

Covered California’s Big Budget Blowout Is Coming

Only by Obamacare’s standards could Covered California, Sacramento’s state-run Obamacare exchange, be considered a success. Outside California, Obamacare is fading fast in the states. Some – led by Oregon and Maryland – intend to abandon their Obamacare health-insurance exchanges and let the federal government takeover. Covered California, however, is firing ...

State healthcare exchanges show flaws of Obamacare

Obamacare‘s most loyal proponents are dropping like flies. Of the 14 states and the District of Columbia that established their own health insurance exchanges, no less than seven remain completely broken or dysfunctional. One has already been taken over by the federal government. The others may soon be. Obamacare envisioned ...

Repeal and Replace Remains the Goal

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently admitted that it has no idea what Obamacare will end up costing taxpayers. The budget agency has quietly gone back on its initial claim that the law would lower the deficit by $120 billion over the next decade. The reason? It can’t track the ...

Even the Labor Unions Are Souring on Obamacare

President Obama’s health reform law may have claimed a new victim — organized labor. Thanks to Obamacare, labor unions are facing higher health insurance costs — as well as steeper out-of-pocket bills and wage cuts. Consequently, these erstwhile allies of the president appear to be signing on with the majority ...

Where’s Weyermuller: Is School Choice the Answer?

“Not as good as you think” is the title of an extensive Illinois education study released this week in Chicago. The subtitle is: “Why Middle Class Parents In Illinois should be Concerned about Their Local Public Schools.” The author Lance Izumi introduced the 152 page study at a breakfast sponsored ...

Total Victory For The Children

In a scathing opinion, Los Angeles trial judge Rolf Treu ruled that California’s laws governing teacher tenure, teacher layoffs and teacher dismissals were unconstitutional. Judge Treu said that the evidence presented in the case of Vergara vs. California was not only compelling, but “shocked the conscience.” Most shocking of all, ...

Killing fair play for charter schools

Recently, the enemies of school choice won a significant victory. A small, but very important, amendment to the California Education Code, Assembly Bill 2225 by Assemblyman Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, died in the Assembly education committee – voted down by Democrats in a party-line vote. This bill merely said that ...

Drug Discount Program Drives up Costs, Discounts the Poor

American cancer patients have never had a better chance of beating the disease than they do today. In the last quarter-century, cancer death rates have declined by more than one-fifth. But these gains in the fight against cancer haven’t come cheaply. Cancer drug prices have doubled in the past decade. ...

Suburban Schools Not Actually That Good, Studies Find

The schools middle-class families send their kids to aren’t as good as parents think, say two recently released studies from different sources. A national study released in May found that U.S. students whose parents have college degrees perform worse than peers from comparable families in other countries. In the United ...

Obamacare rate shocks are coming

Next year has already arrived for health insurers. The Obama administration has asked that insurers submit their proposed premiums for 2015 within the next month – even as they attempt to collect payment from about 1 million of the 8 million people who signed up for coverage in the exchanges ...

Covered California’s Big Budget Blowout Is Coming

Only by Obamacare’s standards could Covered California, Sacramento’s state-run Obamacare exchange, be considered a success. Outside California, Obamacare is fading fast in the states. Some – led by Oregon and Maryland – intend to abandon their Obamacare health-insurance exchanges and let the federal government takeover. Covered California, however, is firing ...

State healthcare exchanges show flaws of Obamacare

Obamacare‘s most loyal proponents are dropping like flies. Of the 14 states and the District of Columbia that established their own health insurance exchanges, no less than seven remain completely broken or dysfunctional. One has already been taken over by the federal government. The others may soon be. Obamacare envisioned ...

Repeal and Replace Remains the Goal

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently admitted that it has no idea what Obamacare will end up costing taxpayers. The budget agency has quietly gone back on its initial claim that the law would lower the deficit by $120 billion over the next decade. The reason? It can’t track the ...

Even the Labor Unions Are Souring on Obamacare

President Obama’s health reform law may have claimed a new victim — organized labor. Thanks to Obamacare, labor unions are facing higher health insurance costs — as well as steeper out-of-pocket bills and wage cuts. Consequently, these erstwhile allies of the president appear to be signing on with the majority ...

Where’s Weyermuller: Is School Choice the Answer?

“Not as good as you think” is the title of an extensive Illinois education study released this week in Chicago. The subtitle is: “Why Middle Class Parents In Illinois should be Concerned about Their Local Public Schools.” The author Lance Izumi introduced the 152 page study at a breakfast sponsored ...

Total Victory For The Children

In a scathing opinion, Los Angeles trial judge Rolf Treu ruled that California’s laws governing teacher tenure, teacher layoffs and teacher dismissals were unconstitutional. Judge Treu said that the evidence presented in the case of Vergara vs. California was not only compelling, but “shocked the conscience.” Most shocking of all, ...

Killing fair play for charter schools

Recently, the enemies of school choice won a significant victory. A small, but very important, amendment to the California Education Code, Assembly Bill 2225 by Assemblyman Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, died in the Assembly education committee – voted down by Democrats in a party-line vote. This bill merely said that ...

Drug Discount Program Drives up Costs, Discounts the Poor

American cancer patients have never had a better chance of beating the disease than they do today. In the last quarter-century, cancer death rates have declined by more than one-fifth. But these gains in the fight against cancer haven’t come cheaply. Cancer drug prices have doubled in the past decade. ...

Suburban Schools Not Actually That Good, Studies Find

The schools middle-class families send their kids to aren’t as good as parents think, say two recently released studies from different sources. A national study released in May found that U.S. students whose parents have college degrees perform worse than peers from comparable families in other countries. In the United ...

Obamacare rate shocks are coming

Next year has already arrived for health insurers. The Obama administration has asked that insurers submit their proposed premiums for 2015 within the next month – even as they attempt to collect payment from about 1 million of the 8 million people who signed up for coverage in the exchanges ...
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