

Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges Are Already Turning Into A Disaster

Devoted users of Internet radio apps like Pandora may soon hear unexpected sound bites on their favorite music channels — ads touting ObamaCare. That’s right. In an attempt to drum up support for the law’s health insurance exchanges, some states are planning advertising campaigns that could include everything from pro-ObamaCare ...

Killed by cost-cutting

British officials confirmed this month that as many as 1,200 people died needlessly at a government-run hospital in Stafford, a city in western England. According to the government’s official report, Britain’s National Health Service was so fixated on “protecting ministers from political criticism” that it resorted to denying patients critical ...
Business & Economics

High taxes push people out of California

On Election Day, California’s voters approved Prop. 30 by a margin of more than 700,000 votes. Championed by Gov. Jerry Brown, this ballot initiative will ratchet up income and sales tax rates over the next few years. It’s expected to pull in some $6 billion in new funding for public ...
Business & Economics

Report: Costly state energy policies to raise California power costs by 33 percent

California has been a leader in Renewable Energy production, in part due to federal and state level policies that provide incentives for producers of renewable power. However, a new report found that California’s Energy policies will raise state power rates and associated costs by nearly 33 percent. The report by ...

What’s the Matter with California’s Sick Health Insurance Market?

Health insurers across the country have begun warning of major premium increases as Obamacare kicks into high gear this year and next. Consumers in multiple states will see rate increases of 20 percent or more, and some could see their premiums double. Government health officials are outraged — and nowhere ...
Business & Economics

Charity’s Unseen Benefit: It Protects Civil Society From The State

Charities and other nonprofit institutions perform a vast array of altruistic works yielding benefits for both the direct beneficiaries and for society writ large. Most such activities are obvious: medical services for the indigent, educational services for the disadvantaged, support for the arts, and the like. But such organizations serve ...

The EPA Is Politicized—So Make It Official

Lisa Jackson, who announced on Dec. 27 that she was stepping down as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, will be leaving under a cloud. It turns out that she had been using an email account, under the alias “Richard Windsor,” to conduct official business, in an apparent attempt to ...

Healthcare reform tax on medical devices is a mistake

During a time when our nation’s economy struggles to stabilize and manufacturing jobs continue to diminish there has been one industry within the manufacturing sector that has ascended as a global leader – America’s medical device industry. This industry, described as an American success story, has brought us lifesaving technologies ...

Obamacare’s not-so essential benefits

Federal officials at the Department of Health and Human Services just finalized rules governing health insurance for individuals and small businesses purchased through Obamacare’s new exchanges. The announcement brings us a step closer to a health-care system wherein spending continues to grow rapidly while basic coverage remains unaffordable. Just look ...

Obamacare Guarantees Higher Health Insurance Premiums — $3,000+ Higher

President Obama will deliver a second inaugural address later this month. He’ll no doubt reflect on what he’s done during his first four years in office — and on his signature healthcare law in particular. Let’s reflect with him. During his first campaign for the presidency in 2008, the president ...

Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges Are Already Turning Into A Disaster

Devoted users of Internet radio apps like Pandora may soon hear unexpected sound bites on their favorite music channels — ads touting ObamaCare. That’s right. In an attempt to drum up support for the law’s health insurance exchanges, some states are planning advertising campaigns that could include everything from pro-ObamaCare ...

Killed by cost-cutting

British officials confirmed this month that as many as 1,200 people died needlessly at a government-run hospital in Stafford, a city in western England. According to the government’s official report, Britain’s National Health Service was so fixated on “protecting ministers from political criticism” that it resorted to denying patients critical ...
Business & Economics

High taxes push people out of California

On Election Day, California’s voters approved Prop. 30 by a margin of more than 700,000 votes. Championed by Gov. Jerry Brown, this ballot initiative will ratchet up income and sales tax rates over the next few years. It’s expected to pull in some $6 billion in new funding for public ...
Business & Economics

Report: Costly state energy policies to raise California power costs by 33 percent

California has been a leader in Renewable Energy production, in part due to federal and state level policies that provide incentives for producers of renewable power. However, a new report found that California’s Energy policies will raise state power rates and associated costs by nearly 33 percent. The report by ...

What’s the Matter with California’s Sick Health Insurance Market?

Health insurers across the country have begun warning of major premium increases as Obamacare kicks into high gear this year and next. Consumers in multiple states will see rate increases of 20 percent or more, and some could see their premiums double. Government health officials are outraged — and nowhere ...
Business & Economics

Charity’s Unseen Benefit: It Protects Civil Society From The State

Charities and other nonprofit institutions perform a vast array of altruistic works yielding benefits for both the direct beneficiaries and for society writ large. Most such activities are obvious: medical services for the indigent, educational services for the disadvantaged, support for the arts, and the like. But such organizations serve ...

The EPA Is Politicized—So Make It Official

Lisa Jackson, who announced on Dec. 27 that she was stepping down as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, will be leaving under a cloud. It turns out that she had been using an email account, under the alias “Richard Windsor,” to conduct official business, in an apparent attempt to ...

Healthcare reform tax on medical devices is a mistake

During a time when our nation’s economy struggles to stabilize and manufacturing jobs continue to diminish there has been one industry within the manufacturing sector that has ascended as a global leader – America’s medical device industry. This industry, described as an American success story, has brought us lifesaving technologies ...

Obamacare’s not-so essential benefits

Federal officials at the Department of Health and Human Services just finalized rules governing health insurance for individuals and small businesses purchased through Obamacare’s new exchanges. The announcement brings us a step closer to a health-care system wherein spending continues to grow rapidly while basic coverage remains unaffordable. Just look ...

Obamacare Guarantees Higher Health Insurance Premiums — $3,000+ Higher

President Obama will deliver a second inaugural address later this month. He’ll no doubt reflect on what he’s done during his first four years in office — and on his signature healthcare law in particular. Let’s reflect with him. During his first campaign for the presidency in 2008, the president ...
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