

Is CDC immune to pneumonia science?

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention met last week to discuss the latest developments in the fight against pneumonia. They had the chance to prevent tens of thousands of deaths from the disease each year simply by recommending a new vaccine for routine delivery to adults. Unfortunately, ...
Business & Economics

Bankruptcy may be only way out for cities, states

The problem in the public sector is that government never is allowed to fail. There never is a day of reckoning no matter how poorly government provides its so-called services I recently documented how the state’s pro-union attorney general, Kamala Harris, crafted an unfair and dishonest title and summary for ...

How Much Will Implementing the Common Core State Standards Cost South Carolina?

The Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute released a study of how much it will cost the 45 states and the District of Columbia to implement the Common Core State Standards. President Obama offered up $4.35 billion in stimulus money through his Race to the Top program. ...
Business & Economics

Bond Holders Seek Governmental Transparency

Once upon a time buying a municipal bond was considered a safe bet. A decent rate of return with little risk ­– just the thing for junior’s college fund and grandma’s retirement account. But that was before Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. government’s credit-worthiness, sending shock waves through the ...

How ObamaCare is already failing

A key technocratic gimmick of ObamaCare, the Accountable Care Organization, is rolling out now — but the wheels are already starting to come off. ACOs are federally chartered health-care providers which, we’re told, will help doctors and hospitals better coordinate care to improve the health of Medicare patients and reduce ...

Congenital American Impatience Points to Obamacare’s Failure

Healthcare spending grew at the second-lowest rate on record in 2010, according to recent data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS). Still, the $2.6 trillion the United States spent represented a 3.9-percent increase over the previous year. All told, health care consumed 17.9 percent of the U.S. Gross ...

Obamacare’s threat to medical breakthroughs

The battle against skin cancer just became a bit more complicated. Researchers found that Zelboraf – a promising new drug that attacks advanced-stage metastatic melanoma – may speed the development of a different but more easily treatable form of cancer. And then, there are the cost considerations. The drug lengthens ...

Obama’s Education Takeover

President Obama has laid the groundwork for an unprecedented centralization of education policy under the guise of promoting educational innovation, accountability, and improved student achievement. In reality, Obama’s new national standards, curricula, and testing shift the policy-making power from individuals and communities to the federal bureaucracy. In this Broadside, Lance ...

New Report Shows Federal System of Grants and Conditional Waivers Will Result in National K-12 Curriculum

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Obama administration has placed the nation on the road to a national curriculum, according to a new report written by a former general counsel and former deputy general counsel of the United States Department of Education. The Road to a National Curriculum: The Legal Aspects ...

Amicus Briefs Give A Supreme Condemnation Of ObamaCare

Statements both for and against President Barack Obama‘s signature health reform law are flooding the Supreme Court. Thus far, nearly 80 “amicus curiae” –or “friend of the court” — briefs have been filed. Many more will surely come in before the February 13 deadline These documents allow interest groups, lawmakers, ...

Is CDC immune to pneumonia science?

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention met last week to discuss the latest developments in the fight against pneumonia. They had the chance to prevent tens of thousands of deaths from the disease each year simply by recommending a new vaccine for routine delivery to adults. Unfortunately, ...
Business & Economics

Bankruptcy may be only way out for cities, states

The problem in the public sector is that government never is allowed to fail. There never is a day of reckoning no matter how poorly government provides its so-called services I recently documented how the state’s pro-union attorney general, Kamala Harris, crafted an unfair and dishonest title and summary for ...

How Much Will Implementing the Common Core State Standards Cost South Carolina?

The Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute released a study of how much it will cost the 45 states and the District of Columbia to implement the Common Core State Standards. President Obama offered up $4.35 billion in stimulus money through his Race to the Top program. ...
Business & Economics

Bond Holders Seek Governmental Transparency

Once upon a time buying a municipal bond was considered a safe bet. A decent rate of return with little risk ­– just the thing for junior’s college fund and grandma’s retirement account. But that was before Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. government’s credit-worthiness, sending shock waves through the ...

How ObamaCare is already failing

A key technocratic gimmick of ObamaCare, the Accountable Care Organization, is rolling out now — but the wheels are already starting to come off. ACOs are federally chartered health-care providers which, we’re told, will help doctors and hospitals better coordinate care to improve the health of Medicare patients and reduce ...

Congenital American Impatience Points to Obamacare’s Failure

Healthcare spending grew at the second-lowest rate on record in 2010, according to recent data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS). Still, the $2.6 trillion the United States spent represented a 3.9-percent increase over the previous year. All told, health care consumed 17.9 percent of the U.S. Gross ...

Obamacare’s threat to medical breakthroughs

The battle against skin cancer just became a bit more complicated. Researchers found that Zelboraf – a promising new drug that attacks advanced-stage metastatic melanoma – may speed the development of a different but more easily treatable form of cancer. And then, there are the cost considerations. The drug lengthens ...

Obama’s Education Takeover

President Obama has laid the groundwork for an unprecedented centralization of education policy under the guise of promoting educational innovation, accountability, and improved student achievement. In reality, Obama’s new national standards, curricula, and testing shift the policy-making power from individuals and communities to the federal bureaucracy. In this Broadside, Lance ...

New Report Shows Federal System of Grants and Conditional Waivers Will Result in National K-12 Curriculum

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Obama administration has placed the nation on the road to a national curriculum, according to a new report written by a former general counsel and former deputy general counsel of the United States Department of Education. The Road to a National Curriculum: The Legal Aspects ...

Amicus Briefs Give A Supreme Condemnation Of ObamaCare

Statements both for and against President Barack Obama‘s signature health reform law are flooding the Supreme Court. Thus far, nearly 80 “amicus curiae” –or “friend of the court” — briefs have been filed. Many more will surely come in before the February 13 deadline These documents allow interest groups, lawmakers, ...
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