

Bay Area growth: Why not spread out into rural land instead of building in cities?

The last two centuries have brought unprecedented urbanization around the world. Large cities have become the norm by meeting the aspirations of new residents. Cities are primarily economic organisms and are justified only by improving the lives of their residents, by facilitating higher discretionary incomes and reducing poverty. However, in ...

If no changes, no Medicare

Medicare has two more years to live than previously thought. The program’s trustees recently estimated that the “depletion date for the trust fund is 2026, two years later than was shown in last year’s report.” But that conclusion is less a vote of confidence than a two-year stay of execution. ...

Still time to repeal Obamacare

On July 2, the Obama administration announced that it would delay implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s “employer mandate” until 2015. This much-bemoaned provision will require businesses with at least 50 employees who work 30 hours or more a week to provide health insurance to all full-timers. Employers that fail ...

For Small Business Owners, The Obamacare Reality Bites

More than 40 percent of small businesses have frozen hiring because of Obamacare, according to a new poll from Gallup. A fifth have actually cut their workforces as a direct result of the healthcare reform law. That’s not exactly the future President Obama forecast in 2009, when he told an ...

Organized Labor And Business: The Latest Strange Bedfellows To Unite Against Obamacare

Obamacare is proving the old axiom that politics makes strange bedfellows. Organized labor and the business community are the latest unlikely pair to unite in opposition to the healthcare reform law. Both groups are discovering that Obamacare will substantially increase the cost of providing health benefits — to the detriment ...

Beware of a Forestry Standard Monopoly

Before any policy is changed, the potential economic consequences that they can cause should be considered. The Community Reinvestment Act and other affordable housing regulations, for instance, were supposed to increase loan availability to under-served communities. Unintentionally, these regulations played an important role in creating the housing boom and bust ...

Obamacare’s exchanges are on a collision course with reality

Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges are supposed to enroll millions of Americans in just a few months. That may come as a surprise to them, according to a new poll. More than three-quarters of Americans know “little” or “nothing” about the state-based exchanges, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. They won’t ...

Creating Better Forestry Certification Programs through Competition

It is basic Economics 101. Competitive markets create better outcomes than monopolists. Monopolists restrict supply and charge higher prices. Dynamically, monopolists face fewer incentives to create new products or improve how their products are made. In fact, creating new technologies or processes could undermine a monopolist’s current market dominance. What ...

Thanks to Obamacare, A 20,000 Doctor Shortage is Set to Quintuple

Obamacare is set to provide some 16 million people with health insurance through Medicaid or the new exchanges next year. Unfortunately, their policies may not be worth much — as they may not be able to actually get care. America is suffering from a doctor shortage. An influx of millions ...

ObamaCare Sticker Shock Will Hit Americans Hard

Federal lawmakers are warning Americans to prepare for some “shocking” news when they renew their health insurance next year. The House Energy and Commerce Committee just published “The Looming Premium Rate Shock” — a report estimating that some Americans could see their insurance bills quintuple. It’s yet more evidence that ...

Bay Area growth: Why not spread out into rural land instead of building in cities?

The last two centuries have brought unprecedented urbanization around the world. Large cities have become the norm by meeting the aspirations of new residents. Cities are primarily economic organisms and are justified only by improving the lives of their residents, by facilitating higher discretionary incomes and reducing poverty. However, in ...

If no changes, no Medicare

Medicare has two more years to live than previously thought. The program’s trustees recently estimated that the “depletion date for the trust fund is 2026, two years later than was shown in last year’s report.” But that conclusion is less a vote of confidence than a two-year stay of execution. ...

Still time to repeal Obamacare

On July 2, the Obama administration announced that it would delay implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s “employer mandate” until 2015. This much-bemoaned provision will require businesses with at least 50 employees who work 30 hours or more a week to provide health insurance to all full-timers. Employers that fail ...

For Small Business Owners, The Obamacare Reality Bites

More than 40 percent of small businesses have frozen hiring because of Obamacare, according to a new poll from Gallup. A fifth have actually cut their workforces as a direct result of the healthcare reform law. That’s not exactly the future President Obama forecast in 2009, when he told an ...

Organized Labor And Business: The Latest Strange Bedfellows To Unite Against Obamacare

Obamacare is proving the old axiom that politics makes strange bedfellows. Organized labor and the business community are the latest unlikely pair to unite in opposition to the healthcare reform law. Both groups are discovering that Obamacare will substantially increase the cost of providing health benefits — to the detriment ...

Beware of a Forestry Standard Monopoly

Before any policy is changed, the potential economic consequences that they can cause should be considered. The Community Reinvestment Act and other affordable housing regulations, for instance, were supposed to increase loan availability to under-served communities. Unintentionally, these regulations played an important role in creating the housing boom and bust ...

Obamacare’s exchanges are on a collision course with reality

Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges are supposed to enroll millions of Americans in just a few months. That may come as a surprise to them, according to a new poll. More than three-quarters of Americans know “little” or “nothing” about the state-based exchanges, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. They won’t ...

Creating Better Forestry Certification Programs through Competition

It is basic Economics 101. Competitive markets create better outcomes than monopolists. Monopolists restrict supply and charge higher prices. Dynamically, monopolists face fewer incentives to create new products or improve how their products are made. In fact, creating new technologies or processes could undermine a monopolist’s current market dominance. What ...

Thanks to Obamacare, A 20,000 Doctor Shortage is Set to Quintuple

Obamacare is set to provide some 16 million people with health insurance through Medicaid or the new exchanges next year. Unfortunately, their policies may not be worth much — as they may not be able to actually get care. America is suffering from a doctor shortage. An influx of millions ...

ObamaCare Sticker Shock Will Hit Americans Hard

Federal lawmakers are warning Americans to prepare for some “shocking” news when they renew their health insurance next year. The House Energy and Commerce Committee just published “The Looming Premium Rate Shock” — a report estimating that some Americans could see their insurance bills quintuple. It’s yet more evidence that ...
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