South Carolina, a funny thing has happened: the importance of repealing Obamacare has faded from public attention. During the most recent debate in New Hampshire, for instance, the president’s signature law was mentioned just three times. ...

Is ‘Obamacare’ receding as a GOP cause?

Amid the political jockeying leading up to this weekend’s Republican primary in South Carolina, a funny thing has happened: The calls for repealing Obamacare have faded. During the recent Republican debate in New Hampshire, for instance, the president’s signature law was mentioned just three times. Republicans need to refocus. No ...

The road ahead on Obamacare repeal

There’s a case to be made that President Obama’s reform package is not just bad policy, it’s also of questionable constitutionality. As of this writing, 30 legal challenges to the health law have been launched involving states. Most notably, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ...

End Obamacare’s taxes before they end lifesaving medical advances

Second of a series of three excerpts The Problem: Obamacare’s high taxes on pharmaceutical and medical device companies will deprive firms of capital that they need to be able to invest in new products. The Solution: Repeal Obamacare’s new taxes. Why It Will Work: Advances in medical science and technology ...

We Know Which Teachers to Fire

A study of 2.5 million students by Harvard and Columbia researchers strongly indicates that individual teacher quality based on student test scores significantly impacts students’ life outcomes. While that should be enough evidence for school districts to consider using testing data to help inform firing, tenure and pay policies, the ...

Where to start in repealing Obamacare

On March 23, 2010, President Obama forever altered the American health care system by signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Its advocates promised that the measure would reinvent American health care and reinvigorate the American economy. As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., put it, “This ...

California voters have a choice: taxes or education?

An education analyst says the governor of California is allowing voters to make the tough choices in light of the state’s economic woes. Governor Jerry Brown (D) is giving voters in The Golden State the option of either raising taxes or having funding cut from the state’s education system. The ...

Another Way California Wastes Taxpayer Dollars

California legislators never have enough time, and always lack the vision, to deal appropriately with the state’s pressing budget and infrastructure problems. But they are great at self-aggrandizement and at catering to the special-interest groups that assure their re-election. One would think, for instance, the Assembly Transportation Committee would be ...
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