

Win some, lose some on bill signing

We take selective note of bills signed or vetoed the past week by Gov. Jerry Brown. Commendably, the governor vetoed Senate Bill 1235, by Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento. It would have required the state superintendent of public instruction and the Department of Education to “provide training and ...

Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays

Key Points: Governor Jerry Brown and California legislators have attempted to get Medi-Cal’s budget under control by charging reasonable co-pays for medical and hospital services, especially emergency rooms. Secretary Sebelius has just quashed the state’s co-pay reform, relying on dubious legal interpretation. This federal overreach cost California taxpayers half a ...

Obamacare drives up health care costs for everyone

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released their annual report on health care spending in America. And surprise, surprise – spending continues to grow. It amounted to 17.9 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product in 2010, or $2.6 trillion. But the annual rate of growth was lower ...

Health spending slows but premiums still rising

A funny thing happened as a result of Obamacare, signed in March 2010: Although the cost of health care has increased at a slower rate than in previous years, premiums for health insurance and the share of premiums used for purposes other than paying claims has been increasing faster than ...

Romney-fication of health care reform

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick just exhorted legislators to overhaul the way the state pays for health care. He’s pushing for an end to the traditional arrangement of compensating doctors and hospitals for each service they provide. It’s not yet clear what will replace this “fee-for-service” payment system. But there’s growing ...

Kill the CLASS Act Before It Kills Taxpayers

The House of Representatives just voted to wipe a major part of President Obama’s healthcare law from the books — the Community Living Assistance Service and Supports Act. This CLASS Act would’ve established a federally run long-term-care insurance program. The Senate should continue the House’s work and repeal CLASS right ...

President Obama’s Medical Board: A Backdoor Path to Health Rationing

Last week, a House of Representatives subpanel overwhelmingly approved a measure to repeal a key component of President Obama’s 2010 health reform bill. By a bipartisan 17-5 margin, the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee agreed to get rid of Sections 3403 and 10320 of the Patient Protection and Affordable ...

What I Learned At Haas Business School’s Health Care Conference

There’s a lot of entrepreneurial energy in the Bay Area, but I’m always surprised at how much of it is directed towards health care. As Apothecary readers surely recognize, if we were to rank sectors where the government lies ready to crush the entrepreneurial spirit, health care and education must ...

Two sides of Obama’s federal takeover of education

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. Waivers recently granted by President Obama to 10 states allowing them to escape the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act are themselves filled with prescriptive ...

Common Core and Universal Design for Learning

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. I was having a cup of inflation-stricken chili that looked a few ounces smaller than before—the Michelle food-police with her holier-than-thou dictates of nutrition must have convinced the ...

Win some, lose some on bill signing

We take selective note of bills signed or vetoed the past week by Gov. Jerry Brown. Commendably, the governor vetoed Senate Bill 1235, by Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento. It would have required the state superintendent of public instruction and the Department of Education to “provide training and ...

Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays

Key Points: Governor Jerry Brown and California legislators have attempted to get Medi-Cal’s budget under control by charging reasonable co-pays for medical and hospital services, especially emergency rooms. Secretary Sebelius has just quashed the state’s co-pay reform, relying on dubious legal interpretation. This federal overreach cost California taxpayers half a ...

Obamacare drives up health care costs for everyone

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released their annual report on health care spending in America. And surprise, surprise – spending continues to grow. It amounted to 17.9 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product in 2010, or $2.6 trillion. But the annual rate of growth was lower ...

Health spending slows but premiums still rising

A funny thing happened as a result of Obamacare, signed in March 2010: Although the cost of health care has increased at a slower rate than in previous years, premiums for health insurance and the share of premiums used for purposes other than paying claims has been increasing faster than ...

Romney-fication of health care reform

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick just exhorted legislators to overhaul the way the state pays for health care. He’s pushing for an end to the traditional arrangement of compensating doctors and hospitals for each service they provide. It’s not yet clear what will replace this “fee-for-service” payment system. But there’s growing ...

Kill the CLASS Act Before It Kills Taxpayers

The House of Representatives just voted to wipe a major part of President Obama’s healthcare law from the books — the Community Living Assistance Service and Supports Act. This CLASS Act would’ve established a federally run long-term-care insurance program. The Senate should continue the House’s work and repeal CLASS right ...

President Obama’s Medical Board: A Backdoor Path to Health Rationing

Last week, a House of Representatives subpanel overwhelmingly approved a measure to repeal a key component of President Obama’s 2010 health reform bill. By a bipartisan 17-5 margin, the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee agreed to get rid of Sections 3403 and 10320 of the Patient Protection and Affordable ...

What I Learned At Haas Business School’s Health Care Conference

There’s a lot of entrepreneurial energy in the Bay Area, but I’m always surprised at how much of it is directed towards health care. As Apothecary readers surely recognize, if we were to rank sectors where the government lies ready to crush the entrepreneurial spirit, health care and education must ...

Two sides of Obama’s federal takeover of education

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. Waivers recently granted by President Obama to 10 states allowing them to escape the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act are themselves filled with prescriptive ...

Common Core and Universal Design for Learning

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. I was having a cup of inflation-stricken chili that looked a few ounces smaller than before—the Michelle food-police with her holier-than-thou dictates of nutrition must have convinced the ...
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