Charter Schools
The War on Charter Schools
Newly installed New York mayor Bill de Blasio ignited a nationwide firestorm of protest by his decision to close down three charter schools, which are independent, mostly nonunionized, deregulated public schools run by parents, nonprofits, and others. Yet there has been very little national notice of a similar recent action ...
Lance T. izumi
March 27, 2014
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough
President Obama marked the fourth anniversary of the passage of Obamacare this week by promising to spend the next year working to implement and improve on it. He has his work cut out for him. Four years on, the Affordable Care Act has failed to deliver what its name formally ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 24, 2014
Common Core: Little evidence to back its big changes
Despite its huge impact on the future of education in California, most Californians are only now learning about the Common Core national education standards that the state adopted several years ago. The reason for this inexcusable lag is because the Common Core creation, adoption and implementation process has lacked transparency. ...
Lance T. izumi
March 22, 2014
Teachers Union Cheers Victory Over Poor Latino Childern
During a 1954 congressional hearing, U.S. Army counsel Joseph Welch famously asked Senator Joseph McCarthy, Have you no sense of decency? The same question may be asked of the California Federation of Teachers (CFT), which featured a splashy cover photo and story on its February/March magazine that celebrated the defeat ...
Lance T. izumi
March 21, 2014
PIPES: The White House wants feds to bail out insurers if they lose money on Obamacare
The Obama administration has taken a red pen to its signature health care reform law again rewriting the measure without consulting Congress. This time, the White House wants to extend Obamacares risk corridors, which require the feds to bail out insurance companies if they lose too much money in ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 20, 2014
The Pipes Proviso
When our oldest daughter was in second grade her best friend was a classmate who was the daughter of an ophthalmologist from Canada. He devoted much of his practice to treating Medicaid patients at the county hospital. The family moved to Ottawa at the end of the school year and ...
Scott Johnson
March 17, 2014
This Is Obamacare ‘Working The Way It Should?’
At a town hall meeting earlier this month, President Obama declared that his signature health reform law is working the way it should. Thats news to employers, who are facing higher health costs and staggering administrative burdens thanks to the law. Theyve responded in part by cutting hours and cancelling ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 17, 2014
Price of Obamacare ‘savings’
The Obama administration appears to have received a rare bit of good news from one of the agencies managing its overhaul of the American health care system. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services just announced that the Accountable Care Organizations created by Obamacare in hopes of better coordinating seniors’ ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 13, 2014
Obamacare “savings” come at a high price
The Obama Administration appears to have received a rare bit of good news from one of the agencies managing its overhaul of the American healthcare system. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services just announced that the Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) created by Obamacare in hopes of better coordinating seniors’ ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 12, 2014
ACA’s unaffordable consequences
Congress’s bean-counters have rendered their verdict on Obamacare’s economic impact and it’s not good for the president. According to a Congressional Budget Office report released last month, the president’s health care law will reduce the number of hours Americans work by 1.5 to 2 percent the equivalent of ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 12, 2014
The War on Charter Schools
Newly installed New York mayor Bill de Blasio ignited a nationwide firestorm of protest by his decision to close down three charter schools, which are independent, mostly nonunionized, deregulated public schools run by parents, nonprofits, and others. Yet there has been very little national notice of a similar recent action ...
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough
President Obama marked the fourth anniversary of the passage of Obamacare this week by promising to spend the next year working to implement and improve on it. He has his work cut out for him. Four years on, the Affordable Care Act has failed to deliver what its name formally ...
Common Core: Little evidence to back its big changes
Despite its huge impact on the future of education in California, most Californians are only now learning about the Common Core national education standards that the state adopted several years ago. The reason for this inexcusable lag is because the Common Core creation, adoption and implementation process has lacked transparency. ...
Teachers Union Cheers Victory Over Poor Latino Childern
During a 1954 congressional hearing, U.S. Army counsel Joseph Welch famously asked Senator Joseph McCarthy, Have you no sense of decency? The same question may be asked of the California Federation of Teachers (CFT), which featured a splashy cover photo and story on its February/March magazine that celebrated the defeat ...
PIPES: The White House wants feds to bail out insurers if they lose money on Obamacare
The Obama administration has taken a red pen to its signature health care reform law again rewriting the measure without consulting Congress. This time, the White House wants to extend Obamacares risk corridors, which require the feds to bail out insurance companies if they lose too much money in ...
The Pipes Proviso
When our oldest daughter was in second grade her best friend was a classmate who was the daughter of an ophthalmologist from Canada. He devoted much of his practice to treating Medicaid patients at the county hospital. The family moved to Ottawa at the end of the school year and ...
This Is Obamacare ‘Working The Way It Should?’
At a town hall meeting earlier this month, President Obama declared that his signature health reform law is working the way it should. Thats news to employers, who are facing higher health costs and staggering administrative burdens thanks to the law. Theyve responded in part by cutting hours and cancelling ...
Price of Obamacare ‘savings’
The Obama administration appears to have received a rare bit of good news from one of the agencies managing its overhaul of the American health care system. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services just announced that the Accountable Care Organizations created by Obamacare in hopes of better coordinating seniors’ ...
Obamacare “savings” come at a high price
The Obama Administration appears to have received a rare bit of good news from one of the agencies managing its overhaul of the American healthcare system. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services just announced that the Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) created by Obamacare in hopes of better coordinating seniors’ ...
ACA’s unaffordable consequences
Congress’s bean-counters have rendered their verdict on Obamacare’s economic impact and it’s not good for the president. According to a Congressional Budget Office report released last month, the president’s health care law will reduce the number of hours Americans work by 1.5 to 2 percent the equivalent of ...