

Obamacare’s doctor depression

Thanks to Obamacare, America’s corps of doctors appears to have a case of the blues. The Physicians Foundation recently asked more than 13,000 doctors about their morale, their career plans, their practices and their views of the Affordable Care Act. The results were grim. Nearly six in 10 doctors said ...

In Debates Romney Passes Education Test that Obama Fails

In the presidential debates and in recent interviews, it’s clear that Mitt Romney realizes something that President Obama can’t seem to fathom: the federal government is not the nation’s school board. In the recent third presidential debate, President Obama alluded to his support for national Common Core education standards that ...

Prop. 30 hikes taxes without fixing K-12 systemic flaws

As Gov. Jerry Brown scurries around the state to save Proposition 30, his ballot measure to increase state sales and income taxes, voters are expressing skepticism that the tax revenues raised by the initiative will be spent wisely. They have reason to worry because Prop. 30 includes no reform of ...

To Cure Rare Diseases, Unleash Orphan Drug Innovations

Last month, the City of Pittsburgh hosted the 35th annual Great Race, a charity run that raises money for the Richard S. Caliguiri Amyloidosis Research Fund. Caliguiri, a former Pittsburgh mayor, died of this rare protein disorder, and a portion of the race proceeds are used to help find a ...

ObamaCare Drives More Americans To The Public Dole

The U.S. Census recently announced that the number of Americans without health insurance in 2011 fell for the first time in three years, to 48.6 million. That’s a decrease of 1.3 million from the 2010 figure. Sounds like good news. But a closer look at the data suggests that this ...

Health care exchanges a disaster for states

All eyes are on voting day, November 6th. But ten days later may prove to be the true make-or-break moment of President Obama‘s political career — regardless of the election result. November 16th is the deadline for states to submit a blueprint to the federal government for Obamacare‘s insurance exchanges ...

Medical bankruptcy: Fact or fiction?

This year, a whopping 1.25 million Americans are expected to file for bankruptcy. That’s about equal to the entire population of New Hampshire. Ask the president and his allies whom to blame, and they’ll point to health care. President Obama has claimed that the cost of health care causes a ...
Business & Economics

To cut state prison budget, start with perks for guards

California’s voters will soon consider two ballot initiatives that aim to reduce the state’s unsustainable spending on prisons. The cost of jail is punishing – and not just for the prisoners. Incarcerating an inmate runs an average of $47,000 a year. That figure certainly is not chump change, but the ...

NPR Audience Wants End of Life Care Rationed for the Elderly

By centralizing control of health care, Obamacare will cause us to turn on each other to grab bigger pieces of the medical pie. The elderly will be among the first victims, as has already happened in the UK. Recently, NPR held a debate with utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer and an ...
Business & Economics

California’s politicians failing taxpayers

California’s state and local politicians are failing their fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers. As the taxpayers’ agents, California’s politicians should be establishing compensation policies that are generous enough to attract and retain the right people, but not so generous that government workers earn a substantial premium compared to their private ...

Obamacare’s doctor depression

Thanks to Obamacare, America’s corps of doctors appears to have a case of the blues. The Physicians Foundation recently asked more than 13,000 doctors about their morale, their career plans, their practices and their views of the Affordable Care Act. The results were grim. Nearly six in 10 doctors said ...

In Debates Romney Passes Education Test that Obama Fails

In the presidential debates and in recent interviews, it’s clear that Mitt Romney realizes something that President Obama can’t seem to fathom: the federal government is not the nation’s school board. In the recent third presidential debate, President Obama alluded to his support for national Common Core education standards that ...

Prop. 30 hikes taxes without fixing K-12 systemic flaws

As Gov. Jerry Brown scurries around the state to save Proposition 30, his ballot measure to increase state sales and income taxes, voters are expressing skepticism that the tax revenues raised by the initiative will be spent wisely. They have reason to worry because Prop. 30 includes no reform of ...

To Cure Rare Diseases, Unleash Orphan Drug Innovations

Last month, the City of Pittsburgh hosted the 35th annual Great Race, a charity run that raises money for the Richard S. Caliguiri Amyloidosis Research Fund. Caliguiri, a former Pittsburgh mayor, died of this rare protein disorder, and a portion of the race proceeds are used to help find a ...

ObamaCare Drives More Americans To The Public Dole

The U.S. Census recently announced that the number of Americans without health insurance in 2011 fell for the first time in three years, to 48.6 million. That’s a decrease of 1.3 million from the 2010 figure. Sounds like good news. But a closer look at the data suggests that this ...

Health care exchanges a disaster for states

All eyes are on voting day, November 6th. But ten days later may prove to be the true make-or-break moment of President Obama‘s political career — regardless of the election result. November 16th is the deadline for states to submit a blueprint to the federal government for Obamacare‘s insurance exchanges ...

Medical bankruptcy: Fact or fiction?

This year, a whopping 1.25 million Americans are expected to file for bankruptcy. That’s about equal to the entire population of New Hampshire. Ask the president and his allies whom to blame, and they’ll point to health care. President Obama has claimed that the cost of health care causes a ...
Business & Economics

To cut state prison budget, start with perks for guards

California’s voters will soon consider two ballot initiatives that aim to reduce the state’s unsustainable spending on prisons. The cost of jail is punishing – and not just for the prisoners. Incarcerating an inmate runs an average of $47,000 a year. That figure certainly is not chump change, but the ...

NPR Audience Wants End of Life Care Rationed for the Elderly

By centralizing control of health care, Obamacare will cause us to turn on each other to grab bigger pieces of the medical pie. The elderly will be among the first victims, as has already happened in the UK. Recently, NPR held a debate with utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer and an ...
Business & Economics

California’s politicians failing taxpayers

California’s state and local politicians are failing their fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers. As the taxpayers’ agents, California’s politicians should be establishing compensation policies that are generous enough to attract and retain the right people, but not so generous that government workers earn a substantial premium compared to their private ...
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